Just like Christianity grows during times of severe persecution (i.e. Communist China in the 1950's and 60's), until American's really start to hurt, they won't stand up for anything (and this time, when they do, unless God intervenes in His mercy, it may be too late). The "Give me my beer and my TV, and I'm good" mindset is killing our nation! Real history (not the garbage pushed by the left) shows men and women willing, and often having to sacrificing everything for principle. Yep, you might have to give up your golf game and fancy hot rod. The masses are sheep, willing to sit there and just take the handouts from our "all knowing" government; not willing to stand up and say "STOP THE MADNESS." Everyone keeps saying the 2nd amendment is why we haven't lost all our freedoms. I'm not convinced enough people would use that right to stand against the government and make this garbage stop.

Look up! The trumpet call is at hand!

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To quote Eric Erickson, another commentator who may soon find himself banned: You will be made to care.

That means each of us. From the promulgation of Covid lies, to the advancement of LGBTQWXYZ+ idiocy, unless you swallow the liberal orthodoxy, you will be banned. We may soon find ourselves like the early church, meeting in catacombs to worship and to inform. Our formerly great country is rapidly falling into the black hole of history.

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Just got this off Dr Robert O's Website, posted there by Richard Noakes, earlier today - it blows the lid off this whole Covid Pandemic and the synthetic mRNA vaccines, both having been in the pipeline since 2010, care of Moderna, themselves, no less - time to roast the buggers in the hell they created for us: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19 patented in 2013

Covid-19 means: 19 nucleotide sequence and not 2019 at all.

By The Exposé on March 3, 2022

Evidence has emerged which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, the company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, actually created the Covid-19 virus.

They cited a Paper by Scientists in India, Switzerland, Italy and the US (cautiously entitled: MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site) in which they calculated that the chances of a 19 nucleotide sequence patented by Moderna randomly appearing in Covid-19 in circumstances where it does not appear anywhere else in nature are 1 in 3 trillion.

Furthermore they did not merely apply for a patent on 2016 February 4 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied on 2013 December 16 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2:as well.

So Moderna had developed the 19 nucleotide gene sequence containing the Furin Cleavage Site which gives Covid19 its infectivity to humans by patented gain of function research as early as 2013, 6 years before the Wuhan outbreak took place. Not 3 as reported in the Mail and virally elsewhere.. 

Covid-19 was not made in 2019. It was made from the 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site (in 2013) which does not occur anywhere in nature. And every Covid death and every Covid vaccine death is parked squarely on the doorstep of ModeRNA and The Covid19 makers, the genetic vaccine makers. their funders and their promoters, which include almost every government and public sector and health service in the world, are therefore guilty of Genocide and crimes against humanity. They have pushed genetic rape and sickness and death onto half of the population of the world in order to enrich the pockets of Pharmaceutical Companies. Governments and Public sectors around the world have abandoned their health service regulation to billionaires and heartless corporations (me: and to make we humans, Trans Humans and now, the vaccinated, without any human rights whatsoever

The Expose

Moderna files lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech over COVID vaccine technology

(competitor's vaccine infringes on "patents (for patented synthetic mRNA) that Moderna filed between 2010 and 2016")

Follow the patents – 2010 and 2016 - so Moderna new about Covid as early as 2010 - to be able to come up with the Covid Vaccine Technology in the first place, from as early as 2010 - which goes hand in hand with the 2013 US Supreme Court Law making synthetic mRNA technology patentable, as it has been and those taking it, no longer human, but trans human and all human rights are lost = zero rights now for trans humans!! Gotcha!!

- so Moderna created and released Covid-19 and they produced the synthetic mRNA vaccines to combat it, those patented between 2010 and 2016 - Do you all agree?

Moderna seeking compensation including royalties, damages

Updated: 7:32 AM PDT Aug 26, 2022

Moderna is suing its chief competitor in the COVID-19 vaccine space, alleging that Pfizer and BioNTech stole key technology used in the development of that group's inoculation.

Both Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech partnership created vaccines based on messenger RNA technology, which teaches the body's immune system to target a specific protein found on a virus. In the case of the coronavirus, both targeted the spike protein extending out from the surface of the virus.

The Massachusetts-based company alleges that its competitor's vaccine infringes on patents that Moderna filed between 2010 and 2016.

"We are filing these lawsuits to protect the innovative (synthetic) mRNA technology platform that we pioneered, invested billions of dollars in creating, and patented during the decade preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, (A decade is 10 years so 2010 +10 = 2020, bang on when vaccines were first released under Trump's Emergency Protocol*) Moderna Chief Executive Officer Stéphane Bancel said in a statement provided by the company. "This foundational platform, which we began building in 2010, along with our patented work on coronaviruses in 2015 and 2016, enabled us to produce a safe and highly effective COVID-19 vaccine in record time after the pandemic struck."

Moderna, which developed its vaccine with support from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was the first to begin testing its vaccine in humans. *That first shot was given at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle in March of 2020*. Pfizer announced its first clinical trial began in May.

Pfizer and BioNTech, however, was the first to receive emergency authorization in the United States and was also the first to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Moderna said that it pledged in October of 2020 not to enforce its patents while the pandemic continued but altered that policy in March of this year. The company said it would now only enforce its rights in the world's richest nations, retroactive only to March 8, 2022, while continuing to allow the COVID-19 vaccine patents to be used in 92 low- and middle-income countries."Moderna expects Pfizer and BioNTech to compensate Moderna for Comirnaty's ongoing use of Moderna's patented technologies," said Moderna Chief Legal Officer Shannon Thyme Klinger. "Our mission to create a new generation of transformative medicines for patients by delivering on the promise of mRNA science cannot be achieved without a patent system that rewards and protects innovation."

Moderna said it will not seek to remove Comirnaty from the market but the company is seeking monetary compensation. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, seeks royalties, lost profits, attorneys' fees, interest and ongoing royalties.

End Of Part One

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‘Freedom’ vs ‘safety’ equivalent to patriarch vs matriarchy

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Thanks for another great article. They can’t allow Andrew Tate to expose their fraud, so they do what they do, censor. 🤬

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