I'm not buying that. My daughter, a nurse, either took the two jabs or got fired. She saw the Suddenly Dead and is aware that is a continuing thing. No more jabs for her. A friends daughter who had cancer in remission has recently had two surgeries, lumps,2 of3 were cancer, intestinal. I Know my daughter lives with a fear that she tries …
I'm not buying that. My daughter, a nurse, either took the two jabs or got fired. She saw the Suddenly Dead and is aware that is a continuing thing. No more jabs for her. A friends daughter who had cancer in remission has recently had two surgeries, lumps,2 of3 were cancer, intestinal. I Know my daughter lives with a fear that she tries to keep compartmentalized,not focusing on it, but I'm sure we all know what that is. I don't believe only 52% are not going along with this. But when I see a poll that says biden is polling at 70% disapproval, I wonder wtf is wrong with the 25% who are satisfied. I think polls are less to report what IS and more to drive people to believe what They want us to believe. I remember when The Polls had Hillary over Trump. It was BS . They were trying to create support for her by making it look like she was gonna win. You Do want to be one of the people who voted for The Winner, don't you?
Donna Brazile SAID, after a long campaign trip, that she didn't See support for Hillary.
If there IS a way for Them to lie to us, deceive us, They have War Gamed everything and They Are doing everything in their power to influence our thinking.
the game plan is near perfectly expressed as 'The Joker' as played by Heath Ledger, as the film reveals the true nature of the Communist party and the entire purpose of Marxism. If you plan to rob the 'rich' (the bank) the best out come for the perp, as the instigator, is; A) fewest parties in the end, to divide the spoils with,; B) use the fewest members so as to maintain control and discretion, ;C) eliminate the competition. ( as per each, as each are no longer useful)
I'm not buying that. My daughter, a nurse, either took the two jabs or got fired. She saw the Suddenly Dead and is aware that is a continuing thing. No more jabs for her. A friends daughter who had cancer in remission has recently had two surgeries, lumps,2 of3 were cancer, intestinal. I Know my daughter lives with a fear that she tries to keep compartmentalized,not focusing on it, but I'm sure we all know what that is. I don't believe only 52% are not going along with this. But when I see a poll that says biden is polling at 70% disapproval, I wonder wtf is wrong with the 25% who are satisfied. I think polls are less to report what IS and more to drive people to believe what They want us to believe. I remember when The Polls had Hillary over Trump. It was BS . They were trying to create support for her by making it look like she was gonna win. You Do want to be one of the people who voted for The Winner, don't you?
Donna Brazile SAID, after a long campaign trip, that she didn't See support for Hillary.
If there IS a way for Them to lie to us, deceive us, They have War Gamed everything and They Are doing everything in their power to influence our thinking.
the game plan is near perfectly expressed as 'The Joker' as played by Heath Ledger, as the film reveals the true nature of the Communist party and the entire purpose of Marxism. If you plan to rob the 'rich' (the bank) the best out come for the perp, as the instigator, is; A) fewest parties in the end, to divide the spoils with,; B) use the fewest members so as to maintain control and discretion, ;C) eliminate the competition. ( as per each, as each are no longer useful)
R.I.P Heath Ledger, killed by big pharma's poisons.