Deliberately depleted ammo, deliberately depleted oil, deliberately wide open borders w/ criminals & terrorists from all over the world crossing by the 100s & 1000s w/out challenge. What could go wrong?

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…and deliberately poisoned minds and bodies.

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The end game is that humanity will be severely depleted.

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We will soon see, unfortunately.

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Ha ha, everything.

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The art of Biden.

Appear weak, when you are weak.

Appear pathetic when you are pathetic.

Appear to destroy your country, when you are destroying your country.

Appear a child sniffing pedophile, when you are...... etc.

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The country is being run by idiots. They can't get their conspiracy's right, they can't pull off an event without some sort of scandal, they can't lie very well, they can't use executive people to help run the country because they keep picking dummies and weirdo's, they can't get the numbers straight and the leader of the free world can't walk a straight line or read off a teleprompter with even 50% acuity.

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Accurate. You should share this verbatim in a substack "Notes".

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All actions taken by the Biden Administration from the 1st day he entered the WH have easily been considered by millions of Americans as a deliberate calculated intentional & determined effort to destroy America . Is it too far fetched to believe that these comments made on CNN leaking sensitive information to our enemies that the US is running out of ammunition is a continuation of these efforts ? And waiting until the Chinese spy ballon had completely surveillanced the entire continental US and sending all the data back to Beijing prior ti shooting it down was also intentional ? That by opening the southern border Chinese men of military age crossed into the U.S. and are saboteurs waiting until the 1st day war breaks out in Asia to attack us on our own soil also intentional ? Could it be that yes , he is indeed setting out to destroy America . This is not the first time CNN’s MSM has literally caused untold damage by their careless interviews and coverage of the news . Anybody remember what happened when they painted all Police in the US as villains , started calling for defunding the Police and when the riots broke out in several large major citifies by BLM and ANTIFA they continued the same narrative , downplayed the riots and reported them as protest instead and continued to vilify the Police . Also MSM discontinued LIVE PD determining the show to not be appropriate. The truth is the LIVE PD series was educational and meant to inform the Public how to engage the Police should you be stopped while they are out on Patrol . As it had both examples . How to engage properly and what happens if people fail to do so . With that being said you can give Biden and CNN equal credit for leaking sensitive information out to our enemies and whatever the negative ramifications are blame them both as they are both complicit . Trump should be in the WH now as he is the legitimate winner . Trump would not deliberately lead the US into any wars . Unfortunately we got stuck with a President that is successfully doing the exact opposite along with the majority of the members of Congress . Both Democrats and Republicans alike . They are interested in Boeing , Raytheon , and other leaders in the military defense establishment and gearing up to make their fortunes while they fleece the American tax payers with 800 billion in aid and still climbing to Ukraine. They have committed to continue to aid Ukraine and for however long it takes . Meanwhile they could care less with all the alarming things the American people are more concerned with . The Biden Administration and deep State crucifying Trump with a weaponized DOJ & FBI and insuring that the next Presidential election has integrity and that we don’t see a repeat of the last one . Also many feel J6 had their Constitutional rights violated by their own government. Their rights are clearly laid out . The right to assemble together , to demonstrate , and to petition the government for grievances to be settled . Instead they lied , said they rioted and attempted to overthrow the government. Which is total bs . Riots look like what BLM and ANTIFA conducted in our major cities . Not like the DC Police letting J6 into the Capitol . There were no fires set , no looting , vandalism, assaults , or homicides and further more they were not armed . These grievances are what the American people want Congress to address . 1st and foremost and certainly consider more important than the war in Ukraine . The American people would rather the US put energy into brokering a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia . None of this is going to happen . They are going to continue their war mongering with their never ending wars while at the same time our country burns domestically. They will not make any effort to clean up government corruption. Business in Washington will continue as it is . They will carry on with the status quo . Continue the corruption which will intensify and get exponentially worse and worse until the Constitutional rights are all erased or trampled upon . We are already there . Our right to vote and choose who we want to be President , a Constitutional right was stripped and instead a corrupt government chose Biden for us . J6 lost their Constructional rights . And again voters are being stripped again as the government instead of allowing us the freedom to vote for Trump are set to throw him into prison on purely political grounds . The indictments have nothing to do with criminal behavior and everything to do with eliminating their political opponent. Actually the indictments are criminal. But the crimes are being committed by the government against Trump by filing false and misleading charges and against conservatives by attempting to subvert Trump from being able to run and take office in 2024 . We the People for MAGA 2024 / AMERICA 1st 🇺🇸 God Bless America 🇺🇸

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I think it's all deliberate. We are being purposefully demoralized with buffoons at the helm.

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Unfortunately, at this point it doesn't even matter which scenario his handlers think they are setting up..The bottom line is, the USA is wounded and in grave danger, and the whole world knows it. Anyone familiar with the disaster that struck Venezuela a few years ago can tell you, if something isn't done to fix the mess the current Marxist regime have created, our great Constitutional Republic may not survive. We the People had better step up to the plate, and FAST.

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Yeah, well it's a bit too late.

The USA is filled with the most uneducated and unmotivated trash in the world.

Even the so called patriots are idiots. Anybody that supports the nazi social media like fascistbook , instascam, screwyoutube, and the rest of that garbage, you're stupid and a traitor. It's hard to imagine that so called conservatives love to worship at the altar of Zuckerberg after he spent half a BILLION dollars to rig elections, yet the idiot conservatives just keep supporting this crap. How bat shyte stupid are people?

Yes, even the fools that think they are pro America still contribute willingly to the destruction of the nation. This is why we're doomed. Stupidity is a bigger threat than the fascist demonrats.

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What are you doing to help? Other than pissing and moaning? What’s your solution? Complaining isn’t helping.

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Well I sure don't support the nazis at fascistbook, apparently you do, otherwise you wouldn't have made such an idiotic comment.

You probably support every left wing social media nonsense site on the internet. People like you are the problem.

And to answer your question, what do I do to help? I do everything I can. I boycott the crazies, I'm on the phone with our useless senators and my representatives constantly for what good it does.

I'm active in our local politics because that's where the change has to start. I support the america first candidates and I demand answers from the rino scum when they vote democrtat.

What do you do besides give money to every fascist group in the nation????

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I don’t call other patriots ‘idiots’ for starters. Go play on a busy highway. You might be a radical tool giving true conservatives a bad name. You sound like it.

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Bud, if you support the nazis, you're NO patriot, you're a traitor.

Your comment sounds like something a cnn reporter would make.

You're definitely a lefty coming here to troll.

A radical troll, how cute! I'm a troll for calling out nut jobs that support the nazis, right.

People like you are lost and deluded or just so vain you can't stand to be called out for your hypocrisy. You support nazis but you call me a radical tool. Ok Mr. Biden.

And you didn't bother to tell us all what it is that you do to help the freedom movement, after asking me that question, and I answered you. Typical lefty, you are. That's because you do zero. Instead , you support the enemy. man, aren't you just the pillar of patriotism, haha.

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What nazi’s are you referring to. I have never supported ANY Nazi’s, kkk, AntiFa, blm, or the antisemitism crowd. So stfu. You’re a douchebag liberal troublemaker. You lose.

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Great and important points.

America is in dire straits. The World sees this too.

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The level of deception is massive everywhere. From Trans to blm to defend the police. Up is down down is up. Our enemies are deep in our camp and are creating an elaborate web to pull our society apart. First destroy the man, then the family and now the woman. Erase identities and form grotesque new ones in their place. I think the American people are being conditioned for surrender. Biden will surrender when China moves. We don't have bullets! He will say. It will of course lead to some new ridiculous restrictions on our freedom. Those who resist will be russian sympathizers or some nonsense. The main thing is 2024 CANNOT be allowed to happen with ANY chance than a true leader gets in. So yeah they are cooking something up and it is going to happen soon.

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As GW once brilliantly observed, "Fool me once...won't get fooled again." Biden, however, takes buffoonery to a new level: "We're sending cluster bombs because we're a tad short on shells." It's stale news though. From Wikipedia, "On 7 December 2022, it was revealed that Ukraine was seeking access to US stockpiles of cluster munitions, due to a shortage of ammunition for HIMARS type and 155 mm artillery systems."

And again, "On 6 July 2023, U.S. president Joe Biden approved the provision of cluster munitions to Ukraine, bypassing U.S. law prohibiting the transfer of cluster munitions with a failure rate greater than one percent." I believe it's more of a "pledge" than "U.S. law." No matter. Biden has a record of paying no heed to either.

The U.S. is not among the 123 signatories to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions that bans these weapons. (Nor is Russia or Ukraine.)

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In some ways, in some important ways it appears Zelensky is directly involved with the management of this country. He was wealthy before with a $15 million mansion in Florida. Now, in the Biden Administration, he is a billionaire. Hmm, one wonders where he made his money in such a short time. Answer - probably in the same way Biden made his stash.

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As hard as it is to believe sometimes myself the facts and objective reality suggest that the people in power are actively undermining our country. There is no other explanation. It is really hard to watch. There will be a day soon when we will pay dearly for these decisions as a nation. We must prepare as individuals both physically and most importantly, spiritually. God’s judgement is coming.

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To move a society to a new system (one that won't benefit the masses), it's easier to collapse the old system, they know that.

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6uild 6ack 6etter.....

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There is definitely something to the fact that Chicago communists entered with Obama and now are in key positions with the fool in chief. It was Ron Klain, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, others. Klain and Rice have left and their positions filled with others only slightly lessers. One might wonder if the reason Klain and Rice left was to start prepping for the 2024 election.

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When you take the Chinese money, you give them whatever they want. Deplete our ammo? Sure, no problem. You want more ports? Farmland? You want to replenish the Confucius Schools or simply rename them? Hey! I got influence, man.

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Dog King.

Look up how the Vikings used Dog Kings. We are a captured nation...and Biden is a symbol that we can't do anything to stop the people behind the curtain..

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I disregard everything related to Biden. It's not him. It's not the same person. It's someone else wearing a mask and having a good time mocking us with it.

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It's not even the same face compared to photos from just a few years back.

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He looks like a seal; a literal seal...

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"President Joe Biden’s oldest granddaughter, Naomi Biden is making headlines again, just weeks after it was announced that she’s set to marry her fiancé, Peter Neal, at the White House on November 19. In a video posted on Instagram, the granddaughter of America’s commander-in-chief tells the camera that her grandfather has a twin, who’s currently pretending to be the president.

Naomi then revealed that her grandfather died four years ago, after he served his country during a long political career. She added that her family wanted to maintain its power in government, so they replaced Joe with his twin brother Bo Biden so that he could run for the office of President of the United States against his predecessor, Donald Trump."

Who knows ...

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Perhaps all 122 of those watching CNN will not tell the rest of the world.

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I'm beginning to think people are taking advantage of the dementia, between feeding him stuff to spill, and then giving the questions to reporters.

And maybe he's being used to goad enemies into attacking (playing the victim, and not offending his base). If an attack comes, that becomes the imprimatur for escalating substantially, and cranking up the war machine possibly before Trump gets into office. It's hard to turn off the tap then, right?

There's a need to create a crisis as well to crank up the CDBC here too.

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Xi owns JOE. He has given practically all to CCP. I cringe when I see those names of the

2 Frauds: Biden-Harris Regime. JOE plays the part of a dangling marionette without practice.

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Yes...A crisis. That's all JOEBAMA is good for period.

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I love your optimism of "before Trump gets into office"! You don't think they would steal it again?

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With 74% of American's thinking we're heading down the wrong path, I'm of the opinion that the margin to steal will be too big. I have noticed some press claiming (in some of the battleground states with HUGE counties as one-shot steals for a big state with sizeable electoral votes) that "polling" is showing "neck and neck" between Biden and Trump if elections were today. I think this is "priming the pump" to get people's perceptions down to a "stealable state".

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I also don't trust media and polls (which are pretty meaningless this early) I think it's possible they are portraying Trump as more competitive in the general election to encourage his nomination because they think he's more beatable that the alternative(s). Which I fear may be true.

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I agree. I think that a Michelle/Gavin ticket may be up, with Gavin playing the role of "impeachment insurance" much like Harris is playing now. And Obama gets a 4th term...

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It's the dementia. It's like a truth serum in that the normal self-regulation of ideas and comments coming from the brain to the mouth is disturbed. Biden even disclosed (with a straight face) how he "sold states secrets" the other day! Can't make this stuff up.

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"Our borders are wide open, i don't care, i'm sending all the money to nazis in Ukraine and i sell state secrets, i'm keen on letting China invade us and oh by the way, looks like we're out of ammo ! Please, come on in, the door's open"

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