We only know about Epstein in the first place because the controlled media told us. It was on purpose because:

Consider this Epstein scandal is just a labyrinth rabbit hole that leads no where but keeps us on the bench doing nothing waiting & hoping for government to solve the problem of its own blackmail, which it never will.

Every minute we waste on these suspenseful movies/stories is a minute we lose building a future worth living in for ourselves and our children, which is, of course, the point of them in the first place. Dead ends, stairs to nowhere, twists and turns, empty promises brimming with enticing breathless promises of justice which never arrives but keeps us docile, inert, and unprepared for the hellish future they are building while they distract us with their Epstein Pavlovian whistle.

"Unfortunately the clock is ticking, the hours are flying by. The past increases the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting."

Want to make a difference and get out of the spectator mindset and break free of this mental manipulation? Do this:

The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:

Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:

Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).

Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.

All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.

Many more solutions here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall

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Excellent! Great mindset!

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The problem with Chat-GPT (The author of your comment) is that it doesn't have any real critical thinking abilities. It merely regurgitates all of your fallacies right back to you.

The United States is our farm, our network, our garden, our lawn, and our web of alliance. What you're proposing is tantamount to surrender.

The CEO of GPT is a hardcore satanic Marxist LGBT globalist. And those globalists would love nothing more than for everyone to knock themselves back to the stone age, while reducing themselves to tiny groups that trade in clam shells and rusty bolts.

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What do you imagine the 5G grid actually is?

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The elephant in the room, of course, is the Israel lobby. Epstein was Mossad and that essential and most important fact is the elephant that cannot be acknowledged.

This is not a Bondi problem. This is an entire Western society problem.

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I want Gates to get what he deserves ...

He probably has a hand in the delay ...

I never get tired of watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efMxYqZ7A90&t=503s

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Looks like Trump has hired himself another Jeff Sessions. Useless when things get difficult.

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Wrong! Bondi and Patel's first and most important job is to clean out their departments! What good is the Epstein list if corrupt judges just let them off!?!

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What good is it if the evidence disappears before they get around to it? NAH... Deep state traitors would never destroy evidence.

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Trump has it all already. The military has it all.

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Gaetz would of been the superior pick but he bowed out without a fight. Now we're stuck with a Pam "the client list is on my desk" Bondi. What a bimbo.

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Calm down Jugo, they are just getting started. The DS @ SDNY has more to do with this bs not coming out yet.

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Jugo de toronja, amarga.

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Despite AG Bondi's comment after reviewing the 'fib' files on her desk that it was worse than we can imagine, the first round was indeed disappointing.

Nevertheless, we should give her and Patel a little more time because of that NY FIB office was withholding information they had been ordered to submit. In particular, those redacted names were highly disappointing for now ordered to be open with the information.

But still, i believe Bondi and Patel need a few more days. They should arrest, charge, and incarcerate whomever was involved in that NYFIB office that broke the Order.

For years we have read that Epstein 'had ties' to the cia and mossad, and that does resonate with certain information provided by one of the creep's victims. Apparently, he had commercial labs on his compound on the island AND in New Mexico. Notably, that New Mexico property was sold not long after Epstein had been murdered. Possibly that quick sale was coordinated by fib dudes destroy evidence of his working on frankensteinish dna work.

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I’m really worried about how things are going. Did Trump promise us AI Data centers that require mini nuclear power plants to run them? Did he promise us mRNA cancer therapy?

While we are all excited about what Elon is doing…. What the heck is Elon really up to? Is he just a generous billionaire with a kind heart that loves children?

Also, I think Pam Bondi was an awful pick for AG. I held off on this opinion because of Trump.

And what about Trump Gaza AI generated video? That video is demonic. Shows Trump as a golden calf Trump figure. They even miniaturized the image to sell as souvenirs. It’s an insult to christians that voted for him. At the same time Trump is praising god?

So far, I see a lot of fraud. Trump firing people just like other administrations. And Trump selling Visa’s for cash to rich millionaires. Yay!

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Understand reality and the truth require discernment.

Please discern information from bad info.

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How can you say were losing after all Trump has done at lightning speed!?

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My prayer wheel 🛞 is spinning. The darkness surrounds us. Lead us to the Light.

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The globalists can afford to lose this war. We can not. I will add, that we need to track down all of the globalists and people behind it and guarantee future generations won't be plagued by those maniacs.

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Not really.. The treason and coverups, have been going on, since at least president Wilson.

Now though, the deep state players have become rapers, and killers of children, and they are about to be exposed.

The deep state is literally fighting for their very lives. They have to fight, there is no dodging the coming battle.

And when the monsters are exposed, we still might have a French Revolution style bloodletting. And who would blame the Free Citizens of the world, from taking that kind of swift, terrible, justice, upon the monsters?

History sure would not.

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If Israel doesn't release their copy of the Epstein Island recordings we will never know what happened. Bondi is the planted SWAMP RAT protecting the GOP/DNC Epstein Island Fan club.

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We've seen this play many times before. In Nicaragua with Pineapple face Noriega. In the Playboy Mansion. On Epstein Island. In all cases these scumbags had taken videos of high ranking personalities in order to sexually blackmail them. Who were they really working for? I want to see the Epstein videos: all of them. And frankly I don't trust Trump though I did vote for him. Trump also had connections with Epstein. Then their is Israeli's Mosad that has been implicated in the Epstein affair: also having an interest in blackmailing US officials. We need the truth -- all of the truth.

Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?

Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions

Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?

By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?

Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases



[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.

The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change

Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires



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God bless you. Keep warning and informing us, and alerting us what to do.

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Epstein and Maxwell ran a Mossad, Goyim child rape ring to blackmail politicians and dignitaries to do THE BIDDING OF ISRAEL. THIS WAS AN ISRAELI CHILD RAPE RING SPONSORED BY USA BILLIONAIRE JEWS LIKE, WEXNER. This is why Israel gets free bombs to genocide Palestinian women and children.

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Nothing will change until lives are lost. The globalist symps feel they are untouchable, it's past time to give them a violent touch, the kind that stops their breathing. Like the first Revolution, a very serious effort is required, hands on if you will. The alternative view is on display on The Continent and GB.

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I make this comment at 10:30a, Friday the 28th ...

Somebody please tell me ... where the fuck are those missing Epstein files?

If they had them at 8a this EST, they could have at least made an announcement ...


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