Dec 6, 2023Liked by JD Rucker

I'm concerned McCarthy will actually become more dangerous as a sort of "godfather" to future RINO's running for House seats. At least in Congress, we knew what he was up to most of the time and could keep an eye on him. However, I'm far more pleased than worried. Now, if only McConnell could take a hint. 🙄

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Yes but, now we know whomever McCarthy gets behind to groom is a show stopper.

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True enough, but Washington has a history of hiding who supports whom to show us one face and show another when the cameras shut down. It took us the better part of 5 years to realize McCarthy was rooming with a friend who's a hardcore left-wing lobbyist, as we have very few real investigative journalists these days. The ideological capture of the largest majority of journalists these days is handicapping the American people in their ability to perceive what's true. Our Founders were wise in setting up our founding documents, but I have to wonder if they would be shocked at the nearly complete ideological capture of our federal government. I don't think they would sometimes, because they were aware the Republic could not stand without a moral population who worshipped an all powerful God. However, I sometimes think they'd be floored to see how far we've come from the original design. Either way, truth in 2023 has become subjective. You may believe what you're saying is truth, but others would die before accepting it. That's a very dangerous place for us to be as a nation and assuming we see clearly what McCarthy is doing behind the scenes, is a dangerous assumption. The entire point of the federal government right now is to mislead, distract and divide us and at this point, we have to assume they're very, very good at it. Anything else is just lying to ourselves.

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I voted for Ron DeSantis to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel . . .

The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.

Was Kevin McCarthy trying to be speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?

It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


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No worries. That evil McConnell will be called by Satan to Hell before the end of winter. This time is for real😆

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How so?

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Mitch worships and calls on Satan everyday. He has joined Hillary Clinton and the Obamas on this filthy ritual. Now the devil will take up McConnell’s daily call for real.

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I suppose that's between Cocaine Mitch and his god. I'm far more concerned with his support of the globalist death cult and their intentions to kill off 3/4 of those of us they call "eaters" and the enslavement of the rest. I'm focused on my own relationship with God and praying the lost masses find that same relationship. McConnell and the other globalists of the Military Industrial Complex have made their choices and while I wish he would just quit while he's ahead, I can't waste a lot of energy worrying about how he'll meet his end. God has promised judgment and that's good enough for me.

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I heard it here first. It surprises me he would retire, he surely would not if he were still Speaker. But I have to agree with your assessment - one more RINO gone.

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Politicians are nothing more than self serving narcissistic whores

They should all die a miserable death 💀

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Yes, less RINOs is great. But this seems more like a plot to turn the house over to the Dems either literally or indirectly by keeping it at a 1 vote margin.

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Mc is a RINO. His feelings are hurt. He should be investigated and tried for treason along with ALL the other traitors.

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Obvious question is who paid him to go and how much..??

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If there is one thing the Republican Party politicians know how to do well it is screwing their own constituencies. If Kevin McCarthy had any respect for the people who voted him in, he would have stuck it out until the end of his term. There is no doubt McCarthy doesn't care by leaving his replacement to be not elected by the voters but to be appointed by the snake, Gruesome Newsome. McCarthy, don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.

With due respect, JD, this country does not have enough time left to replace all the RINOs with bona fide, conservative Republicans. Every single day the country is run by the left wing extremists of the UniParty is one day less our Republic will exist. Our country is teetering on the edge, while the so-called Republicans fight among themselves, leaving the demorats laughing and destroying what is left of a once great nation.

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When will anyone begin to realize that none of this matters? The government has not stood for true freedom for at least a century+.

I suggest focusing on your relationship with God/Creator so that you can foster intuition and Truth.

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And pray for discernment!

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YES!!!! Major!!!!

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Good move. Now to ditch Mitch. One step at a time, we can take our country back.

I hope.

Our Book "Invisible Treason in America" came out as the #1 Book on Amazon. The #1 New Book on all of Amazon.

That was a remarkable accomplishment. Treason is STILL in the top ten in several Amazon categories.


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If you think getting rid of some RINOs is going to cleanse the retardican party, you are nutz. It has no rudder and no plan other than to go along with the fascist dems to prevent being drowned in the DC Swamp.

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Whatever in the world will it take for republicans to realize the fact that the GOP IS NOT A REAL POLITICAL PARTY???

They are controlled by the democrats, completely. My god, there's a democrat running the RNC, hello!!! This ex speaker clown, do you really think this dirtbag was a republican in anything but name?? Hello!!!

How many repubs voted to NOT IMPEACH the chinese spy??? The repubs will not impeach any Biden administration people even they killed somebody in cold blood on 4k video, HELLLO. Are you people braindead or something???

Go today and change your registration to independent. If you still choose to vote for democrats calling themselves republicans, you still can, if you're that stupid. My god, I'm 70 y/o, and I realized what was going on when I was just old enough to start voting. I thought it was obvious that they were fake as f_ _ _.

The American voter is as stupid as they can get.

If you fools think you can vote this nonsense away, then you're even more stupid than I thought was possible.

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I spent two hours with friends today….we all know the same church group, wonderful, talented and generous people but many simply won’t believe what truth is out there. We talked about the number of friends we know who passed away these last months….It’s painful to watch My siblings only follow the allowed wiki sites and are into climate change…blah blah..~~~it seems to me that climate and weather are interrelated? ???…. “Uptalk”….And if you can’t control the weather to start with, nothing will happen with the climate….soooooo, you’re not very intelligent after all. Everybody but you can see it. You ought to have had some success even this past year, don’t you agree? Al what’s yer name Gore and John Kerry of the many plane rides…..Oy vey… and how many of you $$$ guys live within yards of the oshun? Planning to move soon? Probably not! What.a.laugh…..

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I saw this on twitter/X first. I was surprised because of the releasing of his power in Congress. But then, I felt a sense of skulduggery. I'm going to go with one poster's response which I laughed at but which seemed more in liking to my sensibilities which was this:

"What’s dis shady ass mofo really up to!?!?!?"

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Omgoodness, I had a good chuckle!

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Ok but just consider what is really going on here. The Uniparty is now within immediate striking distance to flip the Speakership back to the Demoncraps this fiscal year, maybe within the next month or two.

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Jason is great and charismatic, animated, and has a great story, and is committed to depth in topics, but for me to listen to him he must slow down in his delivery. Younger kids talk like this. One must sound thoughtful and be comfortable to take time in expressing themselves….Way too fast for the normal person to enjoy his paragraphing….anything. My head would come off after ten minutes.

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Only a truckload of new brooms will be able to sweep out all the dirt in Congress and the Senate.

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They are all showing their true colors and should be shunned and shouted down at every gas station, restaurant, and grocery store for the rest of their lives. Liars. Traitors. Scum bags. And, we should pray for them too.

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