I can remember when we told pregnant women to avoid any medication, if possible and no smoking, no drinking, not even wine.

But, hey! An experimental gene therapy bioweapon? Let’s party.

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It’s unconscionable what was and is being done.

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Pray for our world- I hope more eyes are opened

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Tragically sad to mandate a vaccine known to harm (than help) anyone, but especially pregnant women and unborn children. When CDC approved these jabs for pregnant women and children, they knew it was unsafe and didn’t care. Their greed override their conscience and duty.

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fact: no vaccine has every been tested to be SAFE OR EFFECTIVE

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Especially for those pregnant. These children’s vaccines need to be greatly reduced, from 12-18, now 72. 🤦‍♀️

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

I actually lost my cool quite badly when they started injecting kids. Breakdown is the word I would use. The insane pressure of watching these genocidal maniacs kill humanity while (former) family thinks you're quite wrong and overreacting, something had to give. A breaking of my soul, that this could happen and be supported by so many players. If it was that rough for me, I can only imagine how this has been for the few good docs and medicos. Respect to the fighters.

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Treason is treason. Death per the U.S. Constitution. Hanging is the only way on Earth to hold these evil people accountable. Hell awaits their souls.

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Because the 2nd beast of revelation that says to worship the first beast is organised religions. It's not just the Catholic Vatican but protestant pastor's, Jewish rabbis, islamic mullas etc. All organised religion serves hell itself, with some wonderful exceptions here and there serve God and Christ outside organised religion.

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Has anyone listened to the Day Tapes?? Sage Hanna shared them on her Substack. I’ve listened to them about 5x because they absolutely predicted EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING. From 1968 the Rockefeller/NWO Depopulation program. MUST LISTEN https://ia600903.us.archive.org/28/items/New_Order_of_Barbarians_remaster_tapes_1to3/New%20Order%20of%20Barbarians%20%5Bremaster%5D%20tapes%201%20to%203.mp3

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Yes it’s horrifying to listen to

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And your boy Trump funded it all, gave billions to Big Pharma, and granted additional blanket immunity. The worst part is he's STILL prideful about it.

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Stevia is a sweet plant native to Paraguay noted in that society as a natural Contraceptive. It's now introduced throughout the world as THE preferred Alternative Sweetener used in all kinds of foods in place of Artificial Sweetener. MOST PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE OF ITS TRUE USE ACCORDING TO THE NATIVES IN PARAGUAY which are proven true through actual research in the west.

It's introduction into commonly prepared foods and drinks throughout the world in only the last decades is relevant to the plans of Depopulation and Enslavement of those remaining formed by the Psycho/Sociopathic Parasites of 'The City of London's Club of 300 Banker Family Mafia' led by the Rothschilds. PARASITE'S TERROR OF 'THE PEOPLE' in NUMBERS EXPONENTIALLY SUPERIOR TO THEIR CLIQUE IS REAL.

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This is no different than having another war where hundreds of thousands or even millions are murdered. This time, the murdering happens to be accomplished through killing mothers and would be infants. The old will eventually die off, so it's the younger generations that must be snuffed in order to serve our master of death...billy g. Murder is murder and calling it something else or justifying it through wars and patriotism is never going to make it right.

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Why are you supporting the only GOP candidate who will aggressively deny vaccine justice?!!!

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vaccines were ALWAYS a diabolical invasion by pHARMa

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God help us all

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Russian roulette injections unleashed to reduce life span and life quality for the purpose of corporate and government debit reduction. A low adverse frequency planned so as not to alert it's participants. Inheritances uprooted thru infertility or sudden death.

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They are after humanity, and as you say, the most vulnerable who can't make waves and who are the quickest to die. This has been happening for years, especially to the pre/post born-babes and the aged. From 5 jabs in the 1960s, to 72 or so now. The greatest tragedy: several billion healthy kids and adults, have compromised immune system for life. This is the silent war that, 1, people need to know about; 2, stand up in outrage, against, in advance before any jabs are given; and, 3, educate others.

Here is the 2023 immunization schedule:


Here is the recommended vaccines for pregnant women:


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