We're in the name-calling phase of the election cycle, and it's not just between candidates. It's important to focus on spreading the truth on this final day.
And everything pro-God. I don't care if when I die it's just lights out. No heaven. No hell. I'll still never regret giving my life to Christ...being saved and baptized! For trying to be good, fair, do the right thing, and repenting and feeling bad when I don't. 🙏
IKR?! Plus it's been more than 3 years and most of them haven't died from the vaxxes yet! Either they didn't get enough or they don't work as advertised.
And for the 3rd subject abortion, our nation will now endure its role within the final time before our Lord’s return. We have not protected our most innocent. Their blood will run over ours as we seek to improve our own situation.
Stay frosty, Christians. We were born for such a time as this.
Fact! China has always and will always be our biggest threat! Why do people think so much of our government is in bed with China! It's like believing if you feed a rattlesnake enough it'll be your friend and not bite you first chance it gets!
Israel is our biggest threat. Israel will use the uSA to finish its’ take over of areas in the Middle East. And who’s troops do you think will be sent?
Jesus is in control. His Will be done. No "s-elected" politician is any reason to worry about. The devil is running as a "demoncrat whore of babylon" and President Trump's freedom fighters represent the "Light of Truth" from God. We must Pray AND Repent and make sure your soul is right with Jesus. The laughing hyena devil will steal your soul and your eternal love and salvation with Jesus. Be willing to literally "Fight" for Him. Remember He died for you and me so we could be forgiven and reconcile to God. God is good always. Peace be with you.
It’s difficult to understand how abortion became more important for women than all the rest of health care. People in emergency departments aren’t that enamored of completing all the failed chemical and surgical abortions, particularly those leading to sepsis. Soon they’ll tire of this, and seek other careers outside of healthcare. Perhaps those who regard abortion as the topmost political issue should take total responsibility for this industry, and not demand that others pay or participate in it. They could follow the example of those who fund and run the crisis pregnancy centers.
Beautifully written, JD. Agreed on all fronts.
Great synopsis of the issues! Thanks for making it visible! God bless you abundantly!
I pray the violent Dems/leftists are unable to take the election away from Trump.
I remain shocked at the number of voters who believe Harris and the Dem Party are viable.
It's more than three. They've infected EVERYTHING American.
And everything pro-God. I don't care if when I die it's just lights out. No heaven. No hell. I'll still never regret giving my life to Christ...being saved and baptized! For trying to be good, fair, do the right thing, and repenting and feeling bad when I don't. 🙏
The infestation of evil CAPTURING all required decades...And, now it threatens total DOMINATION.
Must keep praying as we're in the fight of our lives and Jesus Christ is the only possible road to victory of God in any fashion in the U.S.
What a dumb culture they are for Abortion and think nothing of the vaccines ! Must be a genocidal group of stupid!
IKR?! Plus it's been more than 3 years and most of them haven't died from the vaxxes yet! Either they didn't get enough or they don't work as advertised.
And for the 3rd subject abortion, our nation will now endure its role within the final time before our Lord’s return. We have not protected our most innocent. Their blood will run over ours as we seek to improve our own situation.
Stay frosty, Christians. We were born for such a time as this.
Jeff, your comment gave me goosebumps. We were indeed born (born again?) for this!
And how many human beings were snuffed out by the “vaccines”? Fertility was affected MAJOR!
Yes…Operation Warp Speed, which Trump reigned in, worked quite well, didn’t it?
Putin???? He’s the least of any of my worries! Lol!
Fact! China has always and will always be our biggest threat! Why do people think so much of our government is in bed with China! It's like believing if you feed a rattlesnake enough it'll be your friend and not bite you first chance it gets!
Israel is our biggest threat. Israel will use the uSA to finish its’ take over of areas in the Middle East. And who’s troops do you think will be sent?
Not looking forward to another stolen election.
Not looking forward to martial law.
Not looking forward to appointment of nine new SUPREME COURT justices.
Not looking forward to a complete cutoff of all utilities, fuels, and food.
Not looking forward to drones and attack
Not looking forward to armored humvees
with a machine gun on top coming to collect our guns and ammunition.
Still a great article, as usual. Thank you.
God is the author and finisher
Jesus is in control. His Will be done. No "s-elected" politician is any reason to worry about. The devil is running as a "demoncrat whore of babylon" and President Trump's freedom fighters represent the "Light of Truth" from God. We must Pray AND Repent and make sure your soul is right with Jesus. The laughing hyena devil will steal your soul and your eternal love and salvation with Jesus. Be willing to literally "Fight" for Him. Remember He died for you and me so we could be forgiven and reconcile to God. God is good always. Peace be with you.
It’s difficult to understand how abortion became more important for women than all the rest of health care. People in emergency departments aren’t that enamored of completing all the failed chemical and surgical abortions, particularly those leading to sepsis. Soon they’ll tire of this, and seek other careers outside of healthcare. Perhaps those who regard abortion as the topmost political issue should take total responsibility for this industry, and not demand that others pay or participate in it. They could follow the example of those who fund and run the crisis pregnancy centers.
As always, my number one issue, and litmus test, is the Second Amendment.
Beautifully written, JD........God is in charge!
Top article, great reminder
This is a really good post, JD. Thank-you!