Perky and chipper and evil. That’s a very freaky combination. Her rapid-fire delivery is quite off- putting and sets my alarm bells to ringing. Is she bi-polar? Something isn’t right there.

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Let me ask the world this. Are there any sane queers or transgenders out there? Name ONE intellectual transgender! You can't because ALL of them are looney. Just let them speak for proof.

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If a person takes opposite gender hormones they are likely to damage their intellectual capacity as well as destroy their sexual function. Sex hormones do a lot more than govern sexual reproduction. They are involved in having proper stamina for activities of daily life and for motivation. The goal here is to produce a lot of people who are a drag on society (pun not intended by appropriate, I guess) to cripple us as a nation. Depression, imo, is probably going to skyrocket for a lot of people taking opposite gender hormones, just due to the biological reality of poisoning themselves. We should probably also be standing against the hormone treatments based upon the destruction they can cause to the environment and to other forms of life via their deposition into the water supply.

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IMO, that's why so many transgender individuals commit suicide. They're already suffering from severe mental illness and then doctors make it worse by giving them meds that cause hormonal imbalances.

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That is exactly what I think, too. I also think that when a surgery is done, it doesn't leave the person with a new gender, but a mutilated body. That alone must be depressing and alienating from everyone else. No true intimacy of a sexual nature EVER for that person after a "gender destroying" surgery.

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Public school teacher decadence has been building for decades. At a PTA meeting in the mid-90s - albeit in historically insane Madison, Wisconsin - one of elementary level teachers remarked about how exciting it was for her to discuss with her young charges how they were "growing hair in new places". Shortly thereafter we moved our children into a Christian school.

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Yet these psychopaths balk at being called groomers. Absolute evil.

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This is the very definition of grooming.

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The Bible says that "it would be better to have a millstone put on your neck and be thrown into the deepest sea rather than to stumble one of these little ones" Unless she repents her future doesn't appear very "cheery".

#Jesussaves #Jesuswins

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Parents have to take control. Discuss school day every day. Be proactive, and home school when possible. The consequences will be dire if left unchecked.

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This is a direct result of parents shoving their kids off on strangers to raise. This woman needs psychiatric help and she is teaching your children. And children gravitate to these people because they feel abandoned by the parents who for the most part gave birth then gave up their care to someone else.

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"The wicked will be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God" Psa. 9:17---wake up America. There's a name for what this is----SIN. We're going to be punished for tolerating this crap.

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Isaiah 5 vs 20 pretty much covers it all.....right is wrong and wrong is right.

Satan will NEVER stop; First he demands that you tolerate his evil, then he demands that you accept his evil....and finally he will demand that you embrace his evil.....

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There's some obvious mania going on here. If this woman ever gets therapy and is regulated on good medication, she might discover that not only is she not "queer," she's ruined a bunch of children's lives.

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Lesbo pagan here. I can, in retrospect, see that a few of the teachers I had growing up may have been gay. 95% were straight, as a guess. I ended up being a lesbo. We didn't discuss such matters then, back in the 1980's, and yet, somehow, I ended up gay. If a teacher is encouraging kids to explore a particular sexuality in that educational context, it's extrememely problematic, inappropriate, and ill advised. Wrong venue. Go be a sex therapist if you want to do that.

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St Paul in Romans 1 said that there would be those who were damned because they knew what they did was wrong and that they would delight in others doing wrong also.

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At least the comments were mostly sane.

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The alphabet people have to be dealt with the way the Almighty said to.

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I am really hoping (and praying) for a turnaround in this country. I think the shift away from the rampant destruction of our children will be sudden and decisive. God will not suffer His little ones to be groomed for perversion in the public schools where they should instead be learning how to be part of a free and godly society filled with traditional families. God's people need to take up the authority given them in Jesus to remove the leftist indoctrination from their midst. In that light I think of this subject often: How to see our children protected from the leftist hell-bent on their destruction. For one, I don't think education should be funded with property taxes which creates such perverse incentives that it is ridiculous. In my city library workers and public school teachers are reaching agreements for collective bargaining/unions while the working poor (not unionized and often laboring in horrendous conditions) are denied educational options for their children. Can you guess which groups are more likely to be "white" and liberal? The hypocrisy reeks and I think it needs to be called out...loud and long.

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