I was just writing about this in my journal. A couple of thoughts I wrote down:

First, I don't trust any polls anymore. So many people don't respond to unknown phone numbers or, like me, have them silenced. Polls for everything have been skewed for decades, but over the last 3 years they've been wildly wrong. If we look at past uptake, which I think is the rubber-meets-road metric, I suspect it's going to be in the 25% range. The only reason it would be higher is that they have bundled it with the flu shot, but flu shot uptake has been horrible, too, for years. I can't see the combo of 2 unpopular jabs equalling MORE uptake.

Secondly, every day more info is out, even, lately, in mainstream media. The dam is cracking, at least a bit. While people, esp on the left, want to be seen as good soldiers, we need to look at behavior. I can't speak for deep blue cities and states, but even in the blue capital city of my red state there is almost no sign of masks, distancing, or other "visible" (virtue signaling) measures by individuals. (And in 2020-2021 I was vastly outnumbered!) In the very red county where we live most of the time, I've seen less than a half dozen people with masks, all elderly black people. If they aren't feeling the need for external/visible methods of compliance, I don't see long lines for the invisible kind - it's all about being seen being "good" with these people.

I do worry about the injuries, sudden deaths, and Igor Chudof's latest piece here on Substack that the mRNA jabs have harmed 100% of recipient's hearts, even if minutely. Certainly that's a ticking time bomb, and I travel to Uganda for work once a year so the pilot situation is obviously on my mind for myself and my family as much as anything. Pierre Kory's stack from yesterday indicates much more routine heart screening is going than before, even if the powers that be are acting like they aren't worried. Depopulation, esp for the Western countries with already low birth rates, is going to be a decades-long issue. (But it was even before this recent unpleasantness.)

My dad always said, "Jesus has my phone number and He'll call me when He wants me." That's how we have to live now. God isn't surprised... and we can't live in fear. When I get fearful, I stop reading the news for awhile, live my life normally (pre-pandemic), and try to do what He's called me to. If that's live in the End Times... well, not my choice of assignments, but He's still in control.

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Don't do flu shots either. The Bird Flu one I was coerced into made me sick to the point an ER trip was needed for an IV and Phenergan. Both carry the risk of deadly Guillain-Barre Syndrome. And I don't need malpractice to speed up God's timetable. He will call when it's my time.

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Pretty much all "vaccines" now contain the same deadly nanotech that's in the c19 injectables.

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True, and I have a 6-year-old granddaughter in her first year of school.

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PS: I lLOVE your Dad's Jesus quote!!!

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Yes, the dam IS breaking. Only this past month we have heard from two different sets of Democrat friends who, observing multiple medical episodes among their friends and family, have sought out me and my husband to say: "Van it be the jabs?... It MUST be the jabs!" This is coming from people we NEVER thought would express this openly, especially not to us. The awareness is growing, but it is maddeningly slow. We can't lose heart!

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I think the biggest problem with broaching the subject is the absolute aggression that one faces from the person that you are trying to open the discussion with. I have been disrespected with that hand waving and sarcastic snorting enough to almost give up. But I won’t give up, and I won’t back down. I am debating whether to send along a few articles from today’s Daily Sceptic and Epoch Health summarizing the whole sordid story with data and links...

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Take the hints - and the outright ridicule and rejection

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Oh great. Reading this as the plane is about to take off. 🫣

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Safe Travels. Return to solid ground and take care. +

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You will be ok! 🥰

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You'll be fine! xoxo

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I'm not buying that. My daughter, a nurse, either took the two jabs or got fired. She saw the Suddenly Dead and is aware that is a continuing thing. No more jabs for her. A friends daughter who had cancer in remission has recently had two surgeries, lumps,2 of3 were cancer, intestinal. I Know my daughter lives with a fear that she tries to keep compartmentalized,not focusing on it, but I'm sure we all know what that is. I don't believe only 52% are not going along with this. But when I see a poll that says biden is polling at 70% disapproval, I wonder wtf is wrong with the 25% who are satisfied. I think polls are less to report what IS and more to drive people to believe what They want us to believe. I remember when The Polls had Hillary over Trump. It was BS . They were trying to create support for her by making it look like she was gonna win. You Do want to be one of the people who voted for The Winner, don't you?

Donna Brazile SAID, after a long campaign trip, that she didn't See support for Hillary.

If there IS a way for Them to lie to us, deceive us, They have War Gamed everything and They Are doing everything in their power to influence our thinking.

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the game plan is near perfectly expressed as 'The Joker' as played by Heath Ledger, as the film reveals the true nature of the Communist party and the entire purpose of Marxism. If you plan to rob the 'rich' (the bank) the best out come for the perp, as the instigator, is; A) fewest parties in the end, to divide the spoils with,; B) use the fewest members so as to maintain control and discretion, ;C) eliminate the competition. ( as per each, as each are no longer useful)

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R.I.P Heath Ledger, killed by big pharma's poisons.

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Polls are useless and swayed. They want it to look like many are still getting vaccinated. It fits their agenda. I live in a Very Blue State. All the folks I know who took the first 2 are refusing anymore! I know lots of people.

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It goes way deeper than them not reading the proper studies. So many of them CANNOT bring themselves to admit they were wrong. It has become their identity either blindly supporting the party of “good guys” or rallying against the crazy antivaxxers. It’s who they are. It has caused me so much angst that I have to wash my hands of it because it has been causing me issues. It’s incredibly stressful watching my adult daughter be so entrenched in this cult that I think she does it just to spite me. Same with other friends and loved ones. They are beyond stubborn.

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Brainwashing is not making ones thoughts 'cleansed' of the wrong thoughts - it is the injection into the cranium the preferred and mandated ideas and ideals of the mob - remember student uprisings are the norm in the world. IE; Talib, is student in Arabic. thus Taliban is the student ( of Wahhabi Islam) uprising. and Al-Kaiida is 'the base' where the teaching originates.

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The people I know who have been jabbed refuse to acknowledge there is any credible or plausible evidence of negatives associated with the poisoning.

JD, you can hardly shoulder the blame when they refuse you or your work exists.

This is a very literal example of ignorance in pure form.

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While I no longer believe any poll, at some point that 48% who plan on getting more injections will not be around to get further injections. Thus, eventually these polls will show a 95% or better majority of people who have no intention of getting any mRNA injections.

At some point, the dead will realize they were murdered by mRNA substances. How? When they come to vote as democrats.

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Sad but true.

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There's absolutely no mRNA in those vials though, only hydrogels and quantum dots technology.

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These clowns just want us (the US) dead because we are standing in the way of their so called great reset which is destined to fail. God is laughing at these fools.

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The evil plan is destruction of western civilization.

Keep the faith. God will not be mocked.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 KJV

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I have a co-worker I'll call Mary. She's a resident alien from Turkey. She's also 8 months pregnant. I was talking to her about infant healthcare today and brought up all the harms the mRNA shots have done. I told her I've not seen a story of a single unvaccinated, healthy child die of CCP Virus. She announced her intention to vaccinate her newborn daughter anyway. I said, it doesn't stop infection or transmission. Why would you inject your child with something that has no upside and all downside, including suppression of the immune system? She says, it will protect against hospitalization and death. I say, I just showed you evidence there's no study showing hospitalization rates were lowered for the vaccinated v. unvaccinated and zero proof of more than single digit hospitalizations for unvaccinated, healthy children and zero deaths! She stubbornly insisted it was best for her daughter. I gave up, because that kind of deliberate obtuseness is baffling to me. I didn't even expect her to take my word for it. I pulled up highly ranked studies from some of the most respected institutions on the planet - she was unmoved.

How do you convince those willing to be destroyed before admitting they've been lied to? As Mark Twain allegedly said, "It's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled." It's not that I believe it's not my problem. It's that some people are unwilling to be convinced.

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". I pulled up highly ranked studies from some of the most respected institutions on the planet .. "

Such as? Please share

Thank you very much.

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I never had my now adult son vaxed, he never even gets a sniffle, vaccines destroy your immune system, and there is absolutely no evidence that any vaccine has prevented any deaths. Sad for your friends baby.

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I wish I'd known more about vaccines when my children were of an age to be vaccinated. My youngest has asthma and gets repeated bouts of shingles, his last one at 24 years of age. Shingles used to be an old person's disease from the chicken pox virus. With the advent of the Varicella Vax, lots of young people are suffering with shingles, which is related to herpes, and can reoccur throughout one's life. If I'd known then, as a young mother, what I know now, my children wouldn't have ever received a single vaccine. As for Mary and her soon to be newborn, all we can do is pray for them both.

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In Australia we have constant adverts on TV about shingles and to get the vaccine for it, crazy, they cause more disease then make more vaccines and the cycle continues. Your son can heal through detoxing the virus out of his body, check out Anthony Williams the medical medium website for more free information and borrow his books from the library, or you can buy in hard copy while it is still in print or cheaply via ebook. First thing he needs to do is give up eggs and dairy which feed the pathegons. And don't feel bad about your choices, you did your best at the time. I had to fight for freedom of choice, 22 years ago it was already hard to be unvaxed, I was shunned by many, and being in a small community you could feel the energy from those who knew we were not going to immunisation days.

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Unfortunately aunt Betty does not want convincing. I lost a good friend because I told her not to get boosted while pregnant out of concern for her and her baby after she had already miscarried several times. She was very angry with me.

They listen to doctors, they listen to Pfizer commercials, they listen to senetors telling them the “safe and effective “ lie, but they won’t listen to us. It’s sad…

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Aunt Betty stopped talking to me nearly three years ago. My voice HAS been heard loud and clear. If anyone in my circle is still getting jabbed, that is on them and good luck with the side effects. I hope that doesnt sound too snarky.

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I felt same when I heard this “poll”. For 1 thing, I can’t believe how many idiots still believe anything this ungodly administration & bureaucracies say, w/ all of the horrifying evidence pouring out now. But worse, this bodes very ill for those of us who defied & resisted the past 3+ years & will defy & resist when the next scamdemic comes down the pike. Moobman Gates has promised it will....

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The is a great article. It is all of our problems. Unfortunately, people did not want to listen to each other. How can we trust each other? That’s my question?

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I always believed in kids vaccines… NOT ANY MORE

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I never had my now adult son vaxed, he never even gets a sniffle, vaccines destroy your immune system, and there is absolutely no evidence that any vaccine has prevented any deaths

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About 2 weeks after a dear friend of mine died from the jab, I was at Target in the pharmacy section. I overheard a man going up and asking for the COVID vaccine and inquiring which one the pharmacist thought he should take. I listened as the pharmacist went over the different "efficacies" of each one. Of course what he said was far from the truth, but not once did he mention a single risk. I was SO mad I was literally shaking. I went up to the pharmacist and spoke very loudly so that the victim-to-be could hear me. I told him that those things have risks and that I had a friend who recently died from this "vaccine". The pharmacist just looked at me and said, "Well, that is very rare." This was just a couple of months after the jabs rolled out, so I did not have statistics at that point. Anyway, my point wasn't to argue with him but what I really wanted to do was to warn the man waiting of the danger. The man heard me. I am certain of that. BUT HE WOULD NOT EVEN LOOK AT ME. He continued to sit and wait for his poison. If hearing in person about the death of someone that occurred as a result of the shot doesn't give someone pause, I honestly don't know what will.

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