Russia didn't invade Ukraine- that's a lie.

Most Americans are completely ignorant about their own countries history let alone understanding even an iota of Chinese or Russian history.

The entire narrative around the "China virus" or "CCP this" or "CCP that" is illustrative of this. The entire story that has been swallowed about China during these past three years is propaganda mainly churned out by the National Endowment for Democracy. Individuals like Michael Senger are about as wrong on this as it gets. Steve Bannon is worse.

It's just warmed over "yellow peril" BS just as the Russia bashing is the post-modern version of "The Red Scare."

The Covid Operation is one of Western multinational organizations (WHO, NATO, IMF, World Bank, GAVI, US-AID, NED, etc.) attempting to halt the dissolution of the US and allies as global cop and to maintain dollar hegemony/petrodollar as the world's currency.

You got the right-wing reactionaries answering the call of the "yellow peril" dog whistle and the retarded liberal wokesters supporting Nazis in the Ukraine.

America is a certified nuthouse.

And US citizens still haven't figured out that they are being shafted every minute of the day not by Pootin or Xi but by a bunch of English speaking bureaucrats that live right here in the DC swampland and the technocrats from Brussels and London.

That both Russia and China have their countries encircled by another nation's military, a nation (the US) that has a history of unremitting bloodshed against people of the world over the past century and more should be an obvious clue as to what is happening in the world.

BTW the staged performance of the "falling dead on street from Covid Wuhan guy" was an NED production. As phony as Saddam's troops throwing babies from incubators.

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Pretty much right. The US has been manufacturing 'war events for the last 23 years non-stop post 'the New Pearl Harbor' staged in New York in 2001. And let us not forget, the US created modern China while gutting United States manufacturing, once the marvel of the world.

And now the Psychopathic Geniuses are waging 5th Generation Warfare on the people of the collective West, included the American People.

God save us! And preserve us from Evil!

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Nice podcast JD. America First starts with individuals, cities, counties, states...then federal. Start with gardens, local ranchers, etc., and co-ops when available. Manufacturing needs brought back to USA and people need to wean themselves off cheap China products.

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good book, A Year without Made in China. It does show how a family with kids can do it, and even learn to prefer living without Chinese goods. It's a deep dive and entertaining.

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Biden doing something positive is a first.

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WOW JD this is my first time seeing the new studio looks keen...nice job

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Thank you! New camera this week too!

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Actually, no worries. The globalists still have you looking only 27 years out JD.

The globalists are industry-oriented and via industry, they want to control everything and put people into cities and continue to "manufacture and ship" everything to the slaves in the cities.

But they aren't telling you that when fossil fuels virtually disappear, not due to "restrictions" but due to virtual absolute depletion, and in just 60 years, humanity will have to forget about "manufacture and transportation" and yes, we will bet to "15 mile cities", but they are already in place. Those are the county seats spread across the country, waiting for us to come home. Long trains, long trucks, and large ships will be a thing of the past and the agrarian societies will rear their beautiful heads and let us sustain ourselves with minimal manufacture, and far greater farm production.

And fertilizers are not a problem. Modern soil science has proven that deep fertile soils are possible without added fertilizers to a very large degree. The secret is to start with grasslands as were always growing on the steppes, prairies and plains of the world. Grassland, grazed by herds of ruminants, grow very deep soils based on fungi, microbes, and humus, that just keep developing beneath a mixture of grasses and legumes.

Watch Dr. Christine Jones to find out about the agriculture future:


She has a half dozen videos out there to completely explain how soil can regenerate and become deeper if we just learn how to encourage this instead of destroying soils as the fertilizer industry has encouraged for so many years.

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Perfectly legit food for the poor, note the Enviro whackos wants were covered. Kill order for New Mexico feral cows issued by US officials


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JD, let's add in the DUST BOWL that killed off Texas' Cotton Crop, is still an issue and will be for years to come. Texas cotton takes a hit from drought

Texas Crop and Weather Report – Aug. 30, 2022 https://agrilifetoday.tamu.edu/2022/08/30/texas-cotton-2/ Besides the snow storms, and GRID failure.

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JD, Kill order for New Mexico feral cows issued by US officials



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