I’m waiting for this book on hold with local library. Can’t wait to read.

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I so miss the library. It's been years since I've been. I think I'll go find one tomorrow.

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😁 I know the library seems old fashioned, but our local one has an excellent variety and it’s nice to take grandkids there to pick out a book. I mostly read from my Kindle though. Nice to get books at library too, but also like to buy books as a small token to support an author. (Pandemia, The Real Anthony Fauci most recently). When I saw her book at library. I quickly put s hold on one.

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The GOP had a majority in Congress as well as the presidency before and they did nothing. They'll do nothing this time even if they do decide to man up and stop the democrats from stealing the midterm elections. As long as there's a single democrat left in Congress, the spineless GOP will still pretend to be powerless.

Wait and see.

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Unfortunately, you're right. A politician is a politician before being a member of a particular party or group. Few, if any, cannot be bought. They all have a price. Self-preservation comes before all else.

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That's true and the RNC keeps these incumbents from being primaried. It seems that the RNC is partnered with the DNC and since the DNC controls the electoral counting process, the RNC deciders seem to be doing as told with their Congressional candidates just to keep from being shut out of elections altogether.

That scenario makes as much sense to me as anything else I can think of.

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"Patriotic Americans want action", you said. Well...Here is what is going to be done very soon. "Josh Barnett and Dave Jose drop smoke to fix 2020" https://youtu.be/sCW_KhkB6Sw Before watching this video in its entirety, I recommend watching two shorter videos that explain what this all means and the strategy that has been used to do defeat illegal mandates and to initiate the Maricopa county forensic audit. : The Solution to the Constitutional Crisis in plain language and Real law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfUpSBixpCQ (19 minutes) and to Destroy all government corruption by Dave Jose https://youtu.be/fc0EdUzpunM (19 minutes) JD please interview Josh Barnett and David Jose.

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