If we haven’t learned to be discerning through the Covid BS…. What will it take to understand, the government and Media lie. We must have critical thinking skills.

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The Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption for the elites and ground zero for human trafficking. I feel for the innocents but not Zelensky and his Nazi buddies.

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Those 'elites' as you call them are the Chaldeans of the bible. They are the Edomite-ashkeNAZI Flesh Jews who are the people of God's curse and who are contrary to all men.

I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. tinyurl.com/matrixofgog which is about Ezekiel 38 and 39; two of the most misunderstood books of the bible.

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Another well thought out piece. Thank you for your cool logic and telling it straight, and most of all

for bravely saying when you don't know "I don't know". Bravo.

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Unfortunately, I really don't know.

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I don't think anyone really knows but I do know that God knows, JD.

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I believe God knew before it began Brenda

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Thank you for this posting... Finding voices of reason seems to be a rarity in this world... I know there are more voices of reason out there... but with the controls being exercised over free speech, transparency, and true critical thinking abilities, it unfortunately not as highly visible. Will be sharing.

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The MOST intelligent thing said in quite some time… THANK YOU!! As we all navigate good vs evil, all should fall back on “God first”!

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Why do "we" have to do anything? This is essentially a civil war. It is the U.S. and NATO that caused this after 15 years of warnings from Putin and they will not stop until hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead props for western propaganda cameras. These are the same criminals who engineered the past two years of bioweapon democide across the west. Wake up JD. Putin is not the thug. The enemy of your enemies is Putin. And your enemies are in power all across the west.

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👏👏 I concur Good Citizen and I said as much in my separate comment. Putin is the good guy here. He is taking out the traffickers, the cabal/khazarian mafia, the money launderers and bioweapon labs. They even blamed Putin for taking out a women and children's hospital. NO... he took out a baby laundering business! Those poor women were making babies and delivering them every six or seven months to be used for their sadistic purposes!! Putin is a good guy here, saving all those poor women and children!! The khazarian mafia is known for raping women and children, just like they were doing in Ukraine and blaming it on Russian soldiers! And the khazarian mafia was killing their own citizens too, not the Russian soldiers.. Putin warned everyone to leave, days before he moved in! If he wanted to kill them, would he do that?!! I don't think so...

Even Newsmax started showing fake footage. First MSM back in 2015, when the Trump bashing started. Then Fox when they turned on Trump and denied the 2020 election fraud and now Newsmax with their fake Ukraine footage. They have all been banned from my list of news sites to watch. There are plenty of sites that speak the truth... you just have to search to find them. 👏👏

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Amen, JD. Thank you for the enlightenment.

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Putin a thug? Good grief man. If he's a thug what do you call a country than has bombed 40 countries in the last 40 years? We drone bomb 14 countries daily, and have for the past 14 years.

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I agree. Putin is NOT the bad guy. If you have read Putin's speech, then you understand how he calls out the USA for the atrocities it has been carrying out for many years. You may read Putin's speech here: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/02/24/here-is-the-full-text-of-putins-speech-this-morning-feb-24-2022/

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Why do people constantly call Putin the bad guy when it is Russia who is destroying those strongholds of Nazis who have been killing the innocent people of Donbass and Dontesk for many years? Putin is doing what everyone else has been afraid to do and he is doing according to plan with Trump, Xi and the military. Putin has also announced that he has made it unlawful for 'fake news' and anyone found broadcasting fake news will be jailed for 15 years! Go Putin!!

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👏👏 I concur... and I said as much in my separate comment. Putin is the good guy here. He is taking out the traffickers, the cabal/khazarian mafia, the money launderers and bioweapon labs. They even complained about Putin taking out a women and children's hospital. NO... he took out a baby laundering business! Those poor women were making babies and delivering them every six or seven months to be used for their sadistic purposes!! Putin is a good guy here, saving all those poor women and children!! The khazarian mafia is known for raping women and children, just like they were doing in Ukraine and blaming it on Russian soldiers! And they were killing their own citizens too, not Russia. Putin warned everyone to leave, days before he moved in! If he wanted to kill them, would he do that?!! Duh... 👏👏

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It would not surprise me if 'someone' else was doing some bombing too, to paint ugly onto Putin

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Yes, I agree Andy! There are evil and corrupt people everywhere these days! I saw video footage from actual Ukrainians saying the khazarian mafia is bombing their own people in Ukraine. I also heard the Khazarian mafia are the ones raping the women and children, not the Russians as MSM report's. You can't trust anything the MSM, (ABC/CNN, CBS, NBC/MSNBC, PBS, AP NEWS, and all the other leftist news sites) says anymore, they lie about everything! I haven't watched the news on any of those sites since the Trump bashing started in 2015! I added Fox once the voter fraud denial started.

I added Newsmax to the list when the robo news and fake Ukraine footage started. They aren't any better either! OAN, EPOCH TV, Frank Speech/Lindell TV and Infowars are more reliable than MSM and they are trustworthy sites!

There are various other conservative online news sites I trust as well. Ironically, you have to search top conservative news sites to find them! Google and Duck Duck Go definitely aren't search worthy sites either. Even Brave tends to lean left and block some sites! I like to use Yandex search, through the Firefox browser.. that seems to be the best at revealing the facts but the leftists propaganda still pops up first there as well! Just scroll on by... 🙄

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Hey thanks for the direction on the browser and engine. DDG has been unfaithfully for many months after a purchase by somebody. NewsMax Media is right below the Murdoch Family on the Clinton Foundation Website 5M+ donor page. For real, can't make it up. I don't doubt for one moment American deep state, Khaz Mafia and their own homies are helping the mockingbird media paint the hate on Putin. It's what they're best at after many decades of practice. Follow God's light and do what you can to show it to others by example. That situation is right in the palm of God's hand of providence

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Barney..I want that to be true so badly, it would be wonderful

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Here’s some background info on how George Soros in conjunction with the government of Canada has contributed to the control and corruption of Ukraine. Additionally the USA doesn’t have clean hands at all. We have given millions in arms to Ukraine and brought their soldiers to train on US soil during Obama’s term in office.


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That's exactly right! It was Glenn Beck who revealed how Obama and his administration stole the millions given to the Ukrainian people to create that war in Ukraine/Russia during his presidential years and how Obama paid the Nazis to have snipers pick off innocent people like they were plastic duck targets. In essence, Obama bypassed Congress, causing and essentially paying for that war which is unconstitutional. I still wait for the day to see that traitor hung by the neck along with many others. We know that the real Joe Biden and his corrupt son, Hunter were both hung over a year ago. Hillary too was arrested on 9/11 when she fell in front of the van. She was hung at the end of last year and was cursing all around her during her fall. In fact, a LOT of those big names have already been hung. The downside is that the evil that exists in this fallen world, always manage to have another copy/double to take the place of those who were hung. Just like the Melinda Gates of today is NOT the original Melinda; she doesn't even look like the original Melinda.

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None of them look remotely the same so I suspect that you are correct.I think I are body doubles or Hollywood creations. I’ve seen the videos about the Hollywood masks.

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I know someone who loads planes at an usaf base in the UK. Weeks ago he said theyd already sent special forces and their gear to Ukraine.

Why are so many falling for the MSM stance. Now I'm seeing dont buy coke or Macdonald as they wont pull out of Russia.

Theyve gone insane!

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The saddest thing is that the people of the USA believe the lies and propaganda on their TVs tell-a-vision with its 'programming' (they call it that for a reason) and its channel as in channeling. The bible calls it 'sorceries' in revelation 17 and 18 and the 'woman' that sits (controls) the last sea (of people) beast kingdom, the U.N. which received its deadly wound as the League of Nations is none other that the Edomite-ashkeNAZI Jews. God is going to have them destroyed worldwide as told in Ezekiel 39 along with all of the lies and propaganda in billions upon billions of books, the weapons of Ezekiel 39.

I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. tinyurl.com/matrixofgog which is about Ezekiel 38 and 39; two of the most misunderstood books of the bible.

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I agree with everything that you said. We were saying that we had to do something when this whole covid thing started and some of us tried. All of the doctors coming out talking about the masks not working and the shot making people sicker and even killing them meant little to the big percentage of people who went and lined up for the shot. We can't stop what is going on in the Ukraine anymore than we could stop covid. Zelensky and Putin probably are having a drink together with Klaus at this very moment. We do have to fight but God will make the ultimate decision.

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I truly hope you won't mind me sharing a link to my video, it speaks to precisely what you are saying in this article. I will be sharing a link to the article in the comments section of my video. Thank you so much for saying so eloquently what I have been trying to say about Zelenskyy from the perspective of a Canadian capable of independent thought! https://youtu.be/qicGIx0UARw

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I agree that we need to look closely at Zelensky before we utterly condemn Putin. From what I do know, I don't believe either is a 'good guy'. Regardless of what anyone may personally believe as to who is at fault, I do not believe we are in full possession of the facts. The United States should remain neutral. It is not our war.

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Wow, eye opening! Another great article. So true, we need to be discerning on all media and never believe it to be true, but an agenda statement based in fear and control.

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Most MSM news is owned by the people of God's curse and who are contrary to all men which are the Flesh Edomite-ashkeNAZI Jews. Mainstream news is nothing but lies and propaganda to divide and conquer; Satan's greatest tools.

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Putin was trying to help by taking out the money launderers, the khazarian mafia, the traffickers and the bioweapon labs. Ukraine is the DemonRat's corruption factory! I read that even Bidens mansion was taken out and found to be filled with many children that were used for their perveted acts and there were many dead children found there too and not from Putin's soldiers. There's video footage of Ukrainians saying the khazarian mafia was shooting into the people's houses, not Putin. And they were also the ones raping then killing the women and children, not Putin's soldiers!! There are so many lies told regarding Russia and Ukraine! Obiden wants to invoke a war, but why? More control? Martial law? Who knows why, with them?

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