I'm terrified for my stepmother and my great-aunt who, completely against my advice, rushed out to be compliant. Is anyone going to survive this? Have the elite created the perfect weapon? Will they eventually force the rest of us to be inoculated? These are the questions that keep me awake at night.

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Same with my family members..it's so frustrating, I feel your pain 😪

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Jan 15, 2024
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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .

❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞


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My Doctor sister just got Covid for the third time and praises the vax. "I might of died without it" she said. This, such a terrible disease that they had to test you to even find out if you had it.

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More important than, the creation of the perfect weapon was the manipulation of the media to literally sell the idea

I know people that took the jab just because they wanted to travel and one of them is right now dealing with a radical mastectomy 😞

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❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞


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Fight it like Hell. If we are going to die (which we all will in due time) Never...never make it easy for them...never.

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And the AMA sheep will once again be ba-a-a-affled.

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Unfortunately, some of my family did rush out and get the poison jab. My daughter and my grandchildren did NOT! After warning her and advising her of the medical information on this poison,s he heeded my advice. My other daughter got it because she and her husband wanted to vacation in Cuba at the time. Too bad, we will continue to see these people silently die, as the MSM will never admit to the cause = the "vaccine".

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I'd hate to be a member of the media when my life is over; as they have no conscience. Their time will come, however.

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And don't forget the politicians

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That goes without saying.

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You know what the saddest part for me is... That I believe ALL of us that give a rip and don't have our heads in the sand probably will live less than originally could have pre Scamdemic stress. Look how many have already died from suicide, etc. All Scamdemic caused! Then you have some that are like you say Media stresses you out with everything...but doesn't far left do the same thing with their doom and gloom every day?! Actually a true statement honestly. Like how many dark winters and food shortages have we been feared with now? 3, 4, 5?! Now do I know how bad things are...yes. Just look at moral values! It's not up for debate what's right or wrong. The far left tries to get us to believe that, but a monkey with a half of a banana and the proper training knows right from wrong is pretty clear cut! And honestly it's not even a matter of right or wrong it's a matter of FORCING that belief on everyone else. What you do behind closed doors is between you and God. When you try and force it on me and vice versa is when it became a huge problem! And I'm not talking human trafficking or pedophilia...those things are wrong. Will ALWAYS be wrong! No matter if 80% say they aren't wrong...they're WRONG! At some point talking about it is like beating a dead horse to death. At some point we'll have to actually stand our ground until they understand we aren't just going to talk about it anymore! Unfortunately, that's hard when a 3rd are dropping dead and a 3rd is STILL falling for this crap! And part of that 2nd 3rd are just those that want to live their life as before and hope it all goes away! I can say being in the last 3rd group...I'm about wore plum out from worrying about it. Anyway I do enjoy your articles...even though I have woke up for almost 4 years feeling like surely this episode of Twilight Zone is about to end! 🥴🤭🤪

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Jesus told us to spread the word, but everyone has freedom to decide...i have been attacked by family enough for warning them, at this point it is on them to wake up

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Truly sad.

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The following comment is only relevant if Covid is involved.



Pascal Najadi identifies Covid-19 as a deliberate globalist democide that killed his mother.

Mr. Najadi, an insider of the WEF, now labels it a den of evil. He holds WEF responsible for poisoning 5.7 billion people, including his mother, with a poison bioweapon as a democide [read govt killing]. The agenda of the WEF is for national representatives to grant sovereign political authority to the WEF for global domination. The program for their upcoming meeting is to again address the lack of public trust. Ref. https://rumble.com/v3qf7ig-breaking-documentary-short-cutting-off-the-head-of-the-snake-geneva-switzer.html

A considerable amount of money has been involved in the WEF development. What sources of the funds, beyond Gates, should we look for ?

Globalist territorial domination projects have required much money. Michel Chossudovsky [GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY AND THE NWO] and William Blum [KILLING HOPE; US MILITARY AND CIA INTERVENTIONS] have identified the IMF to scheme financial domination of nations. John Perkins, as a front point man, identifies Wall Street financiers to be behind the IMF in CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN. Major Wall Street financiers have been identified to be Rothschild affiliates and organizers of the Federal Reserve.

WHO, as a component of the United Nations created by Wall Street financiers, has plans for global control by medical passports and national lockdowns. Fauci, while developing Covid-19, was desperately looking for funds. Where the funds came from is unknown.

The CIA is alleged to have been developed by Wall Street, using their crony Allen Dulles, to cover their nefarious acts under a cloak of National Security. One of the CIA’s first coups in 1953 used Kermit Roosevelt and two suitcases stuffed with cash to put the Shah back on the Peacock Throne so Wall Street oil moguls could receive control of the nationalized Iranian British Petroleum oil fields. Many more CIA coups have benefited Wall Street interests. It is assumed Davos’ attendees who want to protect their current status are mindful of this.

The IMF’s use of sanctions to achieve national domination has a role in the current seizure of an Iranian oil tanker and a million barrels of oil that may kindle open hostile military action.

The Federal Reserve is among other global bankers currently seeking direct withdrawal control of depositors’ accounts by CBDC. This control is what Trudeau [a disciple of Klaus Schwab] used in Canada to seize funds of truck businesses and China has imposed on their people. Total control of individuals’ financial earnings was outlawed in 1866. But talk at Davos will center around controlling climate by farmers and cow farts.

The Fed has been accused of profiting from their receiving deficit spending Treasury securities [as collateral for book-entry credit on government ledgers] which seem to disappear after being received. The Fed has exclusive control, as a fiscal agent of the government, over the formulation, auctioning, and disbursement of auction funds from Treasury securities for redeeming maturing securities. Ref: 31 CFR §375.3. All profit of the Fed belongs to the government. Those accounts, currently handling > $15 trillion annually, have never been audited. The lost funds exceed $33 Trillion.

The GAO has standing authority to audit any accounts of government funds upon congressional direction without additional legislation.   FOIA is also valid for any official record of any FR bank record.  Bloomberg v Fed, aff'd, 601 F.3d 143 (2d Cir. 2010).

Where do we go from here ??

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For those who have family who may be more inclined to be the proper citizen, there are sites for you to access to gain the proper antidote. Not being a doctor, this is just a place to start: Gateway Pundit, Whatfinger News ( aggregator site ) random articles, and medical ads. Therree are others, while using Google as your search engine is discouraged. Be blessed, be kind, and oh, one more site: anamihalceamdphd@substack.com

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Lambs to the slaughter

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Be it known - No answer is in fact an answer. Typically, one of his per sauna and position in the various communities likes to be in the forefront of what initially was health. Until it isn't. Be bleed in any case.

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Thank you for keeping this important subject in conversation. It’s such a cruel reality!

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If he took the vax, it's on him and we can be pretty certain he took the vax. Hollywood made it mandatory. As our entire Government did. 100,000 nurses quit their jobs over it and that should be all anyone needs to know about it. The deaths have only begun.

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Looks like the doctors remain baffled. This is pretty complicated. Less than 1% of the early deaths were not jabbed. Gosh, I just can't get a handle on what is going on.

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It was (and will be again) extremely difficult for those whose employer required the shots. I was one of the few who left my job at a top US research hosp over this, but it was admittedly easy for me as i was a bit beyond "normal" retirement age anyway. The prospect of instantly losing all income, and losing the possibility of even temporary unemployment benefits, is treacherous for most.

Part of this entire evil plan has been to sow deep distrust and chaos in everything and everyone, especially medicos, gov't, all authorities, religious leaders, parents, police, et. al. That this plan has generally succeeded world wide is proof enough that it's tentacles are rooted in satan's stinking rotten Godless soul.

Search online for good things to do to minimize possible effects of the jabs if you've already had one or more.

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What about the millions of non celebrities that have been murdered as well?

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1) Commiefrnia

2) No one questioned not-vax status

3) Young & Healthy

4) Memoryholed quickly

5) Not that hard to figure out...

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