The more she has stayed in the more unlikeable to conservative voters she has become, so this is good news. Now Trump needs to make sure she comes nowhere near his administration.

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The God-less fake immoral citizens / illegal aliens have over run this nation. Accept Jesus and trust only Him.

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She must have been in the race to take votes away from Trump. What she got out of it is questionable. Haley is extremely unpopular. Dems like her right now. She’s done in politics thank goodness. Unless she runs on the swamp ticket. Maybe she wants a job at CNN?

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Finally is exactly right.

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I hope you've been up to the vacation of your dreams where all stress was melted away by beautiful non chemtrail skies and where liberals simply weren't allowed. Where ALL TV commercials didn't have gays, lesbians, and trans all through them and none were about vaccines or big pharma that will change your life as they rapidly rush through all possible side affects in end that would DEFINITELY be worse than initial condition! Oh and every food and beverage didn't have ingredients geared to make you so unhealthy those big pharma drugs start sounding good! Did I leave anything out?! Anyway I hope it was for a good reason...we could all use some positivity! I'll add I know you're not the positive type. You're just like me...not a pessimistic, but a realist. The we know cup is half full...that's obvious duh...but the other half that's not...we are smart enough to worry about! However a good dagum day/week never hurt anyone! I just got told yesterday by a doctor that does Thermograms NOT DEADLY MAMMOGRAMS...I better chill or I am going to have a heart attack. Oh and that I'm most likely full of spike protein (isn't that a barrel full of monkey's fun 🥴) instead of full of 💩...which I hear alot! 🤣 Jokingly of course!

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Watching the run up to the elections from Liverpool UK 🇬🇧 cannot believe obiden is still running,what the democrats are doing to your country,trump for president,because if the donkeys get back in it will be the end of your country

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Good to have you back Jd hope all is well

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She garnered strong support from DemoncRATs

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Haley is a political whore. She sent out large number of advertisements in the mail with the words like: “Vote for Haley to save America’s Democracy.”

Only hell-bent traitors and Democrats would say such nonsense. This has nothing to do with supporting or hating Trump. Haley turns out to be another Mike Judas Pence of the Republican Party at best.

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“Haley, who garnered strong support from independents…”


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I would suggest the entire world had the scoop; thrown out now )))

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Her donors gave up after the SCOTUS decisions. Their play was based on Trump being locked up, which was never going to happen. Cuz MAGA will rise up and make J6 look like a Cub Scout den meeting if they dare try to put him in jail.

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Great to hear from you, wondered if I had inadvertently unsubbed or been unsubbed. Re Haley, well, re all of them, the entire world at large seems to be some sort of bad play to me now, I think dancing with it will not yield a good result in any way. When your governments are actively killing their citizens, it best to proceed by putting a V.C. after every signature. Vi coactus (V.C.) is a Latin term meaning "having been forced" or "having been compelled". In Latin, cōgō means "I compel" or "I force". The passive participle of cōgō is coāctus, meaning "having been forced" or "having been compelled" or "coerced".

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Nemarata like kamala or Hussein or even Rubio cannot constitutionally be president or vice president but only congress members. There is a special requirement to highest office, that it matters not where you are born if you are a citizen and mommy and daddy are citizens. Born overseas to American citizen parents can be president but born in the USA to both parents not being citizens can not be president. Obama was an illegal president. Kamala is an illegal v.president. Nikki also illegal to this run for position.

Two problems are, that Americans no longer know the constitution and congress ignores it, and the supreme court went corrupt.

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Agreed, Jennifer.

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