Create the mythical Al-Qaeda for the phony "War on Terror"= Money Laundering Scheme

Create the mythical SARS-CoV-2 for the phony "Covid Pandemic"= Money Laundering Scheme

Create the mythical "Russina Invasion" for the phony "War in Ukraine"= Money Laundering Scheme

One could go on.

If you understand this you understand the madness unfolding around you. The social contract has been broken & the pensions can’t be paid. 99.99% of the world just doesn’t know this yet.

Central bankers and politicians have bankrupted the world. A lot of the distractions you see in the media and on the global-stage are meant to cover-up that reality. Most people just don’t know it yet. It’s not a coincidence that every G7 Leader is intentionally destroying their Country at the request of the World Economic Forum.

The coordination patterns of this are undeniable. That's right, and they will crash the system back to zero and start again with digital currency/digital ID/Social credit score.

There is no way the public will ever get to see the audit trail for the $300 trillion world debt. These last three years is the desperation of the death rattle of the central banks

"What Covid19 is, is the institution of controls necessary to convert the planet from democratic process to technocracy... so think of this as a coup d'etat."

- Katherine Austin Fitts

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Well, of course ... what took so long?

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Considering all the natural resources and port access that it has, BlackRock/WEF are going to make LOTS of money from their "assistance".

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It's going to be a "debt trap", which has been used by China VERY successfully to acquire natural resources and own the ports to essentially rape a country. Look at the "Belt and Road Initiative" as a template. Essentially the "collatoral" for the loans are the natural resources, ports, port-capable land, electrical generation capabilities, airports, etc.

Essentially China ended up owning critical infrastructure and ports for military and shipping purposes around the world. And why? They offered a "loan" to a desperate people/government to "assist" them under horrendously usurious rates (the collatoral). It wouldn't take much to sabotage their economy to ensure that they defaulted. The US has bailed out a few of these countries in the past that had strategic value.

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Maybe black rock needs to compensate for all the states pulling their retirement funds out for investing in climate change boondoggles rather then investing with their fiduciary requirements directing the investments!

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It’s real clear to me that Ukraine is as corrupt as the Biden’s are. They’re all in it together. I say let Russia take them

out !

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Dear JD Rucker, I'm a Jewish immigrant from Odessa Ukraine. I am eternally grateful to my parents for bringing us to US in 1979 from the heinous USSR. Ukraine was then still part of USSR. I am a movement Conservative, so obviously there's but a handful of people I sort of trust in government. I think you're off on Ukraine. Zelensky's only goal has been pushing back the army of the neighbor terrorist state, joining EU and hopefully NATO. To that end he will work with ANYBODY because his people are suffering. A point seemingly understated in ALL your Ukraine related postings. So he has to do anything possible and use all his skills, including acting, negotiating and political skills to bring in any and all resources for the war effort. Is it corruption free? I don't know, but the truth will come out either way, and it will be backed by facts and truth, of which your acusive postings are entirely lacking, rendering them purely click bait. I don't like globalist authoritarian pukes and US Democrats are purely on my f*ck list of death. So I guess I'm asking you to do better. Seek proof and facts. We're not blind idiots. Ultimately that's NOT who you want for your base readership. Good luck to you in furthering and strengthening Conservative causes and values.

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Kind of hard to go along with calling Zelensky's motives being pure, as the Bidens have been scraping off a chunk of foreign aide given for themselves and being kind of open about it. Then there is the Nazi's in Ukraine , the shutting down of political rivals, independent news reporters, and the Orthodox church. Finally his wife going tp Paris for extravagant clothes shopping. The biden administration, Zelensky, and Putin all suck.

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One at a time. Zelensky is not a US Democrat OR Republican. He's the president of Ukraine, and it doesn't matter to him where the money for defense against Russian aggressor comes from. As a side note, I think our Demorrhoids are funneling that money to their reelection campaigns, as a minimum through Raytheon and Lockheed Martin kickbacks.

Next, Ukrain is a country at WAR. There IS no opposition. If opposition wants to help they can pick up a gun. Otherwise stfu.

Next, there were SOME churches that were operating to spy and help the enemy, Russia. They were shut down and prosecuted as war spies. And correctly so. Otherwise why would the little Jewish guy would shut only SOME churches. What gives??? So there you go.

Next, Wifey off on a Paris shopping spree? If true, the man is suffering from and is guilty of "Can't control my bitch" syndrome, leading to bad optics, but no more.

And lastly, Putin and Zelensky are a problem over THERE. Biden, or whoever this raggedy f*ck is that's playing Biden, is OUR problem. The globalist regime. That needs to get resolved. WE THE PEOPLE have the CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to do so.

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Oh no! Nazis in Ukraine? Horrors! Wait - there are Nazis in Russia (Wagner brigade) and America too; also women shopping for expensive clothes. Should both Russia and America be invaded and bombed?

There is no THE Orthodox church. The Ukrainian Orthodox church is open and in business. BTW, I wonder how warmly the Ukrainian Orthodox church is tolerated in Russia...?

I have no love for Ukraine, the country my Jewish ancestors fled in fear for their lives. Neither do I think it should be wiped off the map either.

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Thats why I didnt respond to Nazis in Ukraine part, because it was so f*cking stupid....lol

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Assuming the photo is not Photoshopped it was good of Zelensky to self-identify as the satanist I've always assumed this grifter to be. I had not seen it before. But it does make me wonder about his recent Congressional debut. Was he being greeted as the "heroic defender of democracy fighting against the evil aggression of Putin," that he is made out to be, or was he simply greeted as a fellow scum-/dirtbag on a quest for Devine eternal judgment? I'm inclined to think the latter when I recall that Miss Nancy was officiating the fun and frolic. But it is disappointing to acknowledge that the conservatives couldn't have excluded themselves from this repulsive lovefest.

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Correct. We are nearing the end game for The Great Reset. Evil is ascendant.

We face Mind War and an end game of total rule by unaccountable elites. The WEF plans to control energy, food, healthcare, etc. -- to replace free elections, freedom, and Nation States.


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That should tell us all the end is near. All of these out-in-the-open moves including the vaccine cull, indicate to me that its full speed ahead regardless of how its viewed from the outside.


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Who didn't see this one coming?

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You’re surprised the khazarian mafia is going to do khazarian shit in the land of khazar?

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I'm surprised that foreign trolls have access to American blogs... Not!

Bye, Mr. Rucker. You let this comment stand, I had enough.

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I can’t mention the khazarian mafia?

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You can't go delusional abdul.


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Sheesh. This guy must’ve been a member of the khazarian mafia or something.

Lol. This guy gets so butthurt over the comment “Khazarian mafia” that he threatens to quit the Substack over it…

Then drops a racial slur.

How nice, the double standard is.

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Again. Good job following what is going on and reporting it.

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Best stress relief i found with all this BS going on in this world nowadays https://www.pornxpert.com

Thank me later lol!

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Nuke it !

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