If we were to discover that your grandfather, cousin or sister had committed a crime (last century or last month), it is not legal (in the USA at least) to hold you accountable simply because you are related. So I do not take on any guilt for what my ancestors did or did not do. We are only accountable for ourselves.

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Never owned a slave. I owe no one reparations. In fact I don’t believe anyone currently living has owned a slave nor has been a slave. This whole reparations thing is another way to divide our populace.

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Exactly 1.6% of the American population owned slaves at the height of the slave trade. It's an ultra rare American family that doesn't have several different ethnicities and races in their ancestry. It's actually amusing to consider that during Jim Crow, they determined where you could live, be educated and how you were seen by society according to the "one drop" rule. If you had one drop of negro blood, you were considered a black person. Under this rule, almost every American would have been considered black, even those who made the rule in the first place. 😆 The saddest part is there's more people living in slavery in the world today than there ever were in America's distant past, but the left never marches for those poor souls. Most of them are black too. Where's the white savior syndrome when you need it? 🙄

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Never had a genetic test, but generations of my ancestors on both sides were Appalachian born and raised. My strongest traits are Celtic. Stubborn, and Rebelious.

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It's not completely unknown to see Americans without African DNA. It's just pretty rare. Even those DNA tests you can take don't look back past about 10 or 20 generations because if you look deep enough, the cradle of life was in Africa, so at some point way back at the beginning of humanity, we all come from Africa. Here's the thing though. You don't know who you're Celtic ancestors slept with if you're go far enough back to the Viking era. All Celtics are the product of Europeans, Vikings or both due to raids all along the coasts of Scotland and Ireland. If you have Viking blood, they often ranged far afield and African slaves weren't unknown even before England united and made war on the Celts. The Romans brought a few Africans when they invaded England (prior to it being England) and made war on the pagan European tribes (it's shocking today's youth seriously believe white people invented slavery when the Roman Empire was the original diversity and inclusion government - they were just a lot more violent and less whiny than the woke crowd). When the Vikings raided after Rome collapsed and left the British Isles, they stole slaves along with nobles and merchants to be slaves for them. A few black female slaves have even been discovered to have eventually married their Viking captors and become respected members of the Danes specifically and I would guess a few other "Northman" tribes (that's what the Brits called the Vikings until some of them settled in England with the first English King's blessing, learned the language and explained their culture to historians among the nobles and priests who attempted to bring the pagan Vikings to Christ. The Vikings intermarried freely with poor and enslaved Brit girls (the upper and merchant classes looked down on the "barbarians," while they burned women to death, with the help of the Church, who were midwives and healer herbalists - go figure 🙄) and despite being shunned by the upper class, sometimes with runaway merchant and noble girls in love. So you see, it's kinda likely you have a bit of African in you that doesn't stretch back to the beginning of mankind in the Garden of Eden, but regardless, everyone has at least one drop of African blood. You should look into the medieval history of the Celts and even earlier. The tribal history that was written down by Eastern visitors to the early islands is fascinating. I wish the tribes had written language before they did. We'd know much more of our original culture. Sorry it's so long. This is kinda my wheelhouse and people sometimes tune out when I discuss it so I don't share often.

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Mine as well. Appalachia (WV, KY) starting from over England, Scotland, and Wales.

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Blue Ridge Mountains in E. Tennessee, still have relatives there. My Sis posts pictures of their drives through the mountains. Bears, deer, and the waterfalls. Nature beauty. They live on the side of a mountain. She finally retired 2 days ago, she is now the full-time caregiver for her husband, who is in late-stage Duchenes MD. Wheelchair bound.

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Sorry about your sisters husband. May they both receive comfort and prayers.

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Most of the Blacks in the United States have at least one White ancestor. Let them pay themselves reparations first. Then, we'll see.

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This is very true due to the "owning" of black people by their owners who believed they "owned" them in sexual ways as well. The white owners took their sexual gratification from whoever they fancied among their black slaves. Result was pregnancy and births of mixed offspring. This fact is always reinforced by seeing black people with green or blue eyes. I think they are a beautiful witness to the diversity of God.

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The fact is, most Americans are mutts. We are Americans first, and then who we are as we live our lives-our interests, our careers, our goals. Much farther down the list are our genetic origins. It is interesting to me to be descended from Vikings, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian, and especially, great English (not UK) ancestors. But that is not who I am. I only have my red hair and freckles, no language, customs, or cultural holidays pertinent to those forebears. I celebrate American holidays, eat American food, a hodgepodge of many origins, speak English, the language of my country. It is time we all got back to who we are and quit focusing on a distant or even near past. You are here because either you, your parents, your grandparents, or great or even great-great forebears chose to become Americans. You are here. Be American. Stand tall, there is a lot to be proud of. We are great because our country is great. We are strong because of our hybrid origins. Celebrate who you are, but know deeply, you are an American first before any other “identity.”

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It always puzzled me our Founders didn't call our language after our New Country, AMERICAN. We don't speak British English, do their math, or customs, etc.

Blue-grey eyes, Celtic skin. I like you am an AMERICAN 100%. My Favorite holidays are the 4th of July, Christmas and Easter.

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Our founders didn’t have foresight to know that calling our language “American” would be important for our future. Wouldn't they be appalled and disgusted to see our country now.

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Absolutely. I’m American and will never add a dash.

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We either all do that, or none of us do. It is that simple.h

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He's one among many black people having white ancestors; among others as Michelle Obama, Lionell Richie and now Lavar Burton...There are many. Some, in some mystery of love of God loving humanity through that person accept this with acceptance and go on in growth in life as Richie. Others as Mrs. Obama seem to lack God and hate with the very Demonic and wish all harm onto mankind and theft of all God's creation.

Truly a mystery...OF CHOICE. We do not control those coming before us and the restlessness of the past does not allow vengeance in the present...Another mystery in allowing "Vengeance to the Creator" as claimed with Romans 12:19, "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." The one's hating based upon the past are those now perpetrating the current 'Slave Trade' with babies, children and all evil seeks to devour...At the Southern Border of America and Europe. TRULY, A MYSTERY.

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"Mrs. Obama" ? No, Michael Robinson. He/she will probably even admit to it when "they" are asked to replace Obiden on the Dem ticket.

And Hussein himself is "gay", and their "daughters" were borrowed from another couple and posed as their children.

They even admitted that to classmates at a private school they attended in Chicago.

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😏😉Was honestly TRYING to be nice and it came out sarcastic, didn't it?

Guess God hasn't perfected me, yet.

Am REALLY trying.


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What the cornbread “truly a mystery” hell are you going on about?? And what is this “Mrs Obama” shit?

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Being rude and sarcastic is a great way to get a positive response, isn't it?

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Ohh I wasn’t being sarcastic....I meant every word of it. And, I’m not fishing for "positive".

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That poor black man has white guilt.

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Typical. A, very most likely, multimillionaire doesn't have enough money and wants poor people, this time white, to give him theirs.

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ROOTS was NOT a Factual Film!

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Most whites in the US even back then did not own slaves & there were blacks back then that did. O dear....

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For those with open minds, What if our Western thinking is wrong? What if the millions of people who experienced NDE's and report we are one is true, and furthermore that re-incarnation is reality. Then any person on Earth now, could have been any man, woman, of any race of any culture in the past...and re-incarnation is not a single event, but multiple times, maybe hundreds or more? Just a thought?

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the Confederate leaf didn't fall far from the tree.

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That's a good one! 😁😄😆 Ha, Ha, Ha!

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I expected more from him after his fortunate roles on TV series afforded him a chance to expand his intellectual horizons in order to go beyond the racial issues that plague the segment of the Black community who are behaving like victims. I might be thus inclined to think that he would have more appreciation and respect for not only our cultural heritage rich in scope, but that any individual in our society is fairly presented with countless opportunities for creating the life they want.

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