It's all 'Smoke and Mirrors'.

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I don’t understand how someone can call themselves a conservative AND support Nikki Haley. She’s a globalist and a war hawk.

Trump 2024!

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It's disturbing to me that so many comments refer to "republicans". That's not an actual descriptive word when describing one's political leanings. The word carries no real description of political direction, it's the assumed name of a very fluid group of people.

I pride myself as being a conservative. I don't give a dry fart what DC political cartels do or say, they have no sway over me, and I hold none over them.

"Power to the People!" not "Power to the Parties!"

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Haley sucks. Why not just put Mitt Romney in skirt and re-run him?

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I don't believe for a NY minute Trump would pick Haley. It is fake news trying to upset MAGA.



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I remember back with Haley ran under a Tea Party banner. I thought she was ok. Boy, was I duped. But it just shows that the fasco-Marxists stop at nothing to corrupt, lie, sleaze, propagandize, lie and fake everything.

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No Abbott, No Haley, No DeSantis, No Vivek

Root out ALL of the Deep State.

🇺🇸TRUMP 2024🇺🇸


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If everyone would have pressed the issue of the "Natural Born Citizen" MANDATORY criteria to be President or VP in Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment. Obama would have never been able to usurp the Presidency by fraud, during time of war (which makes Obama both a traitor and a spy), Kamala Harris would not have been able to usurp the Vice-Presidency, Biden would not be in Office and Cruz, Rubio,Jindal,Duckworth,Ramaswamy and Haley would NOT be on the ballot. https://www.thepostemail.com/11/19/2017/imposters-oval-office/

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I see where you are doing with this JD and I always appreciate your perspective. I respectfully disagree about a need to look at a runner-up if you will. The deep state is not going to President Trump from returning to set America back on the right course, by the Grace and Protection of God 🙏🏻

Anyone awake to the truth knows there are a lot of covert operations by the good guys going on behind the scenes, based on all the truths coming to the surface. My hope and prayer is President Trumps is back sooner than Election Day 2024; if not we know he will win with an off the charts landslide!!

Admittedly this has been a long road (of being awake) for so long although I am no losing faith. “The Best Is Yet To Come” 🙏🏻💪🏻🇺🇸❤️

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The people who would vote for Nikki Haley are the ones who think Fox is still the go-to cable news network and refuse to admit Hannity Is full of bull shit. Look at who has been throwing endless amounts of cash at dead-end candidates like Ron DeSantis and now Haley, the usurper, and sons the Murdochs who hate Trump. Haley enjoys the fruits of her labor the Industrial War machine if you vote for her it's the same old endless wars sponsored by We The People, she is more of the same old Fox head fake BS.

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Good Luck! 1861 ended in 1865 for Worse imo, but that "Horse is Out of the Barn" long ago.

and there Will Be a Government of some sort, even Your path leads to government, probably better ...... If, ..... if ..... but ..... "Who" is to be Your Leader??? even as a Representative???

I'm voting Trump, if there is an Election in 2024, which I put at 50/50. the other 50% is another sElection or martial law-war.

All the best, good "website".

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There is No Back Up Quarterback to President Trump until he names a VP, and Wins 2024, and is in the WH 2025.

Nikki doesn't have the Votes to be a threat in the primaries, She may have the "Ballots", especially at the Repub Convention if the democRat Bolsheviks & rinoRat NeoCons get their way to Imprison Trump.

Political CW is underway, Illegal Invasion is underway, Economic Dissolution is underway, Citizen's ReAlignments, both Relocation & Ideological are underway.

The Orchestra is playing the Social Symphony loud and clearly, the Crescendo is yet to come.

The Denoument of this Drama has yet to be Decided.

Feral Coup Resistance without Counter Creation is always just Defensive.

Yet, "IF & When/Where & What" is undecided by We/Me/You; while that's Not the same for They/Them.

All I think I know is that sumptin very Large is Over Due for 2024. As always, CYA conduct yourselves accordingly.

My wish for All of We/Me/You is to be as well Pre-pared as possible, while there is still some dwindling time left. I wish you well, Hopium is Not preparedness, the rubber meets the road at some point, and Sooner.

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Totally agree. Here’s to hoping Trump survives the Deep State Establishment’s attempts to negate his election. If DS would prevail, we can forget this nation surviving, especially with dementia Biden or warmonger Haley. Keep praying. Keep fighting. Keep voting.

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The great hazard of the DC corporate governance model is the illusion of choice among candidates. Those on the Right, these power brokers reason, will accept anybody we dress up as a conservative alternative to Trump and MAGA.

There's just one problem: The only conservative in the field is PDJT. His neocon "Republican" competitors wish to bankrupt the US as they embroil the nation in more endless regional and perhaps global wars.

The practical hazard to the electorate is that there are no choices. With lawfare pillaging America's political and legal safeguards against tyranny while doing everything it can to interfere with the election by persecuting the most popular candidate for POTUS 2024, voters are told that Trump is the enemy of American democracy while being hectored into accepting DeSanctimonious, Haley, and the other rogues' gallery of neocon pretenders who care not a whit for voters. No—their constituencies are moneyed, firmly ensconced in the seats of power distribution, and determined to see the zenith of the global Revolution as it takes down America and Americans. The RFK phenomenon is no different. Medical freedom (or what little remains) will not be advanced by RFK.

Another indication that this dynamic rules the day is that all of Trump's "competitors" (possibly excepting Ramaswamy) have gone after Trump...is there any better sign of a coordinated operation by faux (R) candidates?

Furthemore, aside from Ramaswamy, they have all advocated policies and devices antithetical to MAGA, including DeSantis, who has been under development by corporate and big-money donors since 2008. If they pilloried Trump for OWS and the pandemic mishandling, but supported America First policies, the discourse here would be quite different...there would be actual "choice".

JD, I understand the sentiment to have a faithful El Segundo at the ready. There is no one to fill that role—sure, they talk. But can they truly be expected to keep their promises and translate their cultural conservatist rhetoric into America First policy? If you think so, I've got a bridge over the Atlantic to sell.

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Haley is not legally eligible. Her two parents were not American citizens of America when she was born...

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Dr Ben Carson could easily win hearts and minds.

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