He needs to withdraw from the Senate race altogether. That was something I heard not too long ago, that he was suspending his campaign because it was going nowhere. Now the Trump endorsement might give him renewed incentive to stay in. Trump needs to revise his endorsement post haste.

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Dr. Oz has as much right to run for office as anyone else does. The voters will decide.

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OZ is a RINO just like Romney maybe worse.

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He couldn't be worse than Romney. No way.

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Go to twitter and follow Jack Posobiec.. he has it all. His positions on transgender stuff, abortion .. see for yourself!

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I'm not in PA and I'm not voting for him. I am trying to put forward the idea that anyone has the right to be on the ballot. It is up to the voters to choose who they want their candidate to be. This is another reason why I favor closed primaries. The most committed voters vote in primaries. If they can choose between a squishy Republican and a solid conservative they will choose the conservative. However, it is up to the voters to have their say. Dr. Oz, as an American citizen, has the right to run for office.

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I was born and raised in PA until three years ago when I was able to move to a "free" state. The issue is that Oz is not standing on his history he is trying to disregard/change it and unless the voters REALLY REALLY look they will be duped. Glad I am not there anymore!

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in NJ, not Pennsylvania. Better for a Pennsylvanian to run in Pennsylvania.

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OK...I agree with you. Let those Pennsylvanians get their names on the ballot and let the voters decide.

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A person that has lived there and knows the state.

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That is true, but frequently, some voters are still bedazzled by the fact that he is on Oprah, and the whole personality-on-TV aspect comes into play. He’s on TV, so he must be smart and capable, which he probably is on TV, and thus they extrapolate that he must also be good at legislative policy. The two aren’t equivalent.

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I stand by what I said. In the USA anyone who wants to run for office can, if they are qualified. It is up to their opponents to point out their defects. The voters then choose. This is a state that elected their current governor, Wolf, and had Rachel Levine as its top medical expert.

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Right. Calling Rachel Levine a top medical expert is hilarious. Did you know that she made sure she got her mother out of the nursing home where she resided immediately before Gov. Wolf shipped very ill seniors suffering from COVID into it? Levine put her mother in a top-notch hotel so she would be spared from contracting the illness. Too bad average senior patients didn’t have that kind of option and were basically left to die. She is as culpable as Gov. Wolf, who I certainly didn’t vote for either time he ran. Pennsylvania skated under the radar with the whole seniors-with-COVID-in-nursing-homes thing as Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Newsome. As for Rachel Levine, I would not trust her to put a bandage on my finger.

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Yes, I'm aware of Dr. Levine's actions concerning her mother.

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Agree wholeheartedly. Plus he needs to dump warmonger Hannity.

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Also pro-FBI Hannity.

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Doctors are weenies and not to be trusted if there is any evidence of weenie-ism. Dr. Odd is highly suspect. I can spot 'em.

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Both political parties in the US equally want Americans dead. There is no right or left persuasion.

Vote for the candidate that will actually put America first without any party affiliation.

Purge both parties from politics

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Agree 100%. I'm done with both.

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One thought, an admitted black one: is president Trump trying to see how big is his influence among voters, is he experimenting on them, by pushing obvious wrong choices to see if those can win ONLY on his own reputation?! Dr Oz is one of his worst choices for an endorsement. Cui bono?

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Nope. That's the tired 4D chess theory. And we're it true, it would not be a credit to him.

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Nope, I was thinking more in terms of his ego...The 4, 5, 6 D chess theory is done and, honestly, with so many strategic mistakes, it's plainly stupid.With all due respect...

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So we know Sean Hannity is a CIA operative...OZ has already shown he is already primed for TV and ,IMO, lies about his endorsements.. Trump seems to be more transparent. It is "we the People" who need to wake up! a 2 party system does not work for 300M PEOPLE! Heck, we were 5 siblings, raised with both parents and all of us had different opinions and likes and dislikes. IF the 2020 election is NOT corrected, why even VOTE?

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You have nailed it. Oz is dangerous to Conservative values, and Trump needs to wake up.

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Oz is too much of a leftist to get an endorsement from the GOP. Shocked that Trump gave him an endorsement.

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Shocked even more that he's the headliner at the BCRO Bergen County Republican fundraiser tonight.

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Bergen County...of New Jersey

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I think TRUMP needs to not run.. time is over MOVE ASIDE

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Oz is worse than Romney, Collins, McConnell, et al, he must be stopped. Trump can’t know everything about everybody, but someone needs to get his ear on leftist Oz.

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This is worse than the David Perdue endorsement. The picture in the article says it all.https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/12/07/perdue-pleaded-fifth-ossoff-debates-empty-podium-gop-senator-no-shows-amid-scrutiny (just for the picture, not the article)

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I've been involved in Republican politics for decades. Republicans always preen and carry on that "this is the last straw." Always. Honestly, after 30 or 40 years of it every election cycle it gets wearing. Donald Trump is making a calculated move here. He must believe PA will not elect a conservative Republican and in his mind a popular person, Dr. Oz is very popular with a broad base of people and has been for many years proven by ratings), has a good chance of winning in PA. Dr. Oz has name recognition and will appeal to independents and Democrats who may not be able to go the full distance for a conservative. Dr. Oz will owe Trump. This is a big deal. And, it will mean ONE MORE Republican vote in the Senate. These are not small things. Sometimes it is important to be practical.

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He's at a fundraiser tonight. BCRO Bergen County (NJ) Republicans. Had NO clue about this, and I'm one county over.

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This is SO busted.

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How do we tell DJT that we HATE his endorsing of OZ????

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Can this be true? Is Dr. Oz a phony?

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I don't understand the continued Trump worship (and yes I voted for him). Ron Desantis is the only person fit to run for President at this point IMHO.

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I cannot help but wonder if this endorsement isn't a ploy to shine a nationwide spotlight on a local race in anticipation of Oz being more thoroughly investigated and soundly rejected by the people. DJT is big enough to be able to reverse the endorsement when that has been achieved, as he did with Brooks. Not a bad plan when you think of it, no? A two-fer if you think about how it also further highlights the NeverTrumpers who REALLY need a larger spotlight.

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