"Telling the truth" is becoming lost to history. From something as currently common as "You misgendered me," a statement that arrogantly demands you participate in another's lie, to avoiding actual causation in reports of someone's death, the truth is increasingly difficult to find. This all stems from cultural Marxism, a "religion" that is incompatible with Christianity. One cannot be a Marxist and a Christian. A choice must be made--and that is the truth.

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Yes yes, well said.

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Thank you.

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Don't believe it's 'Marxism'...It's Fabianism; the originators of the definition now attributed to Marx out of Oxford University. The 'Imperialist' System has always been Fascist/Nazi in orientation and Hitler merely mirrored what had existed through all time under the Monarchs of all lands; Absolute Authority via Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism when the Peers were allocated any power and few ever were.

Fabianism is Fascism/Communism perpetrated over time with internal infiltration of a Govt. as has occured in the United States over the last 120 years....The 'Frog in the Pot' analogy being the most recognizable representation of what's happened. WE ARE ALMOST BOILING AND DEAD NOW.

Though armed, nobody yet stands to fight back which is giving the enemy exactly what it wants...World Coupe with Infrastructure intact for them to implement their New/One World Order only requiring the current BUILD BACK BETTER Constant surveillance, Mind Control, Facial Recognition, Social Justice/Economic Slavery Apparatus and Immediate Execution from DEW's via Satelites in Space when anybody refuses to obey and starvation, immobilization, disease, isolation, exposure isn't effective punishment.

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You're probably right.

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We stream all of our video entertainment. Every program or movie with ads includes spots from Pfizer or the CDC. Oh, yes! Everything is roses in those ads (still) encouraging vaccines!

This time it isn’t force…it’s about being safe for the ones you love. Sweet and caring, and oblivious to reality!

My point…media is still brainwashing the low-information American! The Genocide machine keeps chuggin’, even with all of the gruesome evidence! They censor truth, and continue to sell their poison!

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agree that a majority of ads are from pharma companies using their windfall wealth from socialized medicine at taxpayer expense (all thise "free" covid shots) to double-down on the pharma cure-all lie.

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7 Of the many reasons for no covid clot shots, jabs or booster jabs 2023


The 3 phases of mortality from the Covid vaccine

Phase 1 (0-30 days)

• Blood clots

• Thrombosis

• Myocarditis

• Strokes

• Heart attacks

• Spontaneous abortions

• Pulmonary embolism

• Anaphylactic shocks

Phase 2 (1-12 months)

• Immunodeficiency induced by repeated vaccinations

• Antibody-dependent amplification (ADE)

• Autoimmune reactions

• Prion-like neurological destruction

• Heart failure

Phase 3 (1-10 years)

• Chromosomal damage induced by the spike proteins

• Cancer

• Severe immune deficiency

• Autoimmune diseases with fatal outcome

• Suppressed DNA repair mechanisms (NHEJ)

• Infertility/reproductive disorders

Myocarditis alone is fatal after vaccination in up to 56% of patients within the first 5 years. The particular "giant cell" form of myocarditis will cause over 80% of the death rate in the next 5 years.



The VAERS(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, (vaers"dot"hhs"dot"gov) is co-maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 Americans as of 12/09/2021. This means that the bureaucrat and political mandaters are guilty of committing 140,000 negligent homicides. Actually, these bureaucrat and political mandaters should be charge with at least 2nd degree murder for 140,000 homicides.


Massive blood clots caused by covid vaccines 2022.

Web search "massive blood clots caused by covid vaccines". This web search will show 1,000s of links that presents evidence of massive blood clots in all parts of the body. The clots have caused 1,000s of deaths.


Also: web search article from funeral directors describing the massive clots and other masses of horrible fibrous growths they are finding in bodies of individuals who have taken the jab.


80 Canadian Doctors COVID boosted and then died.

Vaccine Impact 80 Canadian Doctors DEAD Following COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as


Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 04042022

According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 Cases Than Least Vaccinated.

<< theepochtimes"DOT"com/most-vaccinated-counties-see-more-covid-19-cases-than-least-vaccinated-counties_4381975.html/?welcomeuser=1 >> Also, Visit "Real Not Rare" at <realnotrare"dot"com>


How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility?


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You're RIGHT!

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Just another of the many millions of baffling deaths over the last 3 years. We won't be baffled again in 2024, will we?

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The media is a symptom of the larger cooperative effort which involves governments, industries, banks, and world elitists.

Govt. Premature policy showed it was planned. Vaccine manufacturers were exonerated with eua... before there were more than 10 cases in the US. Massive govt expenditures for testing and shots were made even before testing and despite pcr inadequacy.The FDA has resorted to stonewalling. FDA has issued a categorical denial of adulteration and risk, stating that “no safety concerns related to the sequence of, or amount of, residual DNA have been identified.”

Industry. Failed disclosure of mRNA shot testing data and clear manipulation of that data to misrepresent the shots as safe. Abuse and misuse of PCR tests, which are completely inadequate for identifying disease. Big box stores thrived since they were allowed to stay open while small businesses were forced to close.

Banks. Continue to take people's homes, to include rental properties for which the govt derailed property owner rights to collect rent "on account of pandemic".

Elitists. Rehearsals (Event 201) for exact scenario at Gates school of "population control". Used COVID to facilitate mail-in ballot cheating and solidify their grip on govt powers. WHO continues to use COVID "health concerns" to consolidate their control over people around the world without the consent of the people, but through legalism,e.g., treaties illegally signed by rogue leaders vice Senatorial approval.

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My 48-yr.-old son, who has a PhD from Oxford, recently contracted Covid. He had spent the last 10 days climbing an 18 thousand foot mountain in South America, and now he was sick. I thought he might die since he has taken all the Covid boosters.

So, I overnighted a 5-day supply of Ivermectin and a 5-day supply of several vitamins because he was 1000 miles from his home where he had access to medical insurance. The FedEx standard overnight delivery cost me $89, but I feared for his life; so I sent it. He called me the next day, saying he had thrown it away and ranting that I was trying to kill him with that “horse medicine.”

He then got his wife, a practicing pediatric endrocrinologist, to prescribe Pfizer's Paxlovid, a medicine quickly formulated to mimic Ivermectin and make billions for Pfizer, despite the fact that it has been proven far less effective than Ivernectin as an anti-viral; plus, it is contra-indicated for 30 commonly prescribed medications. This "Mass Formation Psychosis" which has infected my son has caused tens of thousands of deaths in the US alone. Covid victims are told to stay home and do nothing until they are so sick that upon entering the hospital, they are administered "Remdesivir," which will destroy their heart, liver, and kidneys. Finally, the CDC protocol calls for the hospital to “vent " the victim, which in a majority of them will finish them off.

My bright Oxford boy went further, accusing me of "munchausen by proxy"! But if that condemnation fits anyone, it is he whom it identified. He prevented me and his mother from seeing him and his daughter for the past three years because we refused to take the jab. I think he wants to kill us, not the other way around.

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It's amazing to me to see that even well educated individuals can be so completely taken in by the B.S. that organizations such as the CDC, the WHO and government agents are pumping out. Whatever happened to their critical thinking abilities? When COVID first came along my personal physician told me that I should get the 'JAB.' He gave me the 'standard line' of, 'It's safe and effective.' I then handed him a 3 page list of highly qualified international medical personnel who advocated TOTAL AVOIDANCE of the jab. After he read it he only replied to me with. "This is dangerous." I replied, "I'm aware of that, but not as dangerous as the jab." I don't know if my physician (who I generally like on most other levels) is still recommending people to receive the jab or not, but, if he does so, he shall surely have to answer to God for his potentially lethal recommendation(s). This physician of mine, no doubt like many others, DO NOT do their own due diligence and question instructions given them from their upper management.

Those of us who have developed a well deserved basic distrust of all human authority must continue with due diligence and research for ourselves whether or not whatever the authorities want us to do makes any sense whatsoever.

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I had the same advice from my family doctor in 2021. He was generally thoughtful and caring, but he recommended the jab for the same reasons. I sought out a different doctor (an APRN) who was known to have left the doctors group here locally which refused to do early intervention in Covid. She was a Godsend. She formed her own practice which is now flourishing because she treats her Covid patients with off-label drugs which the FDA and CDC finally ADMITS doctors have the right to do. And her patients flock to her.

My learned son's problem is that he has Mass Formation Psychosis. His beliefs are irrational, and he reacts with hostility and fear if he is asked to provide documented evidence to support his beliefs about Covid or the jab. I think that only God can break the grip of this mindset. He cast out evil spirits, and this condition is like the mental illness of posession.

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It’s not just right leaning & conservative media; it is the politicians & businesses as well. The past almost-4-years now were deeply traumatic, utterly abusive, divisive & insanity on steroids from “leadership”. It was they who instigated & mandated the misery, division, destruction of families & friendships, the rule of law, morality, freedom, & more. Now we’re also seeing accelerating mental & physical damage & death. And some places are bringing back masks & blue states are STILL flogging the poisons. Who in our conservative political class - esp those running for office - are talking about it, much less vowing “never again”?

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Even conservative news outlets are being directed by the mafia-like powers that be.

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Aaand Another one,,,

There has been no report on the wrestler’s cause of death."

Aaand there won't be,

Like the Crime Reports that Do Not include race,,You Know what it is.

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These specific details are HIGHLY conspicuous by their absence. You're absolutely right.

One of the things that many in the U.S. (and no doubt elsewhere in the world) fail to recognize is that the U.S. government (as influenced by the International Zionists) DOES consider most of the nation's population as it's ENEMIES. If you do not believe this, ask yourselves why are they spraying us with chemtrails? Why are places such as Maui as well as several locations on the U.S. west coast have had DEW attacks on civilian populations? This was even before the OBVIOUS to some of us COVID DEPOPULATION operations.

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Autopsy with stains, please!

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If your goal is getting the truth out, and it should be, you will never accomplish that goal when you choose to fight on the enemy's battlefield. It's their battlefield, their rules. Instead, think smart, play on your battlefield. Your battlefield, your rules. The so-called conservatives, medical freedom warriors, etc. that continue to fight on the enemy's battlefield betray the cause. They will, in the end, lose. Get rid of the left wing social media. It is taking your info, your game plans, etc. Stupidity will not win any war, especially against these animals.

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"But any outlets, conservative or not, who run Google ads or depend on Facebook traffic will never be able to tell the whole truth without risking their revenue."

Sadly, that is the truest statement I've read today. In a world captured by the idolatry of "convenience," the majority of people stay zombified--and leashed to their smart phones, layering dozens and dozens of lies called "truths" in their minds. And ironically, today's "arbiters of truth" are social media and search engine monopolies that are fronting all the dirty work that "the government" is prohibited from doing "directly" by the Constitution.

Totally agree w/ you, FreedomFighter. And I would add for others, be very wary of clicking posted comment or unsolicited email links to any G00gle docs.

The REAL TRUTH appears like pieces of a puzzle these days, and it does take effort to uncover it. Few people will forego their dopamine hit addiction on social media to bother to find it. However, one thing has proven true throughout, and it becomes clearer each passing day: that the love of money truly IS the root of all evil.

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The world today is amazingly complex. Often, falsehoods are presented with so much deceit they appear to be truth (or presented by "authorities" or "experts" we have been conditioned to believe). Meanwhile, the truth is getting more difficult to find. So, finding the truth has become a chore to many folks, too pre-occupied or apathetic to make a reasonable, intelligent search for. This is not a world for the foolish or faint of heart. But, it becomes even less manageable when playing in the enemy's theatre of operation.

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Full respect for holding the TRUTH line, brother.

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Medical community and lockstep mouth-breathing stupified sheep are ba-ba-baaaffled

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Happy New Year to everyone!! 2024 is going to be interesting to say the least. The poison jab will continue to wreak it's poison on everyone and unfortunately, our young who had to take it or else be banned from sports, school and their friends and Gramma. The spike proteins injected into the body do not leave and continue to poison it as the years go on. We will continue to see "died suddenly" in the years ahead and the MSM will continue to ignore the root cause. Will another planned virus be unleashed, of course it will as soon as everyone has forgotten about this one. The uninformed will forget. The ones who don't do research or listen to reputable doctors, virologists or immunologists who know the damage released in the body once it gets injected, will be at the mercy of the new jab. WEF will look forward to this as fits into their agenda of global control.

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How very true your words are!

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I've been trying to do that, J. D., about the Chinese using ID fraud to empty our bank accounts AND IRAs. There is way too much bad happening that both authorities AND media are avoiding alerting its citizens to..

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