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I was just writing about this in my journal. A couple of thoughts I wrote down:

First, I don't trust any polls anymore. So many people don't respond to unknown phone numbers or, like me, have them silenced. Polls for everything have been skewed for decades, but over the last 3 years they've been wildly wrong. If we look at past uptake, which I think is the rubber-meets-road metric, I suspect it's going to be in the 25% range. The only reason it would be higher is that they have bundled it with the flu shot, but flu shot uptake has been horrible, too, for years. I can't see the combo of 2 unpopular jabs equalling MORE uptake.

Secondly, every day more info is out, even, lately, in mainstream media. The dam is cracking, at least a bit. While people, esp on the left, want to be seen as good soldiers, we need to look at behavior. I can't speak for deep blue cities and states, but even in the blue capital city of my red state there is almost no sign of masks, distancing, or other "visible" (virtue signaling) measures by individuals. (And in 2020-2021 I was vastly outnumbered!) In the very red county where we live most of the time, I've seen less than a half dozen people with masks, all elderly black people. If they aren't feeling the need for external/visible methods of compliance, I don't see long lines for the invisible kind - it's all about being seen being "good" with these people.

I do worry about the injuries, sudden deaths, and Igor Chudof's latest piece here on Substack that the mRNA jabs have harmed 100% of recipient's hearts, even if minutely. Certainly that's a ticking time bomb, and I travel to Uganda for work once a year so the pilot situation is obviously on my mind for myself and my family as much as anything. Pierre Kory's stack from yesterday indicates much more routine heart screening is going than before, even if the powers that be are acting like they aren't worried. Depopulation, esp for the Western countries with already low birth rates, is going to be a decades-long issue. (But it was even before this recent unpleasantness.)

My dad always said, "Jesus has my phone number and He'll call me when He wants me." That's how we have to live now. God isn't surprised... and we can't live in fear. When I get fearful, I stop reading the news for awhile, live my life normally (pre-pandemic), and try to do what He's called me to. If that's live in the End Times... well, not my choice of assignments, but He's still in control.

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Don't do flu shots either. The Bird Flu one I was coerced into made me sick to the point an ER trip was needed for an IV and Phenergan. Both carry the risk of deadly Guillain-Barre Syndrome. And I don't need malpractice to speed up God's timetable. He will call when it's my time.

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Pretty much all "vaccines" now contain the same deadly nanotech that's in the c19 injectables.

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True, and I have a 6-year-old granddaughter in her first year of school.

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PS: I lLOVE your Dad's Jesus quote!!!

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Yes, the dam IS breaking. Only this past month we have heard from two different sets of Democrat friends who, observing multiple medical episodes among their friends and family, have sought out me and my husband to say: "Van it be the jabs?... It MUST be the jabs!" This is coming from people we NEVER thought would express this openly, especially not to us. The awareness is growing, but it is maddeningly slow. We can't lose heart!

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