😭worst Christmas news. The corruption is deep…everywhere. Save yourselves by relying on yourself is all I can say. And be a good person, God is watching.

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the American people MUST wake up and understand there is no one in this government from every level that is going to save this country. They are ALL (and I do mean ALL) are bought and paid for. There is just one solution.....STARVE THE BEAST. It is time the American people went on strike. It is time WE THE PEOPLE boycott this government. Just get out the Declaration of Independence. It clearly tells us the solution right in the very beginning. We need to organize a national boycott against this government. Debt is slavery and as long as you are kept in debt they own you. This is why my husband and I have always lived within our means. No mortgage debt, no car debt, no credit card debt. Sadly, too many Americans are wrapped in debt and cannot do what needs to be done. We need to stay home from work, take out kids out of school and stopped paying taxes of all kinds. If enough Americans would do it we could beat them but most Americans do not have what it takes to fight back and this is why they continue to get away with they do. Will the good people of AZ boycott their state? NO. We should be taking a lesson from the people of Brazil and China but we are to fat, lazy and comfortable.

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. “

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Elections that matter will always be stolen. Trump and Lake won in landslides. Election Integrity in America is dead.

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The US judiciary system is totally corrupt, just as the UK's judiciary system is. There was NEVER any prospect of them upholding the law and reversing stolen elections, not in 2020 and not now. Trump had one opportunity to end this rot - by activating his own Executive Order alleging foreign interference in elections in 2020. Sidney Powell advised him to do it, but he relied upon the corrupt courts instead. I doubt there will ever be free and fair federal elections again in the US. Red States must now seek secession if they want to remain free of fascist totalitarian rule.

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ANYONE that is surprised by this news has truly not been paying attention. When the 2024 campaign starts they will make sure Trump doesn’t even win the nomination. They have election fraud down to a perfect science and this country is on its way down the sewer and it is all because the American people REFUSE to stand up and fight back.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Prior to this case, Arizona election law only required the plaintiff to prove irregularities and inconsistencies in the way voting activities were administered ... But then along came Judge Peter Thompson who almost certainly knew that Lake's allegations could easily meet the prevailing standard of proof ... So what did he do? ... He unilaterally redefined state law right there on the spot to require proof of intent AND that any malfeasance also affected the election outcome ... I've always assumed that judges are there to only interpret and apply the spirit of the law, not to redefine it ... but this game was actually over before it began ... WHAT A PRICK!

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Then our Country is gone. We will never have fair elections ever again. What went on in AZ was a joke. To just imagine that a freaking Judge would see what happened and then rule against

Kari Lake is ruthless. I pray Kari can WIN on appeal. Katie Hobbs certified her own Election Fraud.

Doug Ducey went along with the LIES. What a disgrace he is. How can our Country survive when

we have an Occupant and his sidekick Miss VP (a Marxist) in the White House. They permeate

scum in our beautiful White House. I heard a podcast that explained that people have left GOD and

now we see his wrath on, We The People, and the United States of America. Katie Hobbs husband goes along with the narrative of the Leftists. He counsels the minds of the young to become trannies.

You know, when you cut off your body parts. Then to add Judge Peter Thompson was appointed by

Governor Jan Brewer (R). So, what does that tell you? This Country doesn't belong to

We The People, anymore unless we stand up and face the ultimate Revolution that is coming in our

Country. Occupant JOE and his Communist Regime are trying to lead us into TYRANNY. Question

is, what are, We The People, going to do about it?

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It's undeniable the country is in the hands of the lowest scum that slitters on this earth. There is not a way that all the garbage that's coming onto us can be explained. I think it's time to take action and defend the legacy that our forefathers left for us to protect.

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Unbelievabie; we're living in Alice in Wokleand. How MUCH proof do you need?

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Just hard to believe!!! That judge had all the evidence in his lap.. coward!!!!

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I don't know how much more evidence the judge would need see and hear other than Richer standing there and telling him outright he threw the election.

Brings new meaning to "Justice is blind".

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Disheartening. Damn it. I really knew the judge didn’t have the courage to rule against the mob. I think he would’ve liked to, but probably didn’t want to die. Well she said she would go as far as the Supreme Courts with this case so we shall see if anyone has the kahunas to rule against the thieves! Let’s hope!

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EVERY government agency is captured and corrupted, including the judiciary. The sooner we accept the hard dirty truth, the sooner we can get on with liberating our republic. At this point, there is only one course of action. The patriots and Founding Fathers knew how tyranny has to be defeated. If you don't know what the only course of action is you might as well go back to sleep. And, don't tell me to trust in and pray to Jesus, or whomever your God is. This is a man-made calamity that only man can reverse. Consider this a wakeup call.

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Shinguentes, what a terrible present for Christmas.

We had hoped that the obvious testimony and clear evidence would be sufficient.

For the left, a conflict of interest means nothing; disenfranchisement means nothing, they laugh - but try it on them and watch them go bananas and riot.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that the whole system is set against reasonable citizens and honesty. The left owns too much across the spectrum of our society. Judge Thompson did a disservice to justice and the AZ election system. He lied.

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If you wait for the American sheeple to wake up, your grandkids will be grandparents and you'll still be waiting. Most people are selfish, self-centered, corrupt unprincipled cowards who don't care about anyone but themselves. The Founders said the Constitution was written for a moral people. For every one of us here who cares there are 10,000 drooling morons out there with their fingers up their noses who don't care. THEY are the rot and corruption of America and the maggots infesting the rotting carcass are the government they have earned for themselves. Sometimes, the backlash of karma is the only way the dull, unconscious of the world can learn - through pain they create for themselves through their utter lack of responsibility.

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