Merchan should be the one brought up on trial. The lawless Merchan said: no jail time...

conditional discharge (give me a break) and case can be DISMISSED. Why hasn't the

New York Bar revoked his law license? You know why? Because, all ABA's are all

compromised. A joke of a court system. What an injustice to President Trump.

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Thank YOU.....

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As usual, the DC Swamp is still the DC Swamp. The game playing and corruption continue to rise to new levels.

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It's not a swamp, it's a toxic, deadly stinking sewer. The smell turns everyone there into demoniacs and rinos

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Perfectly stated!

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Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

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Correct! Every one expects ONE politician to do it all. 🤦‍♀️ There's a thousand...what Trump should do.. articles. Zero what we should do articles. Nothing changes because we don't make it happen.

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Since America abandoned the God who blessed us so abundantly it's all been downhell ever since.

The Deuteronomy 28 curses are now in effect from the top on down, and Superman T is not the source of what made America Great once upon a time.

The Democrats have proven how evil they are, and the Republicans have proven how utterly worthless they have been for decades, and that's how we got here.

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I'm not so sure we abandoned God in total; certainly many have, but by no means all. I am certain that it was His hand that moved Trump's head just enough to avoid serious injury or death. So Trump's election victory was all but insured by God. IMHO

I think Trump is acutely aware of God's role in saving his life so we will have a very different President and much better President than we did in round 1.

We will not see the twitter battles; we will not see the political fights; it will be a much improved and dare I say, more professional and respectful Presidency ..... because Trump is rightly humbled by having his life saved.

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You're not so sure Sodom & Gomorrah, corrupt, no accountability, lawless, land of many crimes, perversity, and extreme violence whose god is greed/mammon, & billionaires, baby murdering and war mongering MIC USA has abandoned God ?

How easily this generation who put their trust in men are deceived.

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Truly, a Sodom and Gomorrah event is way overdue and sorely needed.

What the secularists do here and across the globe daily via killing babies and selling baby body parts makes the Nazes of WW2 look like simple street thugs.

IF it happens, do not try to look.

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The sad truth appears to be that IF the next Administration does not investigate the participants in the lawfare, then charge and try them, and give them prison time, at the next opportunity, they will rise again to use lawfare unfairly against their enemies. What Giuliani is suffering is a terrible miscarriage and abuse of justice. It's the same maybe worse with Eastman. The fascists are unfairly ruining respectable lives. These fascists must be dealt with in court and prison.

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He's a very corrupt judge...should be removed from the Beach

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I get it: you were thinking Biden should be removed from the Beach! A perfectly understandable mistake.

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Bench 👍🏻

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Did Trump ever get the money Stormy was supposed to pay him???

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This judge is an embarrassment to our judicial system! This is a dog and pony show, nothing more!

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Election interference is treason, isn't it? If I understand the Constitution correctly, Merchan should hang.

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There are tons of them that have committed Treason!!! Where has true justice gone???

Testicular fortitude is gone! Hopefully, it will return with the incoming administration! Bye to woke-ism DEI BS! Praying for common sense to reemerge from its slumber !

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We had no idea how big the swamp is. Neither did Trump. It's do or die time. We're on the edge of the cliff.

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Agreed. Hang at worst and definitely disbarred at best! He is a disgusting disgrace!!!💩😤🤬

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It isn't just Trump he's harming. It's the entire country. There should be serious consequences.

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Absolutely agree!!!

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Merchan should hang from a very coarse rope.

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His daughter needs to be investigated for corrupt profiteering off her father's use of the court.

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Agree 100%!

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Reporter Conveniently Given Exclusive Access to New Orleans Terrorist’s Squalid Trailer Home: Bomb-Making Station and Open Quran Which Discusses Martyrdom

“Three phones linked to Jabbar have been recovered, and digital media exploitation is a priority to see what is on the devices and determine if there are any other potential leads….. but the liars already told us ; ‘he acted alone’

Why We Cannot Trust the FBI

Larry Johnson


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Oh I expect a jail sentence and the judge to retire immediately after. We'll see what he does.

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In light of such corruption, unethical legal behavior, his fat pension should be tweaked downward.

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I'd cut his pension in half. He is clearly playing politics from the bench and trying to get as much admiration from the far left press as they can laud on him. Totally disgusting.

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And he appears to not be a full judge but his is an acting position.

His arguments should be pieces of cake to remove once in an Appeals' Court.

How he is allowed to remain in charge with his daughter's obvious unethical behavior with her $93million is weird.

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Enjoy the 🤡 show! Brought to you for your viewing “pleasure”.

What a scam. Do any of you get it YET?

The gullible and naive are the first casualties.

Use your God given discernment and Intuition wisely.

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Oh, I remember Perry Mason. The good old days :-)

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