Still simultaneously a "loss" in that this clear mail-in fraud is allowed to happen. This needs to be addressed in the most head-on fashion or our country is done. Any race that would genuinely be "close" would be lost in the future. We can no longer "tolerate" the treachery of the left in the United States.

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Agree totally with YOU. It's been almost 2 years and still by the looks of it in Arizona, nothing much has changed. Where do we go from here?

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It is indeed disheartening for the PA Supreme Court to uphold the mail-in ballot. It will always be the means to cheat. Can in-person voting overcome the fraud? Perhaps only when the PTB allow it. It is very discouraging. From the PA media - https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/08/court-ruling-upholding-pas-mail-in-voting-law-doesnt-quell-calls-for-reforms.html

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Thanks for your comments. I grew up in Western PA and I agree with you on the

PA Leftists Supreme Court Decision. I remember an Attorney being on Bannon's

show and he said it was Unconstitutional. I bet this will go up to the US Supreme Court.

But, who knows, if the Great SCJ Roberts will take it up. What I will never understand

is why SCJ's Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch allowed PA to count ballots 3 extra days after

Nov. 3, 2020 Election.

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Powers That Be

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OK...Thx....I see you subscribe to bad cattitude too :-)

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Indeed. Hopefully, enough in-person voters repeat in November to get honest reps in our gov. The Dems truly use mail-in ballots to commit fraud. There is more than enough evidence to prove this.

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Once in a while these little miracles happen. The have the effect of injecting a bit of hope in an otherwise dismal situation.

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So happy to hear that as I was concerned they were at it again and could have pulled it off. Wonderful news!

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I don't believe Kari was trailing. If this is a sign, just wait until the General Election.

Dear Meghan McCain can't wait until Katie Hobbs the Leftist beats Kari Lake in

November. That's why every vote counts for Republicans in November. The

McCain's are going to pour in the money in Arizona to beat Kari. I am praying

that Kari and her team have a good game plan. You can tell by this Primary that

nothing much has changed with voter fraud in Arizona. Now, JOE has positioned

a Political Division in the USPS to oversee Mail In Ballots. How do you think

that is going to turn out? IT'S GOING TO BE A FIGHT TO THE FINISH. I don't

want to be negative but, it's a WAR between Good and Evil....take out the

name words Republican and Democrat. They are all the same. Democrats do not

exist. Politics is a side show in a one-party system. We taxpayers are the ones

that bear the outcomes of their policies like inflation, gas prices, etc.

One thing to ponder is why is the JoeBama Communist Regime doing everything to NOT

elect them in November. I say because, they plan to NOT lose the Midterms.

But, I wonder what their plan is to accomplish these stolen Elections? They

succeeded in the Stolen Election of 2020 didn't they? The word LEGAL and FAIR doesn't

exist in ELECTIONS.

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Now dig hard for the truth and publicly hang EVERYONE guilty of treason. That would be a good start.

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Incredible victory. The first thing that came to mind, however, is that this is a lesson learned and before November: If you're going to steal an election, you'd better amp up those efforts and ensure victory. If this theft failed because they miscalculated the math, they won't make that mistake again.

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JD: The point you made regarding mail-in ballots historically being heavily Democratic, but ... this was a REPUBLICAN primary ... is obvious, but brilliant! There is SO MUCH to be learned from studying the latest mail-ins from Arizona in this race. The RINO's might have stepped-in their own slime, this time.

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It’s not “voter fraud”. It’s election fraud. BIG difference.

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Pence is very unliked by true Republicans so his endorsement didn’t help or sway AZ voters. Thank goodness the ol’ establishment GOP failed. “This is MAGA country”😊

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Mail in ballots are the preferred choice of big corporate fraud. What they got away with in 2020 is virtually murder !. They tried it against Kari Lake and failed. I'm wagering all of a sudden the whole system goes down and nobody can backtrack these mail in ballots , their numbers and their origins....sounds familiar huh !. Look at michigan where the republican watchers were completely harassed and many fold of bad ballots just pushed through.

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Let’s hope all those R mail in voters, and more, many many more, and many I voters, many many, turn out for the general

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I think they are still counting. Won't know for sure until Friday.

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Go, Lake, Go!

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