We (conservatives) definitely need strong, far-reaching media to get our message out and to keep our voices heard against the controlled opposition and the neo-con and RINO republicans. I believe, not making excuses, what gets thrown out by the near right (Fox, NewsMax) is because of their owners and/or advertisers. They don't want to be seen as against the government, seen as buying tin hat theories, etc. That is why it took them so long to be on the pro medical freedom side. We need honesty and truth. We need media which will examine and throw out out of the norm issues. After all, yesterday's conspiracy theories are today's truth. Good luck and God speed, JD, in your endeavor to provide conservative viewpoints through honest journalism.

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I've been using a very simple and basic litmus test for sitting politicians and media whores.

"How often, and with how much genuine intensity, have they railed and politicized against the J6 debacle, arguably the most in-your-face and obvious anti-Constitutional clown show farce ever pushed as "democracy" in our once-exceptional Country".

I don't believe a rational argument even exists for the defense of this notion of "defending democracy". It is obviously and blatantly corrupt and illegal.

How many of my rep's have stood up to regularly and emphatically denounce this elemental issue?

Well, I just issued a "cease and desist" request to one of my former politically Conservative Senators, Ted Cruz. I specifically informed his PAC requesting another donation from me that they have become persona non-gratis and please desist from delivering RINO communications to me, since I'm interested in supporting those actively fighting the commies in "Murica. Ted's perched on the center of the fence if not on the wrong side entirely.

And Ted's peer? Fagetaboutit! John Cornyn ranks as one of the most devious two-faced lyin' oxygen wasters in DC, and that's a mouthful.

I find some small joy in debasing their claims as "conservatives". Talk ain't cheap, it's free. Real Conservatives let their actions speak for their intentions.

Truth needs to be spoken loudly, often and repeatedly.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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This is exciting to hear. A big challenge to be sure.

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Fix these brainwashers using fake media as propaganda outlets for the deep state: Simply By Cancelling Your Cable TV bill. Then Stop Buying Endorsed Products. Finally, Stop Watching, Attending, etc. All Sporting events. Defund their evil. It works. Then Pray that Jesus will change these sinners who hate America and who reject The Lord.

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JD Rucker on the money again! You radiate hope and direction in these perilous times. Thanks!

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In the Spirit of Rush, we must do it.

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While I live rather conservatively, that doesn't mean I identify with the conservative movement. I refuse to identify with any political gang of knuckleheads. Democrats are usually on the same rotten page because their tyranny is a one-size-fits-all agenda.

Republicans are divided into various groups without much commonality and purpose. I may vote for republicans (as if voting matters) but that doesn't mean I identify as a republican. I could never support any democrat, except maybe RFK, so what's left? Screwball retardicans.

Government and politics are not the answer and haven't been for the last 5,000 years. Time to establish something that works.

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I applaud your efforts to bring together right-thinking people to form a media entity we can trust. I agree with you almost all the time and appreciate your candor and accuracy, plus the sage insights you share. Keep up the great work!

Anecdotally, I turned off Fox several years ago and very rarely watch them. Who do you think are either not well-informed right-thinkers, or RINOS who are actually "D"s ?

Danny Huckabee

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A primary line in the sand for me is voter fraud, too, and of equal (or maybe greater) concern is digital currency. Once we can transact only via tic marks and pixels on a bank memory chip, all controlled by bankers and corporations and gov'ts... it's over. And it'll likely stay "over" for many generations during which time dystopian movies will seem quaint.

If the other many demonic attacks on conservatism would stand still for half a minute we could fix voter fraud 100%, then could more reliably elect conservative teams to battle the America-haters one zombie-headed foul socialist group after another. But, nothing stands still. Right now, while we're looking elsewhere, the globalists are very busy pushing us ever closer to cyber "money". Once physical cash is ended (and it's guaranteed the overall population of this world will be clamoring for that, so it can happen fast and completely), then voting for anything will be an empty and useless mockery.

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What is a good site that can introduce me to chemtrails and explain "what's really going on"?

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the elections have been SELECTED for us for a long time……. the vail has barely been lifted! That is only the tip of the iceberg 😎🍊🇺🇸

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Too late everything: But, But, But - They are "vaccines", not "genetic experimental "MODmRNA" therapy - Actually

Scientists STUNNED by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA Getting Absorbed into Human Cells –“Sunak Better Watch Out” says Dr Bhakdi

By Patricia Harrity on March 15, 2024

In an explosive revelation a few days ago during a video conference with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, former Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz and a distinguished figure in the field, unveiled findings that have sent shockwaves through the scientific community. The first experiments indicates that experimental COVID mRNA jabs, may have been integrating into human cells—raising the specter of genetic modification on an unprecedented scale. Dr Bhakdi says “Sunak better watch out and that he met with Andrew Bridgen a few days ago and that he was going to use this information.

Details of the video discussion have been republished below

Scientists Stunned by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA getting absorbed into Human Cells

“These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure” originally published by Aussie 17

Prof. Bhakdi, long known for his critical stance on the mainstream narrative surrounding genetic experimental mRNA therapy, shed light on previously dismissed evidence, saying, “What then happened was that Kevin McKernan’s findings [of DNA Contamination] were belittled…, although they were reproduced in Canada by Speicher.” These findings were eventually reproduced across multiple independent labs across the world. This disregard for groundbreaking research is alarming, but what Prof Bhakdi and his german team discovered next is even more so.

Prof Bhakdi’s colleagues immersed human cells in vaccines, unveiling a startling truth: These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure. “Our two lady scientists…found that the human cells immediately took up the vaccines, and the DNA, and the chromosomes,” Bhakdi said, outlining a process where cells began producing the spike protein in massive quantities. What was once theoretical fear has now been manifested into tangible evidence, showing the potential for these vaccines to alter human genetics fundamentally.

This evidence not only corroborates the initial findings but also offers a chilling validation of the genetic alterations being observed. “So, what did our girls do? They sent their human cells that had been transfected to Kevin McKernan, begging the question, Kevin, can you find any chromosomal integration of bacterial DNA in the human cell chromosomes? Do you know the answer? He put it up in his substack one week ago, and the answer is yes,” Bhakdi reveals, underscoring a critical and undeniable marker of genetic modification, fueled by vaccine integration.

Adding to the concern, Kevin recently published another article on his Substack, in which he reveals that the Plasmid DNA is not merely being absorbed by the cells; it is also being replicated after getting absorbed.

The severity of these findings cannot be overstated. Prof. Bhakdi articulates the gravity of this situation by stating, “The uptake of a foreign chromosome into your cell equates with nothing less than genetic modification.” This proclamation signals a critical juncture in our understanding of vaccine safety and the potential for long-term consequences impacting billions worldwide.

The possibilities of what this means for the human genome are deeply concerning. Bhakdi elaborates on the potential for catastrophic genetic disruption, using the metaphor of the “book of life” to describe the genome. The integration of foreign DNA could “smear” vital pages of this book, leading to unreadable genetic sequences with far-reaching implications for cellular function, possibly explaining the surge in tumors and genetic disorders globally.

If you haven’t read my exclusive report on the surging cancer drug sales post-vaccination in the “fastest and highest” mRNA vaccinated country in the world, now would be the time to do so!

In response to these alarming findings, Bhakdi calls for immediate action, urging a halt to vaccination campaigns until absolute safety can be guaranteed by both manufacturers and regulatory bodies—a demand that seems as unlikely as it is necessary. “These vaccines have all got to be stopped,” he demands, emphasizing the urgent need for a reevaluation of our current trajectory.

With forthcoming publications, Prof. Bhakdi’s findings represent a “shit hitting the fan” moment that you need to prepare for (i.e. heat up the popcorns!).

“They better watch out,” Bhakdi warns, signaling a storm on the horizon for political leaders and health authorities globally.

Full Video Below – To see shorter version see here Source Aussie 17

The Expose

Me: So what has this to do with "antibodies" - nothing does it? So Antibodies don't exist, because they can't and that has nothing to do with what the vaccines have done to the blood of the vaccinated (above), does it?

Interestingly, The US and Canada and New Zealand are seeing legislations put into place which prosecute anyone who questions vaccines, to life in prison and those in charge, at the top, but let's say Trudea, Biden, etc - now your Presidents for life, presumably because the ModRNA vaccinated ceased to be Human and now have zero Human Rights by US 2013 Law, so they can't protest who controls them now or what for, can they?

See my last post on that subject, the one before this post or the one before that

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