"Sorry sweaty -- your 2A rights don't apply in parks and playgrounds."

This is classic shitlib ratchet/overton window pushing:

Step 1, demand the obscene: Ban guns!!!!

Step 2, facing pushback: Oh okay I guess we'll """compromise""" on banning guns in only certain areas

Step 3, the ratchet turns: We'll continuously expand upon the limited gun ban toehold (via less public methods) via ongoing lawfare efforts

The correct answer is: No. Fuck you.

Donate to the FPC and GOA.

The rest of the "right" would do well by copying the method of funding and lawfare FPC and GOA use to accomplish their goals. Gun laws, concealed carry, etc. is one of the VERY few success stories on the 'right' amidst the decades of losing everywhere else.

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Every tyrant in history has always taken away guns from the people.

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"In order to control a Country the Citizens Must 1st be disarmed." - Adolph Hitler

Sir, you are a Fool.

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IMO, the effort to get rid of her should continue. She was just reelected and this was only just her first power grab gambit, protected as she is by three and a half years left in her present term. She has exposed herself for what she is i.e. a power crazed fascist. So called 'gun free zones' are a fascist invention that allow criminals to control these areas. Do not allow her to claim victory with this device. GET RID OF GRISHAM!

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Do not give in! No restrictions on gun bearing are Constitutional, Sue her again! The powers behind her are testing the American people on different levels of tolerance. If you accept today gun free zones in city parks, tomorrow, all public streets can become gun free zones. The day after tomorrow, your lawn will become a gun free zone. Do not give in!

Sue her and challenge the "public HEALTH emergency" due to gun violence. Make her attorneys define what is "health". What is "public" health? Is carrying guns contagious? Is criminals shooting people contagious? If a criminal starts shooting in a park with unarmed parents and nannies, how is that working? People with strollers walking in parks are the source of danger for "public health"?!

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Our lawns are already gun free zones, it is fucking evil. I waved an unloaded single shot shotgun from my porch at a woman who gave my tiny dog powerful THC oil without my permission when she started to talk to my dog from the road, and I was arrested, put in jail for 3 days, and the sheriff in a supposedly conservative rural county seized my shotgun and bolt action ..22 and still has them to this day. And I was holding the shotgun by the forestock with my finger no where near the trigger. I'd sue the sheriff department into oblivion for violating my 2nd Amendment rights if I had any money. :-(

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Any twisted Governor can issue any unconstitutional decree they want, but if your AG and law enforcement won't back you up, all you've done is make a fool of yourself. I don't think her backing down then increasing gun free zones is any victory. It is still an infringement on the Second Amendment, and it puts more citizens at risk because criminals love gun free zones because they are a safe place for them to commit mayhem. It is due to the Second Amendment and millions of American gun owners that we have not fallen into total tyranny.

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They are very good at defining categories; in this case, the main mass of the population is defined as dangerous criminals who shoot children. The actual shooters of children are more likely to be victims of mind-control as operated via the alphabet agencies. So their solution (taking away guns from the main mass of the population) isn't going to do anything regarding the incidence of shootings. I guess that should be obvious if you think about a little.

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Demoncrats don't think. They operate on "feelings."

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Criminals don’t get licenses when they go out and shoot people so why take away guns from law abiding people with licenses? Liberalism is a mental disease that no number of masks or vaccines can cure. This constitution hating racist woman belongs behind bars!!!

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It's strange how we allow government agencies to require us to have a license to exercise our Second Amendment Freedom. Eh?

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She threatened the incremental assault on guns, and was called out by her fellow democrats. But as is pointed out, where there was no ban before, she shot for the moon, and the retreated to a partial ban.

This is called "moving the football down the field".

This should be stopped, pure and simple. These are public places, and are likely not the places where all this child-directed gun violence was happening anyway, so what's the association to a reduction in gun violence in children anyway? My guess is gang and self-inflicted shooting represents a high number, and neither is associated with parks, etc.

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Great points

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Effin A right!

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The New Mexico governor's attempt to ban the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was a pre-arranged soros - bamination - wef script previously (and successfully) used in australia in the mid 1990s. Guns are completely banned there. The fake linkage to "public health" is the same fake linkage to "racism" ( meaning by leftist and black radicals (like naac p) as only "a White on black disease"). These lies fuel false conclusions, mask the real problems (black evil hatred of White society and sin). Remember prior New Mexico governor, bill richardson, was a slick willy clintonian puppet, who later was Dept of Energy secretary, who helped slick willy and gore, sell off our nuclear missile secrets to chicoms while allowing the johnny chen (fake demoncrat fundraiser) spy ring to operate to and from los alamos, and funnel Loral corp secrets to the chicoms while laundering tens of millions of dollars into slick willy "global initiative foundation". Uniparty swamp traitors are pure evil treasonous people no matter what politico post they are serving in. America is gone because good people will not rise up nationwide to remove tyranny. Isolated success stories are nice but do not solve the problem. Prayer, repentence, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour is the only long-term solution for peace, joy, and salvation. Everything else is a lie from satan.

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Actually, lots of Aussies have guns. Check out some YT videos about them hunting, going after varmints, etc.

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I am so glad the public and even her liberal AG curb stomped this tyrannical bitch (in Minecraft of course).

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Besides the widespread election frauds in New Mexico state, the voters who support such a criminal governor (and the Democratic Party) are part of the imminent disaster. In fact, those voters are co-conspirators and traitors whose goal is to destroy America.

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I’m a gun manufacturer and I approve of this message! 😉💰

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Next these tyrants will expect us to exchange guns for mRNA health serums.

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They took two steps forward then one back. They kept some of those restrictions and watch, now they will go for making that the law.

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Spot on!!! No time to cheer, but an excellent time to remove her from office and make an example of her.

We must protect our First and Second Amendments if we are to save our Republic.

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Don't believe everything you read in the Daily Mail. Though I do think Noem is 🔥

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Nothing in politics happens by chance or without an ulterior motive. This was a trial balloon to see if they could use a health emergency to circumvent the 2d Amendment. Make no mistake - getting rid of our guns is paramount to eventual takeover. No doubt they learned a lot from this exercise, information they will put to good use when the time comes for them to go full court press on disarmament, which they will have to do eventually.

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