Jul 21·edited Jul 21

MORE BS. Political suicide? It's all planned? Maybe you don't know how much it actually is planned, BUT it seems you're very close to finding out. Musk and Trump are who they say because you like what they say? Try this

Andrew Carnegie: 'As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.'

Musk was made and fully funded by the US Gov't elites. He's building a tracking system like shown in terminator. He's the 1 carbon credit salesman. He's got the only Social Media site you can say anything, why, because they are tracking us.

Trump is a bigger joke. Drained nothing. Maimed millions with his wonderful beautiful covid scam shots. He added as much debt as Obama in half the time. 3 supreme court justices that are full of shit. Wake up people.

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Trump is all bad. And, I voted for him twice! I’m not voting. The entire election system is an utter joke! Actually, the entire country is fubar. No man can fix this crap. And Zionism is now a part of the American government (and has been for a very long time).

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I find this Resident Selection stuff to be really boring and repetitious.

Just name our next Figurehead of Evil and get on.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I agree Guido!!!!

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I did too and I'll never vote again. This country is gone and everyone keeps hanging on like school kids. Satanism aka zimosn is in full control. We are on the age of deceit.

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You bet! I mention to people to be very careful for deception. Now I see the “right” becoming just like the “left”…it’s mind boggling to witness…censoring, name calling, etc. Those in charge know exactly what they’re doing. It’s a mind fuck🤣. I want no part of it! Only Truth and Discernment!

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It's completely planned. Assassination attempt. Y98ve got to be kidding me. Whose who the worst for division? Hilary maybe? Who they inserting? Kamala is so stupid maybe maybe her if they keep the moron train going or will they pick hateful instead?

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I hope you have a good sense of humor, I sure do… https://www.bitchute.com/video/rZevydmBZzKu/

It’ll probably get censored 🤷‍♀️-lol!

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I want to thank you 1000x times. This is literally the best video I've seen on him, ever. BC? It's factual. And exactly how I feel. Thank you. I'm sharing this for and wide and going to post it everywhere.

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Horse manure. Trump didn’t make the bad vaccine. He’s been gaslighted by the same Rinos and deep state actors that have brought you the fraudulent elections. He’s not pushing globalism. He’s espousing FREEDOM. You anti Trump propagandists and the fool saying ‘he’s not voting’ are full of communist manure. Trump is our best hope of overcoming this crisis.

Kamala is a tyrant's puppet with a negative IQ. And Walz is a kkkunt of a communist liar. You are the dimwit that should ‘wake up’.

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Kamala is not a natural born citizen. And Hillary is a traitor. Need specifics?

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Hillary can't be Prez cause she isn't DEI enough. It has to be Kamala or Michelle O. Otherwise Dems lose their shit. Hillary being 77 makes no sense since everyone think Trump and Biden are too old but she does want power.

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I wonder who they can find who isnt on record lying about how pinocchio joe is as sharp as a tack>?

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Probably a no name like Shapiro from PA

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I have a book its maybe 6 years old where it claims powers want Kamala to be president. I think this was the plan so she just stayed away from Joe let him do all the ugly stuff and she'll do the more noble looking implementations differentiating herself. Joe was used to do the ugly business and mow is disposed off. Nobody ever liked him really.

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I think Kamala is Hillaries friend. I think Kamala might pick Hillary as VP.

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It has to be Kamala ok.

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Polls don't like her either! I guess she can't call Trump and alley cat with her history with Willie. Would be funny to see a contested convention and some faction behind others.

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1%er in the primary the time she tried to run for prez.

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Please Lord not Killery! I can't stand her face or voice. Even if I thought rfk was worth a hoot I couldn't have listened to him give a speech either. Bless his heart I know he can't help it, but doesn't change the fact it's super annoying. Harris's voice is SO annoying! Especially when she brings out her fake I'm a ghetto black gal slang. 🤦‍♀️ I DEFINITELY can't listen to Michael Obummer or watch his mouth move! Get your jaw fixed! How does he even chew??? ONLY good thing...I mean ONLY...I can say about Obummer Hussain is he does have a nice voice. However, usually what's he saying is VERY annoying! LOL Because lies and 🐂💩 are usually super annoying to listen to! 🤭😝

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I can't even imagine Kamala being a prosecutor with her voice.

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She's not qualified because she's not a natural born citizen and once we violate that part of our Constitution, the rest becomes moot and the White House becomes open to anyone in the world. Say "good night."

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Agreed! 🤮

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I have a solution for the democRATs dilemma. Cancel both Biden and Harris and allow Speaker Johnson take the reins of the presidency. DONE.

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Fwiw, Gretchen Whitler is term limited. Michigan amended to max of two terms after John Engler winning 3 terms, thus Jenny Granholm termed out after 2 terms of taking a wrecking ball to Michigan

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I've got a winner for the democrats. A life long democrat that once said that Chelsea Clinton is her best friend.

The democrats could nominate Ivanka trump. That way it's trump one way or another.

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That one is really outside the box.

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Michelle Obama allegedly doesn't want the job." Of course he doesn't. No one knew Obama was a queer. Everyone knows big Mike is a tranny. He would never survive a real vetting. And something tells me Trump would make sure he was. So, really, where did the kids come from? Hillary? I'm sure she'd want it but has less of a chance then Biden unless they can steal the whole country.

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MUCH MORE CONSEQUENTIAL QUESTION: Why are there no biblically qualified candidates for civil leadership anywhere to be found in the Constitutional Republic, and never have been since its inception?

ANSWER: Because the constitutional framers, in Article 6, banned Christian tests and thereby mandatory biblical qualifications for civil leaders.

Thus, if ever you've wondered how America has ended up with the deplorable caliber of leaders she has, look no further than Article 6. Once adopted, it was inevitable that America would be ruled by nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, incompetents, immoral reprobates, and outright criminals - all which should sound far too familiar.

Take nincompoops, for example. Exodus 18:21's qualifications begin with the fear of Yahweh. Kings David and Solomon point out the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Thus, without the fear of Yahweh, you end up with, at best, nincompoops as your alleged leaders.

The best you can ever get from the Constitutional Republic's unbiblical election system is the lessers of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

And nothing is going to change about this until Christians and patriots become courageous enough to address Article 6 and the rest of the Constitution for the biblically seditious document it is.

For more regarding Article 6's Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at http://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/BlvcOnline/biblelaw-constitutionalism-pt9.html.

Find out how much you *really* know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a complimentary copy of a book that *examines* the Constitution by the Bible.

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It makes me feel sick...

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Good point.

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If President Trump is still alive and electable, that's all you need to know to essentially prove he has been compromised.

We need to lose the daydream that we are in control. That only works if we can take it back. We will.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Who will Harris pick as her VP a Tranny?

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I wonder who they can find who is not on tape saying that pinocchio joe is as sharp as a tack.

Probably NOBODY, cause all dim-0s have been telling that lie and thousands of others. BUT, the lying dim-0 dawgs got caught this time. Had pinocchio managed to get thru the debate without showing the world that he is a dementia patient, dim-0s would STILL be telling that lie.

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Really...is there even one reason to trust the party of destruction and pestilence?

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I feel likeBiden is really dangerous possibly causing war escalation. This is why I want him gone now otherwise stay in. But he reminds me of an elderly Alzheimers patient fighting anybody accusing them of stealing his chocolate and ready to fistfight wobbly as he is. It is scary since his mind and judgment is gone but he kept his arrogance. The only hope I have is that Putin and others see this is a wobbly old man holding up his skinny fists and ignoring him therefore.

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