Everyone is missing the statement put out by one of the FBI sharp shooters, who said he had the killer in his sight for over 5 minutes but was told NOT TO ENGAGE. When he turned around and saw Trump go down, he disobeyed orders and took our the sniper. His name is Jonathan WIllis. He was arrested, then fired. He is out of jail, but I am sure they will try to bury him with his story. If you look on the Fox video of the two snipers inside the venue, you can see one with his eye to his scope, then turn around and quickly turn back and fire.

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All he needs to do is contact Jeff Childers after setting up a Go Fund Me account. He'd have a million dollars for his defense in 24 hrs.

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I pray he is still alive

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General Flynn would have been my personal choice, he knows where all the bodies are buried from Trump’s first term. That would have been a perfect pick to neuter some of the deep state peeps. I can live with Vance, at least he is a young guy. Yes he criticized Trump but it seems has more of a spine that 🪰💩 Pence. Democrats are still going to try to steal the election so everyone has to back Trump and get out and vote! Bank all the votes you can as early as possible!

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Flynn needs to head DoD and the military.

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I think Flynn will have an important role in the administration. JD Vance is a great choice!

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RemovedJul 15
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Tara, does this link apply to your comment? I.d like to know more

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For sure the leftists will not let up. They still have over 3-months to do their treasonous crime.

They have let in, no invited, many terrorists. What are the probabilities they might team with some of them to further their leftist goal?

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There's an old chestnut that goes something like never attribute to malice what may be explained by ineptitude. That has guided me well through many "conspiracy theories." This strikes me a bit differently, however. The ineptitude plays on the wrong side of the equation.

Here's what we seem to know: 1. the shooter was 20 years old; 2. the gun belonged to his dad; 3 the shot was from somewhere around 145 yards or around 435 feet, nearly one-and-a-half football fields; 4. but for a sudden movement by the target he would have made a direct hit; 5. he made several additional shots that appear to be uncontrolled or random one of which hit and killed a really good father, husband, friend and firefighter.

I am an older, very experienced gun owner. I would probably have difficulty making that shot first trigger pull from that distance with an AR that was not one of my own--especially from an elevated position with unknown wind factored in. That this kid had such a high skill level with a borrowed gun defies logic.

So what I am left with is a question or two Did this 20-year-old actually do the shooting? Or was he just there to take the blame? The accuracy involved would seem to require someone with a fair amount of training and a lot of practice. The kid had just purchased 50 rounds a few days earlier. It seems that someone with such a high skill level requiring extensive practice would have a few magazines of his preferred cartridges on hand. Much of this just doesn't ring true, in my opinion.

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Agreed. A 2nd shooter seems likely IMO.

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Agreed, there has never been an assassination to date that didn’t tie back to the gov’t. Murder for hire for sure… luckily for us, not succeeded…

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"Very little makes sense about Thomas Matthew Crooks being a sudden assassin who outflanked the Secret Service so easily UNLESS you plug in a desperate Deep State operating behind the scenes. Food for thought, albeit crazy thoughts."


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It is a crazy thought. But when one understands their history, their further recent serious corruption by Obama/Biden, etc., it all resonates to a fairly high degree.

Who would have gained had the attempt been successful?

Who would have lost momentum had the attempt been successful?

Who makes vile, ridiculous assertions about their opposition Party and tries repeatedly to connect the opposition to one of the worst political leaders of the last century (Hitler - reality indicates that opposition did more for the nation than any president since Reagan and possibly since Lincoln?

George Soros has an established record and history and attempts at destruction of western nations and at least two attempts on China, whose candidates has he financially supported bigly since and including Obama? It wasn't conservatives or traditionalists. It was blm, antifa, today's kkk.

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The whole Trump Derangement Syndrome is a distraction from what the Left is launching soon. Lockdowns, food scarcity, fake food, digital monies, global warming panics, fake vaccines, and endless religious nonsense attacking Jesus and His followers. However Jesus wins. Don't comply to any uniparty swamp lies. Refuse to obey evil and fake laws enslaving you to british bankers and the federal reserve devil. Be grounded in Truth and the eternal love of Christ.

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The kill box was too well preserved and assisted to be a lone wolf. How does he get the ladder in place? Why the bomb in his car? Did he really pop off all the shots alone? What were the angles of entry for everyone hit?

It's not like they haven't done this before...

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And wasn't it originally scheduled for somewhere else, but suddenly changed to THIS location?

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Vance/Pence. Funny. Similar names.

Vance is a palatir/peter Thiel puppet. Vance used to hate Trump. Trump just picked another intelligence community pick.

How long before another assassins attempt or another impeachment to promote Vance to president?

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Desantis is another Globalist/Thiel puppet, and Haley is worse. Scott voted way too often with the Left (30+% of the time) and Rubio voted for the Police State to continue., and Bergrum is too far out of the DSC crowd and susceptible to training by the wrong people. Gentle Ben is a wonderful, uncompromised man with principles, as far as we know, but he is just too...gentle

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Yes, the Dr is a superior human being. But sadly, too mellow for a fight to the death with neanderthal instincts and the heathen.

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Trump is a Globalist too. Pay no attention to that though just jump on the bandwagon. We are at warp speed moving to Extreme Left before the election as well as Extreme Right. Can the Biden faction lose? Will fraud be harder to plausibly permit. Choosing Vance does open the door to a Biden scenario of stepping down at some point after maybe the first 100 days and letting the Deep State go wild.

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But a globalist that almost got assassinated is gonna take a lot of people down. And even if he does not, what's the alternative? You gonna support Graham or Cruze or the Turtle?

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But no that story is fake. Indeed it may unravel very quick. Too much information demolishing the story we are told. Ironically spinning is making the holes in the narrative bust wide open. I doubt we have what we think of as a Presidential Election.

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I’m just suspicious for the simple fact the shooters last name is Crooks! Sounds like an AI generated name, like all the Sandyhook peoples names, and Uvalde names. It’s just awful weird how people who were at one scene of a tragedy also end up being in the mix of people at the next with another name. Anyway, I wasn’t there at the rally so I just question any video, text, photos in which I alone didn’t witness or take myself. It’s sad that it has come to this, but our government has had access to a myriad of technological advances and devices far before we in the public ever have any inkling such things might be a possibility. I am voting for Trump regardless of VP pick because the others would be going the wrong direction completely imho. That’s just where it stands for me.

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What convinced me of a conspiracy was the complete subversion of Secret Service protocols combined with the aerial photo of the rally site. The Secret Service is blaming local police, but let's be real here, the buck stops with the Secret Service who are in operational control of the scene. Why did the Secret Service area control the entire area except for the cutout of Crooks chosen perch? Why put local police on the ground with no firearm? Most importantly, why didn't the Secret Service make doubly sure they had control of the nearby spot Crooks used? I'm barely above an average shot with a rifle and *I* could have made that shot in my sleep. If a 54 year old woman could have assassinated a president from that position and knows it, why didn't the Secret Service know it and control it too? Answer: Thomas Crooks had help from inside the agency. Maybe only a few key players in the agency, but inside help nonetheless. #MakeItMakeSense

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Yes. And, drones are used everywhere nowdays. It's hard to believe the super funded gov and SS could not have afforded a drone or two to monitor from above. Otoh, even if the director had previous ss experience, it's difficult to believe all those years at Pepsi Cola would allow her such a position, especially after she told them she wanted to make the SS 30% women. That group needs to be 100% masculine male, no metro dudes whatsoever let alone 30% dna/gene women.

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I understand not keeping an electric drone in the air continuously for several hours which would increase necessary manpower costs, but why put two sniper teams on adjacent buildings facing the same direction? When more than one sniper team is used, the preference for security is to create crossfire. One sniper team should have been on the building Crooks used. Instead, *both* teams were facing him 50 yards apart, but when he reached the apex and set his shot, neither sniper team with $12,000 scopes that can see an ant's fart from 1,000 yards could see him? Not in a million years did that happen. Line of sight is required for a sniper shot. If Crooks could see the President, the sniper teams could see Crooks. Rifle training *starts* at 100 yards. I shot my first deer at 280 yards at 11 years old. See my point? As for the women in the USSS, sorry, ladies, but I agree with Luz. If a woman can't carry a 300 lb. protectee 500 yards (5 football fields) and isn't taller and broader than the protectee, she shouldn't be in the Secret Service. The woman who leapt on the President was so short, she left his head and neck exposed and no one knew if they were multiple threats at the time. She acted bravely, but she shouldn't have been there.

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JD Vance is an Excellent Choice!!! At least he's Not a rinoRat (hopefully) and that there are Many others erady to join the New Trump Administration.

There is this other "Thingy" of Winning the Election and Ballotting Wars over democRat Cheating with Illegal Voters.

Patriots MUST Vote!!! If We/Me/You Fail this test it's not going to be much of a future for our posterity and ourselves either.

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Yes, vote!

As for Vance and other advisors, etc., we will soon see whether the Heritage Foundation really vetted those 20+K possible candidates.

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Any group within the District of Criminals is 1. Infiltrated or 2. outright Owned by the Deep Intel CiA Statists.

Heritage, Federalist Society, are not exempt from #1. The Repub Con-gress is almost 100% #2. Speaker "Hakeem" Johnson ( r) being the Prime Example, imo.

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Excellent post!

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Suppose Trump is part of the Deep State and the entire event was a made for your eyes motion picture to destroy Biden and bring Trump in once more more at Warp Speed. He praises vaccines to this hour. He is not a white hat. He is like Teddy Roosevelt. A Populist Trust Buster who was not anything but a friend of Big Business. Looms large in legend but falls flat by fact.

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Not knowing Vance's past, politically, everything is a Crap-Shoot. All we have is FULL TRUST in Trump's pick.

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Blackrock has a video about their school and Crooks is in it. Could it be he was indoctrinated to pull this off????

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