Great message JD, I agree and will share. 💜🎯 🙏

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In consideration of your pronouncement that DJT will be indicted: If he is indicted then this indicates that the DOJ and all members of a traitorous cabal within the nations Capitol matrix no longer honor the tenets that comprise Constitutional Law and due process. We already are aware that the Intel orgs(14 at minimum now)are operating on their various agendas and timelines(left hand doesn't know what the right is doing,etc), and yet--as we've seen over the last 7 years or more--many members of Congress and Corporate Media rarely utter any details re "The Republic" or upholding Constitutional law. Thus the "phony" DT indictment would be a contrivance of epic proportion--and we can see that many Dems are also wary of the fbi overreach and unnecessary thea'tricks'...What we need to investigate is COG at this stage in a larger game. [Dare I even say that there are details to be found among the #17 anon tweets.] The idea of a 'Civil War' is misleading at best--because the reality is that this is a Class war fomented by a Global elite who are making a play for total world domination at this current 'reset 'crossroad. What we are witnessing is a historic global-citizen's insurrection. [of note: 48 Intel Corp lobbyists in 2022 have previously held government jobs. source:https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/intel-corp/summary?id=D000000804]

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Great message with each point explained. Yes, we need to stay calm but alert. The Dems and this entire administration will stop at nothing. Yes, we need to pray. We need His guidance and blessing to correct the ills of corruption.

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Very interesting article. Thanks. Do they even know what they are doing? Have they moved to too quickly? damn, 100 years from now, this is gonna make a great movie. No, 50 great movies. The food supply has me worried... Trump was involved in deathvax, and mentioned the Army delivering it.

I Don't like the raid at all...

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One needs to wonder what is really planned. Reported increase in IRS staff. How many of them will be "Special Agents"? IRS reported massive ammo purchases? Are these things tied together? Is the IRS Special Agent unit going to be the new defacto militarized replacement for a planned shrinking of the FBI ? We really need a comprehensive comparison of the existing IRS Special Agent unit versus FBI government sanctioned methods. Things like: Is it easier for the IRS to get search warrents approved? Are certain IRS actions against US citizens easier to perform without scrutiny than FBI actions? I read a while back that the IRS can, and does, read emails without search warrents. We need a comprehensive investigation and comparitive list of the two agencies to see why they are expanding the IRS and shrinking the FBI.

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Wow. I just read this and what an eye opener. I remember Obama talking about fundamentally transforming the United States; of course it wasn't known as to how that would be accomplished. Now we have a deeper understanding as to how that is being accomplished. The way it was written makes me think of an insect that becomes a husk being controlled by the larvae of a wasp. It moves, breathes and makes as thought it's alive but in reality it's a puppet. Of course the antidote to this is to kill the larvae, and the wasps that laid the eggs, and re-animate the husk, our government, with the application of Constitutional principles. Number one is that the reins of power must be taken back by the People. As JD has already expounded there are different ways and the five ways he has outlined are a good starting point. Other ways would be the precinct strategy, ballot box stakeouts, ballot mule tracking; being used in the midterms to thwart the Deep State's meddling. True citizen action is what will save this great country. We have become lazy and allowed Others to do Our work for Us. They have rewarded themselves lavishly at our expense; an expense that we gladly but grumblingly allowed to be put upon us just as long as we were able to go about our soft lives. This is a fight of Our spiritual fortitude and realizing that we WILL be helped as long as WE help ourselves we should have no fear as to the outcome. Go forth and do what We should have been doing all along: taking care of Our business; taking care of Our America. God Bless(es) America always!

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Great message.

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Great message. Here is what I have been saying on GAB.

The #Marxists, #Democrats, and #Rinos want #CivilWar, #Violence, and #Chaos

We do not. #Trump does not. We want #EqualJustice, the #Constitution, and #DueProcess. #GodBlessAmerica

Yes, what is being done is #Treason and #Genocide. It's better to have #Justice than #Revenge.

P.S. We have just witnessed the most expensive and embarrassing panty raid in history.

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At the rate the 4 jabbed are falling we may not have too. Another 4 jabbed is Positive Quadruple Vaxxed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Catches COVID for Second Time. Jill Biden is Positive too.

Pfizer's CEO is too. PAXLOVID™ Nirmatrelvir tablets; ritonavir tablets is a failure.


And with Liz Cheney reminding the public that her dad was HANOI SONGBIRD, MURKOWSKI GOING DOWN tonight, they have more to loose in their rigged mailbox votes.

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IS Lymphoma a Covid issue? TN Gov wife has it too, how many others? DeSantis' wife has Breast Cancer.

Jane Fonda Reveals Cancer Diagnosis as She Undergoes Chemotherapy https://people.com/health/jane-fonda-diagnosed-very-treatable-cancer-undergoing-chemo

Many Vietnam Vets still HATE the Traitor. She is still a Diehard Commie. This came off another article. Jane Fonda once said,

“If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist.”

In 2020, Jane Fonda called Covid-19 “God’s gift to the left.”

“What a great gift! What a tremendous opportunity! We’re just so lucky! — And I just think that Covid is God’s gift to the Left,” Jane Fonda said laughing.

Hanoi Jane Fonda on Friday announced she has cancer and will start chemo treatments.

“So, my dear friends, I have something personal I want to share. I’ve been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and have started chemo treatments,” Fonda, 84, wrote in an Instagram post.

Jane Fonda said her cancer diagnosis won’t stop her from continuing her climate change activism.

“I’m doing chemo for 6 months and am handling the treatments quite well and, believe me, I will not let any of this interfere with my climate activism,” she said.

“This is a very treatable cancer,” she continued. “80% of people survive, so I feel very lucky.”

In 1972 “Hanoi” Jane Fonda applauded an NVA anti-aircraft gun crew during her trip to North Vietnam. These guns were used to shoot down American planes and contributed to the deaths of American Airmen.

May she Rot in Hades for the harm she has caused with her delusions. 58,000 Americans died, besides the wounded, disabled, limbs blown off, tortured. It took me as a child to understand why my WW2 Dad hated the Japanese, 6 years of fighting major battles under Gen. MacArthur in the Philippines. He shielded us girls from what he saw. It was glossed over in HS history books. As the wife of a Nam Vet, This Traitor made it real to me. God only knows how many died of COVID, we may never know the extent of that.

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