😭worst Christmas news. The corruption is deep…everywhere. Save yourselves by relying on yourself is all I can say. And be a good person, God is watching.

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Agree 100%. We are living through a time when it is our sacred duty to stand up for who we are and who we want to be as human beings. Strength & power.

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"Save yourselves by relying on yourself is all I can say. And be a good person, God is watching."

Very well said. There are worse things than death and the 'saving' of one's self of which you refer might very well be the saving of one's eternal soul.

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I think the majority of us were hoping , maybe, that the Judge was honest..a long shot at best...but we really kind of new that the cheat was baked into the system...what have we learned from this BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT?? We have learned that WE the PEOPLE's vote DOES NOT COUNT!!!!! A very dangerous place to be for a nation, when the people realize that a government is totally corrupt it leads to revolution... I am ready for it and i will join in...our government has left it's constitutional base, it has become tyrannical in it's own fashion......Thomas Jefferson said that when this happens it is up to the citizens to tear it down and rebuild it...WE ARE THERE......Who is going to fire the second shot heard round the world???

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I’m with you!

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It’s the hill we will all have to fight on if we truly believe in freedom from this EVIL. It will take generations see Uri Bevmenov but I see no other way anymore. We were warned

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Dec 24, 2022
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Correct, VERY DARK TIMES ahead of us.....keep your powder dry...

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Dec 24, 2022
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There is nothing I have more valuable or important than my freedom.

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That’s the first thing they take is your freedom!

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the American people MUST wake up and understand there is no one in this government from every level that is going to save this country. They are ALL (and I do mean ALL) are bought and paid for. There is just one solution.....STARVE THE BEAST. It is time the American people went on strike. It is time WE THE PEOPLE boycott this government. Just get out the Declaration of Independence. It clearly tells us the solution right in the very beginning. We need to organize a national boycott against this government. Debt is slavery and as long as you are kept in debt they own you. This is why my husband and I have always lived within our means. No mortgage debt, no car debt, no credit card debt. Sadly, too many Americans are wrapped in debt and cannot do what needs to be done. We need to stay home from work, take out kids out of school and stopped paying taxes of all kinds. If enough Americans would do it we could beat them but most Americans do not have what it takes to fight back and this is why they continue to get away with they do. Will the good people of AZ boycott their state? NO. We should be taking a lesson from the people of Brazil and China but we are to fat, lazy and comfortable.

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. “

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agree with everything you wrote - however although I don't vote and never will I have faith in Bobby Kennedy Jr - I'm hoping he runs because he continues to proclaim the only way to fix the system is to abolish all the alphabet agencies and he's the man to get it done - not only does he know how the game is played - has nothing to gain and he already has FAME and fortune - he knows everyone and therefore can in fact abolish everything and replace it will all the right people

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You know what happened when his Uncle and Father tried to do the exact same thing.

Leftists always seem to win. The Republicans aren't true. They have to be part of it.

How can they stand for what is going on in our Country. Then that disgusting

Commie Zelensky shows up in our US Congress and starts demanding more

money from US Taxpayers. Pelosi and Miss VP shown holding up Ukraine flag.

That's what they do in Communist Countries. What other Leftists countries are going

to show up in our US Congress demanding money.

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Yes, the government, aka, the cia, took them out.

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Why should we ask RFK Jr to pay the price alone?

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He will never run for President. And remember he IS a Democrat in many of the ways we do not agree with. Rand Paul promised to get rid of many of the unconstitutional agencies and surely didn’t mean much to the American people. Not a fan of Rand Paul but he DID run on getting rid of many of the unconstitutional agencies. The American people didn’t want him and RFK Jr. will NEVER win even if he does run. Have you not been paying attention??? There are no more election and haven’t been for many decades. What have is people who go vote for an election that was decided long before the first vote was cast.

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That said, I will always vote as if my vote did matter. But, I realize the whole process is rigged and corrupt. Who are we to talk about Russia and China when we are just as bad.

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I mostly agree but if you stop paying taxes, they will cheaply be taking your possessions and you will have nothing and be unhappy about it.... so I have to argue on that point. As far as property tax, personal property tax. I have already removed kids from schools, and am not attached to debts aside from utilities and I doubt I will detach from those in the near future due to the alternative energy sources not being consistent yet. We have to use the county water supply because our groundwater from wells in my area are polluted with radionuclide particulates among other things probably. I think there are many who could unplug readily and who have foresight into what we all know is coming. But not enough people to actually make any difference. There will be major changes soon. After mid year 2023, things will begin picking up pace unless something big happens to change our current course.

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You are correct, if most people sit back and decide to do nothing. BUT if millions joined in the government doesn’t have any way of punishing all of us and they won’t even try. I am far from being a tree hugger and I know for a FACT that climate change is a hoax just like COVID. But I do realize the day is fast approaching where electricity is going to skyrocket in price and rationing will take place. We invested in solar and if you do it right it is a viable alternative. We are connected to the utility company but if the grid goes down or they try to ration electricity via the smart meters my solar will work independent of the utility company. I also have a prepper well on my property. If you have dirty water you could get the prepper well and invest in a good water filtration system like Aguapure or Berkey. Just make sure to buy extra filters. I have both Aquapure and Berkey.

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You assume that people have extra money for all this. Most people are just barely getting by.

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Yes and a lot of people have lived beyond their means too. There are always exceptions to everything but I also know there are many people that live a life they cannot afford so when an emergency comes they have set themselves up to be slaves of the government. I have been poor so I know what it is like but even when I was dirt poor, a widow, raising a child I lived within my means and when emergencies happened I survived better than most. there are a lot of ways to protect yourself. If you cannot afford to prepare how are you going to survive when they start shutting off your electric in the dead of winter. It is pay now or pay later. Solar is not the only solution.

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This is very judgmental. You have no idea of what goes on in other people’s lives, especially the last 3 years.

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I lived it as well as you and everyone else. Most people DO live beyond their means and that is exactly what the government wants.

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But the Founding Fathers left no instructions, no pathway. No where to turn.

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An excellent and deeply meaningful observation. We WILL prevail.

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...longevity. Nevertheless we cannot, must not,refrain from participating were it to come to that. Whether we are among the eventual victors is ... perhaps doubtful. I’m not anxious to fight, especially at my age, but I will not cower and beg, nor should any zealous for G-d given rights and our freedoms do so.The founding fathers found justification in their Bible, and indicated same in our Declaration of Independence.

I’m as reluctant as others are; regrettably, I don’t even have anyone to say Kaddish and the Kel Molay Rachamim for me. Nevertheless I will act honorably and fulfill my patriotic duty to defend and protect the Constitution.

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I agree. Are you aware that Chabad will say Kaddish for you, of course there is a donation but perhaps it’s better than nothing.

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Is this pre-need preparation, in a manner of speaking? Not to dwell morbidly, I do have a cemetery plot in a “kosher” cemetery, next to my late beloved wife Rochel, z”l.And the stone is ready to inscribe.I will call our local Chabad, and thank you, indeed! I had not known of this beforehand.

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Yes I believe you can call them and tell them your problem. They will tell you everything that you need to know. It’s my understanding that whoever is in charge of your funeral arrangements can notify them & you can set aside the donation to be paid if you have a trust or will. But ask them how to exactly do it. I’m really happy to have been of help in this most important issue. Please let me know what they say. BH.

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Leslie, the previous letter( all in caps) depicted the fighting courage of we Americans, when aroused to the deadly necessity of fighting for our rights under G-d and the Constitution.In my answer I could have listed a vast number of battles fought during the American Revolution,wherein raw courage won the day but I refrained from unloading a history book, since the writer “Gen. Early “wanted to demonstrate our courage on Dec.25th, 1776 as an important example of how against huge odds we nevertheless fought. This will happen again, in America; we will not remove the cancerous Security State without a fight.You asked me “how...”.It will not happen peacefully and we will have to choose sides, and participate albeit reluctantly. We must follow examples we know from our history.And you and I and several millions of our fellow Jews just celebrated the victory of Mattathis HaCohen , his family and all the rest of the Hasmonean Maccabee over the combination of the Syrian Greeks and the Hellenists. It took 25 years of fighting to win that fight ! Don’t be fearful.

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Was that comment there when I asked Really, how? I didn’t see it so my question was without benefit of reading it. Thank you for pointing it out. And yes, I am very familiar with Judah Maccabee, Mattathis HaCohen & our history . Unfortunately I don’t have 25 years left to see this fight through.

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Nor do I, Leslie, nor do I... but 25 years was needed to get rid of Antiochus Epiphanus and the Hellenists. King George III, the fight was 1775-1783- not as long.Even 8 years may exceed my

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Mine too. 🤗

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Elections that matter will always be stolen. Trump and Lake won in landslides. Election Integrity in America is dead.

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The US judiciary system is totally corrupt, just as the UK's judiciary system is. There was NEVER any prospect of them upholding the law and reversing stolen elections, not in 2020 and not now. Trump had one opportunity to end this rot - by activating his own Executive Order alleging foreign interference in elections in 2020. Sidney Powell advised him to do it, but he relied upon the corrupt courts instead. I doubt there will ever be free and fair federal elections again in the US. Red States must now seek secession if they want to remain free of fascist totalitarian rule.

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Spot on!

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ANYONE that is surprised by this news has truly not been paying attention. When the 2024 campaign starts they will make sure Trump doesn’t even win the nomination. They have election fraud down to a perfect science and this country is on its way down the sewer and it is all because the American people REFUSE to stand up and fight back.

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I totally agree. President Trump will have to start a third Party. There is no way that he will be nominated by the Republican Party (GOP). I am not going on that ride. I'm ready, Let me

know the plan.

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The plan is not enough. We need a leader with a huge reach. Sadly, my reach is not large enough. I am sure I could grow numbers but we need someone that can kick off the plan ASAP and get millions to jump on board. We have to get up off of our knees and start doing what needs to get done. JD has a much larger reach and he could bring a lot of others on board. But we don’t want anymore begging these criminals to do the right thing. It is NOT going to happen.

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Right. I agree. Email JD and tell him what you're thinking. The Republicans aren't going to help us. All they will do is have countless hearings that will go NOWHERE.

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Well if he reads his comments he will see what I wrote. If he doesn’t read his comments then perhaps we need to hunt down another leader. I have a Substack too and he can reach me there. In the meantime I will be thinking of who we might get help create the plan (I have my own idea of what needs to be done) but we need to get a doable plan and organize. But no plan will involve ANYONE in DC or in politics because they are ALL our enemies.

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Right....I did email JD before you posted. Sometimes he answers. Not all the time. You have much more indepth substacks. You should email JD at least once and ask his opinion.

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Many years ago when when Freedom Works first started (back when they did good work) and I spent a weekend in DC attending a planning session with them. My suggestion was: we need to get 435 American patriots willing to participate. Assign each one a member of Congress. We go to DC and each of the 435 volunteers stand outside the office of their assigned member of Congress. At a precise time each person walks in, hands over a YOUR FIRED card along with a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Then walk in their office and take control of the office. These 435 people will become the new Congress. Now will it work?? Who knows but I guarantee it will get a lot of attention. Of course now that we had the Democrat organized event on January 6th we probably could not even get in to the House and Senate buildings but this is an example of peaceful action. Our Declaration of Independence clearly states it is our duty to throw the criminals to the curb. At the time they thought it was a good idea but times have changed a lot since then.

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Prior to this case, Arizona election law only required the plaintiff to prove irregularities and inconsistencies in the way voting activities were administered ... But then along came Judge Peter Thompson who almost certainly knew that Lake's allegations could easily meet the prevailing standard of proof ... So what did he do? ... He unilaterally redefined state law right there on the spot to require proof of intent AND that any malfeasance also affected the election outcome ... I've always assumed that judges are there to only interpret and apply the spirit of the law, not to redefine it ... but this game was actually over before it began ... WHAT A PRICK!

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Then our Country is gone. We will never have fair elections ever again. What went on in AZ was a joke. To just imagine that a freaking Judge would see what happened and then rule against

Kari Lake is ruthless. I pray Kari can WIN on appeal. Katie Hobbs certified her own Election Fraud.

Doug Ducey went along with the LIES. What a disgrace he is. How can our Country survive when

we have an Occupant and his sidekick Miss VP (a Marxist) in the White House. They permeate

scum in our beautiful White House. I heard a podcast that explained that people have left GOD and

now we see his wrath on, We The People, and the United States of America. Katie Hobbs husband goes along with the narrative of the Leftists. He counsels the minds of the young to become trannies.

You know, when you cut off your body parts. Then to add Judge Peter Thompson was appointed by

Governor Jan Brewer (R). So, what does that tell you? This Country doesn't belong to

We The People, anymore unless we stand up and face the ultimate Revolution that is coming in our

Country. Occupant JOE and his Communist Regime are trying to lead us into TYRANNY. Question

is, what are, We The People, going to do about it?

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Yes Lynn, sorry to say I agree ...

I was infuriated to see scumbags like Richer, Hobbs and Gates lie and get away with it ...

I'm 70 and an independent and I think Kari Lake is the most exciting political figure since Bobby Kennedy ... and yes, in a positive way she is ruthless ... there is speculation that she could still run for senator or be a VP candidate, but WTF good would it do ... and do not underestimate the role of the WEF in shaping political events here in the U.S. because she was dead-serious about closing the borders ... I believe the elites simply cannot afford to have an assertive, charismatic woman hold office in this country ... and if they can sequester juries, they should also sequester judges to insulate them from outside influence ... but I do not think Lake is at her core a true MAGA type ... I think she's just latching onto Trump's coat-tails because it's the politically expedient thing to do ... she has expressed a desire to address the homeless problem and her ideology actually seems to be rooted in progressive politics ... before that hollow little twit AOC hijacked, debased and turned the progressive label on its head, "progressive politics" was actually a respected political ideology ... AOC is not a true progressive, members of the "squad" are not true progressives and supreme court judges are not true progressives! ... but as we helplessly stand by and watch the death of fair elections, I just don't see how Lake can accomplish anything meaningful with what's left.

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It's undeniable the country is in the hands of the lowest scum that slitters on this earth. There is not a way that all the garbage that's coming onto us can be explained. I think it's time to take action and defend the legacy that our forefathers left for us to protect.

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Yes Luis ... criminality and corruption are being normalized in American society and I believe the WEF had a hand in the AZ GOV race ... it's no secret that it's in their interests to blur the Canadian and Mexican borders ...

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They are waiting to declare war— on the people of the United States.

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Unbelievabie; we're living in Alice in Wokleand. How MUCH proof do you need?

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The Judge was worried about himself and his family.

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Then he shouldn't be a judge ... or at least recuse himself. But, you're probably right.

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This has all come on recently so it’s easy for people to say he shouldn’t be a Judge. Too bad people don’t understand what it cost for him to become a judge, and what’s he supposed to do after? Big dilemmas!

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Yes, FEAR is the Left's weapon.

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And as long as Judges give in, things will never change. I have no sympathy for him. How many Doctors, nurses, first responders, military personnel, etc have stood their ground and put their careers & lives on the line? Many. These Judges are our last line of hope. When they are cowards, where do we go?

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Just hard to believe!!! That judge had all the evidence in his lap.. coward!!!!

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I don't know how much more evidence the judge would need see and hear other than Richer standing there and telling him outright he threw the election.

Brings new meaning to "Justice is blind".

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Clearly, obviously we have asymmetrical justice. The rot is widespread throughout our society.

With the possible exceptions of finance and military, America is a 3rd world nation thanks to leftists led by Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, etc., et al. It is difficult to understand how Soros is allowed to continually finance sedition and get away with it. Oh that's right, a 3rd world justice system.

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Disheartening. Damn it. I really knew the judge didn’t have the courage to rule against the mob. I think he would’ve liked to, but probably didn’t want to die. Well she said she would go as far as the Supreme Courts with this case so we shall see if anyone has the kahunas to rule against the thieves! Let’s hope!

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EVERY government agency is captured and corrupted, including the judiciary. The sooner we accept the hard dirty truth, the sooner we can get on with liberating our republic. At this point, there is only one course of action. The patriots and Founding Fathers knew how tyranny has to be defeated. If you don't know what the only course of action is you might as well go back to sleep. And, don't tell me to trust in and pray to Jesus, or whomever your God is. This is a man-made calamity that only man can reverse. Consider this a wakeup call.

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Shinguentes, what a terrible present for Christmas.

We had hoped that the obvious testimony and clear evidence would be sufficient.

For the left, a conflict of interest means nothing; disenfranchisement means nothing, they laugh - but try it on them and watch them go bananas and riot.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that the whole system is set against reasonable citizens and honesty. The left owns too much across the spectrum of our society. Judge Thompson did a disservice to justice and the AZ election system. He lied.

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If you wait for the American sheeple to wake up, your grandkids will be grandparents and you'll still be waiting. Most people are selfish, self-centered, corrupt unprincipled cowards who don't care about anyone but themselves. The Founders said the Constitution was written for a moral people. For every one of us here who cares there are 10,000 drooling morons out there with their fingers up their noses who don't care. THEY are the rot and corruption of America and the maggots infesting the rotting carcass are the government they have earned for themselves. Sometimes, the backlash of karma is the only way the dull, unconscious of the world can learn - through pain they create for themselves through their utter lack of responsibility.

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AMEN!!! We are the problem and always have been. Sad part is those of us that have tried to fight this battle alone will suffer just like the ones that sat on their butts and refuses to give up their time in front of the TV to get involved. I have seen it first hand for many years. But I will never stop until the day I leave this world.

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