You really don’t hate globalist fascists enough. It’s time for everyone to REALLY start hating them as much as they deserve to be hated.

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How does the “ hating them as much as they deserve to be hated” look?

What would that hating accomplish?

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A lowering of the global population and a huge rise in the sales and maintenance of gallows.

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😁 Starting a high-end gallows company pronto!

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No...that just pulls you into their sphere.

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Why are we so easily influenced by these scams? Why do we comply? Moreover, why can't we prosecute this globalist class? Any thoughts?

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It all plots on the bell curve. 62.5% will not say the truth to the de facto. Yes sir; no sir ! 3 bags full Sir. on the left, 12 to 15% are too stupid to qualify to join the military. 16.25% on the right are smart enough to figure it out but will not take action; 3 to 5% on the left control the stupid et al. evil and those that acquiesce to evil ; On the right 3 to 5% of us will return all of us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. A solution that works is published at www.orsja.org. Very few will go Athens, Tennessee 1946. The de facto yields to the de jure when the fraud of deception is clear. The occupant of the office will take a proper oath to the de jure Constitutions with God included. No exceptions.

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find your local jural assembly.

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Because of early indoctination people have become gutless, brainless and careless. That's also why they vote and paytaxes-on-demand. (among other perversions of Nature.)

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There is no spinning this reality for the Biden campaign. Joe has turned the United States into the laughing stock of the entire world.

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Troodo in Canada is quite talented at that too.

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Today’s world has certainly instilled an enormous lack of trust in every aspect of life, and most of the people in it!! Interestingly, since Musk visibly came on board the scene, his intent has always been up front and honest. X-fingers this is, and will, continue to be the case!!

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not so.

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What am I missing??

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Space Mogul Purchases Earth in Exchange for Six Other Slave Planets:


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"Margarethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission..."

Margarethe Vestager needs to be treated as a curiosity and monitored for unethical treatment of the public and investigated for possible crimes against citizens of the globe.

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I feel the same way about Musk. I want to trust him and this is good that he didn't cave to censorship but I can't forget that he's a part of WEF and Klaus Schwab.

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As we know from listening to hours of testimony by Jessie Czebotar and reading Megan Rose's book, Welcome to the Future, Musk was born into a Satanic bloodline family, was made the leader of the Western Quadrant of the United States, but is now working for humanity against the Satanists.

But I found this statement strange: "Unfortunately, the vast majority of Big Tech and legacy media companies will comply with censorship demands all too willingly."

Does JD Rucker believe that transnational corporations are NOT owned by the Luciferian Brotherhood? Does he imagine they're simply businesses that are focused on making money, and not working for the New World Order?

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Because peasants need something to chew … make it last 🍖

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This is a good forum right here, where the right mind prevails over the left and action people can provide will-do leadership.

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Dec 6Edited

Nice to see you two here. I am reading Jack's "Rational Recovery" just now, because a series of connections led me to it from my own work in the area of Totalitarianism. The "Addicitve Voice" is known by other names in various fields and by various writers. Stephen Porges refers to it as the control by the pre-mammalian Reptile brain, for instance.

We see this power as the controlling voice of non-empathy in other human phenomenon.

Kudos to you for recognizing this voice in terms of addcition. I am enjoying your no-BS, to-the-point writing.

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Thank God for Elon Musk. Was never really a fan, but am starting to be as he fights against globalist tyranny. He is a Trump Jr. Musk is willing to go on the defense when necessary and he is very effective at it. Trump has gone full offense, and has become the spear catcher for saving the Republic.

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Commies on the march

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And WHAT are the US lawgivers going to do about this? Oh yes,, NOTHING.

"educators", "journalists", "health care" providers, "mental health" providers, "CPS" provider, EVERY standing member of EVERY, DOJ department, and every lawyer, judge and lawgiver, will all get their FAIR 3 minute tribunal for ther lives.

The USA is going to need a lot of rope, crosses and scrap wood for fires.

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I wouldn't break out the beer and party favors just yet. X just rejoined the WEF's mis- and disinformation group they left when Musk bought the platform (I believe the company goes by the acronym GARM?). Time will tell if the platform will continue to screw over conservatives on the say-so of specific globalists, just not the European Union.

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That is why the only online social network I use is X. Too easy to get banned elsewhere saying things that go against the globalist narrative.

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Elon is still beholden to China, so…

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Everybody is if they need rare elements for technology which is almost the entire developed world now. The U.S. is beholden to China but I suspect has a lot more pull with the federal government than with Elon Musk the way the government protects China from scandals like COVID-19. China is still not held accountable.

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