Do not give in! No restrictions on gun bearing are Constitutional, Sue her again! The powers behind her are testing the American people on different levels of tolerance. If you accept today gun free zones in city parks, tomorrow, all public streets can become gun free zones. The day after tomorrow, your lawn will become a gun free zone. …
Do not give in! No restrictions on gun bearing are Constitutional, Sue her again! The powers behind her are testing the American people on different levels of tolerance. If you accept today gun free zones in city parks, tomorrow, all public streets can become gun free zones. The day after tomorrow, your lawn will become a gun free zone. Do not give in!
Sue her and challenge the "public HEALTH emergency" due to gun violence. Make her attorneys define what is "health". What is "public" health? Is carrying guns contagious? Is criminals shooting people contagious? If a criminal starts shooting in a park with unarmed parents and nannies, how is that working? People with strollers walking in parks are the source of danger for "public health"?!
Our lawns are already gun free zones, it is fucking evil. I waved an unloaded single shot shotgun from my porch at a woman who gave my tiny dog powerful THC oil without my permission when she started to talk to my dog from the road, and I was arrested, put in jail for 3 days, and the sheriff in a supposedly conservative rural county seized my shotgun and bolt action ..22 and still has them to this day. And I was holding the shotgun by the forestock with my finger no where near the trigger. I'd sue the sheriff department into oblivion for violating my 2nd Amendment rights if I had any money. :-(
Do not give in! No restrictions on gun bearing are Constitutional, Sue her again! The powers behind her are testing the American people on different levels of tolerance. If you accept today gun free zones in city parks, tomorrow, all public streets can become gun free zones. The day after tomorrow, your lawn will become a gun free zone. Do not give in!
Sue her and challenge the "public HEALTH emergency" due to gun violence. Make her attorneys define what is "health". What is "public" health? Is carrying guns contagious? Is criminals shooting people contagious? If a criminal starts shooting in a park with unarmed parents and nannies, how is that working? People with strollers walking in parks are the source of danger for "public health"?!
Our lawns are already gun free zones, it is fucking evil. I waved an unloaded single shot shotgun from my porch at a woman who gave my tiny dog powerful THC oil without my permission when she started to talk to my dog from the road, and I was arrested, put in jail for 3 days, and the sheriff in a supposedly conservative rural county seized my shotgun and bolt action ..22 and still has them to this day. And I was holding the shotgun by the forestock with my finger no where near the trigger. I'd sue the sheriff department into oblivion for violating my 2nd Amendment rights if I had any money. :-(