Of course the jab took him OUT! These men are in excellent shape. What a horrible crime against humanity.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

I appreciate they way he framed it. At least he can be said to have uttered the words

vaccine and kills in one sentence. I warned a colleague who is a bodybuilder a year ago

this was some bad injection. He scoffed. For me, 'sometimes I wonder why I bother' came to mind, but

I would rather err on the side of chicken little when the sky is really falling.

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First, use anything but google to search things out, (brave, duckduckgo, startpage, dogpile, etc.),

as it will broaden the results you get back. Second, "vaccineimpact (dot) com" is a great factual

site that will help you to see the Truth (use a ".com" at the end of the two words to go to the site.

There will be those who refuse to see even if it's right in front of them. It's called denial or even brainwashing. *Yuri Bezmenov described it perfectly..............how it's done, how long it's been in use, etc. Search (not with google) any of his videos. He was a *Soviet espionage agent sent here to infiltrate and bring us down from within but soon defected. He then spent the rest of his life trying to tell Americans what the game plan has been. Or read, "45 Goals of Communism", that is online as well. One of his more famous videos is called, "Feminists and Useful Idiots". He also says when the takeover happens, they will be the first to be lined up and shot. Find out why that is. Wakey, wakey. God bless.

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He laid out the challenge. Take him up on it. He is dead.

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I agree that this guy and his ilk, are the problem. Pushing deadly jabs, with rhetoric and disinformation. I would have given him credit, for his pre-death statement, except, it doesn't seem (by this story alone), that he put put provisions in place to have an in-depth autopsy and study of his corps done. Had he put in a will, that he wanted a full bio investigation done, to include investigation into the proliferation of the spike throughout his body, organ irregularities, blood work abnormalities...as compared to his pre-jab work up, etc., then I would have tipped the hat, to him. Anyone with the courage of their convictions, has my respect, for that only.

I would do the same for someone who was standing at the edge of a cliff, with wings made of feathers and wax, stating he could fly like a bird. If he flies, then all the anti-birdhuman people are wrong, but if he goes splat, then they were right. Would I think him a fool?? OH YEA!!

Would I respect his conviction, I would!

Living and die by your beliefs, is admirable.

Of course the bodybuilder didn't set up the postmortem procedures needed, to prove he was right. No conviction in his short sighted virtue signaling. You can bet if he had won the competition, he would have been all over the net, saying how he was fine and the jab helped him win.

They keep dropping and the unjabbed keep counting them up.

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I had a long talk with a friend of mine who lives in Oregon. When the jab first became available, she was apoplectic because her governor didn’t get the shots out fast enough. When they did become available, she and her neighborhood celebrated by having a block party after not being able to for a year, for fear of getting CV. In one convo, when she was complaining the jabs were slow to come to Oregon, I started to try to convince her to not get it. I told her our decision was to not get the jab. When I started the “and here’s why,” she said, “I don’t want to hear about it, Kathy.” Fast forward a few months, perhaps, she started relating how tired she was. She was taking care of her husband who is a stroke survivor but pretty impaired and attributed the fatigue to that. After finally getting it checked out, it was a blood issue. HGB was 6. Treatment included ferritin infusions but they never revealed a cause except that she is bleeding somewhere, a “slow leak.” Now she has dizziness and cardiac arrhythmia and the fatigue has returned. Needless to say, I did not bring up the possibility of V. injury. Oddly, she is still on Eloquis (a blood thinner) even though there’s that unidentified slow leak. I suppose that’s a good thing, since she has A-fib, most likely. I am not sure about modern medicine anymore. They are just using a cookbook methodology to treat and refuse to take their blinders off. Oh, and she said her heart doctor recently died “suddenly and unexpectedly.” It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut.

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Might I suggest the next time Bill Gates says he wants to kill all of us, we believe him? He needs to be in the rubber room next to Fauci. Every James Bond Villain worth his salt wants to take over the world for himself. Gates is no different.

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I was seeking alternative sources before COVID. I don’t care how much MSM gaslights or doubles down, they are dead to me.

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obviously he didn't research the shot properly as he stated.

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Just one more thing..........(now I sound like Columbo ;)................many, many reports that......

Funeral Directors, Embalmers Alarmed by Unusual Blood Clots in Vaccinated Bodies

And even CNN Health (of all news sites) also reported it; Pathologist found blood clots in ‘almost every organ’ during autopsies on Covid-19 patients

Search for "morticians + vaccine blood clots" or something like that. EVERY organ.........on Bitchute

I watched one video by a doctor who reported on what looked to be AI (artificial intelligence) being activated and moving towards organs. While you are there on Bitchute, search for "Graphene Oxide Frequency"............this is how it "dances" to frequencies that are aimed at it. It's in the vaxx. Imagine 5G

but maybe that's what's next. Zombies? Can't control your body due to the frequencies? You get a scannable bar code too. Search Bitchute. Youtube censors. God bless our Country to turn back to what made us great, God alone.

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Heart defects,Blood Clots, Organ transplants being rejected,Cancers that were in remissions, roaring back, as if energized,how many Deaths will be needed, to say STOP??

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These athletes keep dying. Never has such a phenomenon been seen before. But it is not the vaccine. It must be the protein shake. 🙄🙄

Wake up, they are going for our children next

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Um, because it is called genocide...?

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I know a lot of firemen/bodybuilders who were similarly gung-ho. After the jabs, they said they had never felt such pain in their joints, immune disturbances and myocarditis. Reduced to desk jobs and no more competing. For pride sake, they try to keep it under wraps.

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While professional bodybuilders appear to excellent examples of extreme fitness, all is not as it appears. To gain that much massive musculature requires an intense regimen of anabolic steroids and a cocktail of other supplements in addition to consistently pushing large amounts of weights in the gym. These chemical combinations do immeasurable harm to the liver, specifically, and various other organs to a lesser degree. In short, it just isn't healthy. To my point: I am not suggesting that the jab didn't kill him; I am saying we just have enough evidence to conclude that it did. And it all comes back to the point JD has made so many times: Big Pharma doesn't share information if it has the potential for negatively impacting their bottom line. That must stop. America (and the world) deserve the truth.

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You're right, JD. There is no limit to the number of deaths that will be "tolerated."

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