Nothing in politics happens by chance or without an ulterior motive. This was a trial balloon to see if they could use a health emergency to circumvent the 2d Amendment. Make no mistake - getting rid of our guns is paramount to eventual takeover. No doubt they learned a lot from this exercise, information they will put to good use when t…
Nothing in politics happens by chance or without an ulterior motive. This was a trial balloon to see if they could use a health emergency to circumvent the 2d Amendment. Make no mistake - getting rid of our guns is paramount to eventual takeover. No doubt they learned a lot from this exercise, information they will put to good use when the time comes for them to go full court press on disarmament, which they will have to do eventually.
Nothing in politics happens by chance or without an ulterior motive. This was a trial balloon to see if they could use a health emergency to circumvent the 2d Amendment. Make no mistake - getting rid of our guns is paramount to eventual takeover. No doubt they learned a lot from this exercise, information they will put to good use when the time comes for them to go full court press on disarmament, which they will have to do eventually.