Wow!! 71 million reasons to hide for 75 years 🤬🤬🤬

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www.Vigiaccess.org The WHO's public access database to check Adverse Effects.

-On the landing page, select Disclaimer at the foot of the page.

-Next page, type in: "Covid-19 Vaccine" (no quotation marks)

-Select the first option on the list that pops up. This lists all the ADRs for all the different manufacturers in one list.

40% of the ADRs are for people 18-44 years of age. We need to get the word out about this site.

The public cannot self-report on it. There are over 4.3 Million reports.

The deaths are listed under the General category.... Death, Sudden Death, Brain Death, Cardiac, etc, etc just search on that category. The various other categories are filled with serious reports.

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Thank you - I've spent many hours in VAERS but not this site. I've already sent it and your instructions to several people. A question please:

When you write the public can't self report, then who is reporting ? The medical community? If so, why are there not more coming clean and whiste blowing. I appreciate learnig about Vigiaccess.org - Mark

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Psychopaths! Criminals! If no earthly court ever convicts them, there can be little doubt a Higher Court will.

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I don't even have to read this article, to know what it says. I live in FL, and there was a local Dr. on Florida Man Radio, with Shannon Burke, he was promoting alternative treatments back then and having success. He made a statement way back then he stated "There will be MORE deaths from the JAB ! than the disease" How prophetic was He ?

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Now, just watch and see while absolutely nothing happens to these evil thugs.

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It’s the same evil thugs that blew up the nord stream pipeline……

officials and pundits privately point the finger at Washington, but don't express it publicly: 

I know this runs counter to our narrative - you aren't allowed to say these things in the West, but the fact of the matter is all over the world when I talk to people, they think the US did it. 


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Don't worry about that. It's water under the bridge. You can't do much about it, except wining. Now, you should REALLY worry about what they plan next... it's gruesome! :


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All CDC and FDA participants need to go to prison - that will be a clear message to broadcast every where and if media doesn’t well they also need to be in prison

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read Karen Kingston if you want to know what is actually in the jabs. she has all the info and the patents. It is very damning

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What about the number of vaxed dead? 100s of thousands?

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022


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Come on people, stop acting surprised and angry?, Remember it was the CIA that first coined the term 'conspiracy theorist '?! Wakey wakey

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