GLOBAL epidemic of cancer in young people is emerging : gee...can't be tied to the jab,lol

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Frankly, we need to be as kind to them as they were to us. Remember the Golden Rule. I have zero sympathy for people to demonized us unvaxxed, the same level of sympathy they had for us. What goes around, comes around. Besides, this plandemic goes well beyond vaxx -v- no vaxx. Whether wittingly or unwittingly, pro-vaxxers played right into the globalist plans of the City of London and the rest of the international banking cartel who are pulling the strings of the puppets in sovereign governments around the world, enabling both additional tracking and injecting to create their slave society, a work in progress. They may not have known that that was what they were doing, but, to me, it doesn't matter. Ignorance, when ample information was available concerning the motives and goals of the globalists, is no excuse.

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I have no beef whatsoever with what you say, Joe, except for the "golden rule". The golden rule says we should treat others as we WANT to be treated... not as we "were" treated. It's an important distinction, altho can be an incredibly difficult one. I admit, i find myself not so able OR willing to follow it.

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No quibble here. I was kind of invoking the Golden Rule in reverse; i.e., since they did not follow the rule, we shouldn't either. My poor choice of wording, I suppose. I have found that avoiding the subject altogether with true believers works best, although I find it difficult to hold back when I know the truth will make them better off, or I hope it will. Take care.

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That's a gracious response, thank you, and i detect real strength behind it. What you've said reflects my own feeling a lot, actually.

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Great narrative JD, as are all your pieces.

I have to differ with you, on just about all of it though.

As a few have alluded to here, there are only two categories of the jabbed, that I would extend any consideration to...those who chose to take it, in order to keep a job and provide for their families. I work for a larger Gov contractor and have many co-workers, who have kids and felt they couldn't afford to lose their jobs (which goes back to my rants about debt making you vulnerable). Those that I was counseling, as the mandates rolled out, didn't want to get the jab, but felt they had to. I told them if they got it, they should up their life insurance and long term disability/healthcare insurance, they chuckled. They are now chronically ill and I would imagine one diagnosis away from a life changing/ending reality.

However, none of them have ever been on the "anti-vaxxers are the problem" band wagon. They all say they wish they had felt they could've made a different choice. All of them are now fighting to keep the sludge, out of their children.

The other group of people who would merit my time or efforts, in giving info about the jabs, are those who decided to get it, then went about their business...as if they were getting their annual flu shot. No activism and no Karen chanting, they just made a choice for THEMSELVES and left others, to do the same.

All others, can get stuffed!!

They run the gambit from the regime leaders/bureaucrats, celebs, politicians, sports figures, activist groups, healthcare workers, teachers, etc., Anyone who lent their presence and support in pushing the agenda, on humanity are at fault. The same as the German citizens, who cheered as jews were rounded up by the SA and Gestapo.

This is murder and experimentation, plain and simple and if they were complicit, then they can reap what the have sewn

Now, some will say, but maybe they were brainwashed. Well sorry, but they had just as much chance and ability, to question the jabs and intent of the tyrants, as we all did. It's like listening to someone complain about predatory lending, for college loans. BS...if the student or parents are too stupid to read, do math and consider the future debt, they need to go back to grade school and learn to count. No sympathy, for those asking the rest of us to shoulder the burden of their ineptitude. Same with the jab psychopaths.

Let's go all bleeding heart liberal for a sec and say..."these poor sheeple were victims of insanely diabolical propaganda". Well guess what, they are going to be the same sheeple, that buy it again, again and again. They'll turn on anyone, the regime labels, as the enemy...YOU and I.

If the last 3 years have done anything, they taught us all that we don't really know the people we thought we did. Hopefully everyone paid attention. When the chips are thrown down again, the ones who turned on us the last time, will be the same ones next time.

It is who they are, when stressed...they will run for the path of least resistance...and that includes sacrificing whoever they need to.

The old adages are the best ones...They made your bed, now they can lie in it!!

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You forgot the children. Many kids were forced or coerced into getting it by schools, peer pressure or even parents.

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100% correct. Thank you for that addition!!

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Their education suffered, and they now can't pass state tests, especially those with hearing, or vision disabilities, and those with unknown health conditions. Remote learning was an issue for many. Adults used to doing Zoom classes didn't seem as affected. Hub teaches Ham Extra Classes, his last 3 were via Zoom, they are small classes, mostly middle-aged people. He turned 82 this year and is an Electronic, Math major, retired Prof, and use to teaching any way it's done with nearly 40 years of experience, where many grade school teachers were not.

Those who are Home Schooled already seemed to fair better. and avoided the shots.

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I only hope there is a special place in Hell for those who knew the vax was bad and continued to promote it!

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Everybody needs to go to The Gateway Pundit and search for "Must Watch: The Big Reset Movie". This documentary is a must watch and very well made. It speaks with experts from all over the world, some in hiding due to death threats, about the hoax and recent findings of the shot ingredients. If the world could see this documentary it would be the ultimate wake up call.

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The not-too-distant future should do much to clarify all of this. Those who were evil will be seen as evil. Those who promoted the jabs because their positions as health professionals required it will come around to a full understanding of what they have done. And the multitudes who got the jab because of their misplaced trust in government will... well, who knows? Will they start dropping like flies? Will they succumb to various diseases? Will they grow an extra arm? The future will make it clear. Whatever happens, it should make for an interesting show.

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We watched On the Water Front last night, Brando, there was an announcer giving the background, which included the Communist in Hollyweird, McArthy was right, many were blacklisted, and Kazan was one, but he rolled over on some of the big ones. And wasn't blacklisted. I feel he should have been, but then I feel that Hanoi Jane should have been branded a Traitor, stripped of citizenship, and expelled from the USA. She plays a role in these shots too. and many more leftist causes.

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One part of me agrees with your compassion for those experiencing side effects and waking up, however, these are people who are only coming around to the little bits being released in the mainstream. They are still spineless and will quickly turn back if it benefits themselves. We need allies but do we need weak links that will ultimately sell out because its fashionable? Be careful, a leopard doesn’t change its spots. These people allow themselves to be victims and will be used over and over again because they welcome it. Not sorry to say that.

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Thank you I much appreciate your writings it is like that refreshing drink of a trustworthy messenger in proverbs.

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Yes the climate change cult is a doozy. But we also need to be hopeful they wake up about Ukraine. A bigger bunch of sheep I've never known. It's truly astonishing.

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For those who believed in the vax - no questions asked - and belittled us for our 180 degree mindset, there is no sympathy lost. Many of those same people are in DENIAL , now and forever. But, as you point out, JD, there are so many others who were virtually forced into taking the injection. Dan Bongino, for example, admitted to the world that taking the vaccine was the "biggest regret of my life." That admission is courageous, and gut-wrenching.

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Well said. We do need more to realize this, without being called out for not questioning, (I’ll need to bite my tongue tho) but the third group gets no pass and many need indicted for their participation in the big lie.

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This is an excellent essay we need to keep in our back pocket!

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Correction beliw. Modeling how they want us to receive our fate. Example Repre. Sean castens acceptance of his healthy 17 year old vxed daughter sudden death in her sleep. Prepare your mind, they're telling us

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Agree with your analysis. I have friends and family that we never discussed the shot. Although I know they got it and they know I didn't. It would be cruel to pound on them because now they are having their "Oh s**t moment. Then you have people who have been brainwashed by the media, etc., who could be good allies. The rest can go to hell because they deserve it!

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JD you have another spamer

Shaun Marphe

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What do we do with the Perpetrators, Fauci, his wife, Redfield, this is neither's first go-round with deception and great harm in HIV, Deaths, crippling, Gates, Soros, and others of their ILK, that includes Biden. Newsom, Whitmer, Cumo, Hochul, and others like them? Nuremberg Trials for sure followed by Helsinki Accords. Publicly done, and Publically Hung. Both India and Africa want Gates. How culpable is his former wife? ALL HAVE MILLIONS OF LIVES IN BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

And then we have the so-called accidental COVID shots subbed for Flu shots given to our objecting Military, both vials are clearly marked what they are. Who pays for that egregious 'error'? No warnings were given about the dangers of Flu shots post Covid shots or having had Covid. https://www.newsweek.com/pfizer-covid-shot-accidentally-given-military-base-patients-seeking-other-vaccine-1643258

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