Karen Bracken shared the 46-minute video discussion with Professor Sucharit Bhakti and the Swiss banker (I am not sure of his name) in a post yesterday:


You receive much more information of the story from this video, than the 12-minute Redacted report.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

All the focus on Pfizer - the fall guy for the failed DOD operation. Who cares about Pfizer? They were third party defense contractors specifically retained to create this mRNA based “vaccine.” They’re just the manufacturers. The DOD is the focal point but all eyes are on Pfizer. Not so much Moderna— why? They are much more closely tied to Gates and NIH. But so what if they both go down. They will just disperse and re-form anew.

The other guy in the Redacted video says it all: imagine the power and influence in the ability to immediately control and direct the doctors who lied to the KING about the cause of his daughters illness. That’s not Pfizer—that’s the work of the most heavily funded military operation in the world with more intelligence capabilities than all intelligence agencies worldwide combined. That’s the DOD and it’s many tentacles.

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Read somewhere else the "deal" was that if they did anything to refute the jabs after the fact there goes all their country's wealth??

"The important point is: Thailand cannot risk nullifying the contract because they put as collateral against this contract ALL OF THE COUNTRY ASSETS, including currency reserves and embassies!"



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This track would be great if these tactics spread beyond nation states to the international human. Because those who do this are international pirates occupying supranational real estate a national movement will not be sufficient. Maybe they were right - maybe we are all in this together. Just not as they meant. Silver linings and all that.

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So, it's apparently OK for the unwashed masses to die from the jab, but now that royalty has been affected, it gets national attention.

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Find a conservative community in America. Form a Grand Jury and gather numerous Sheriffs from multiple states and jurisdictions to form posses; and arrest EVERYONE responsible for this ‘depopulation agenda’. Start with Fauci and Gates, along with the heads of the Wuhan ‘gain of function research’… DEMAND JUSTICE.

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Has anyone read the “Human Augmentation: The Dawn of a New Paradigm, A Strategic Implications Project,” by the Ministry of Defence?

Goes into great detail how all of this is in the name of security and defense. Explains the DoDs position.

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BOMBSHELL: HOLDING THEM TO ACCOUNT FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY -- Pascal Najadi of Switzerland & Todd Callender - Mention is made of the Thai Princess.


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Psychopaths have no conscience. My work load is harsh and your reports allow me the opportunity to stay informed. Thanks, JD.

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"severe arrhythmia due to inflammation of the heart caused by mycoplasma infection" does not rule out the vaccine(s), which she had taken.

Vaccine, coma, heart, lungs, kidneys - that's a reproducible combination.

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Correlation is not causation you bigots.

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You must have watched Sucharit Bhakdi's video


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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Nope, not gonna happen. This is a fever dream. Countries, including Thailand, put their sovereign wealth and properties up for collateral in the sick, one-sided pHarma shot contracts. If they back out or trash the vax, they lose everything. There's a crazy mediation process and three-pronged proof threshold required to be met before pHarma is liable for anything. It's a total disaster for countries, obvious indicator that these shots were bad news, but governments ignored the signs.

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Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the LORD:

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man

and makes flesh his arm,

and whose heart turns away from the LORD!

High Treason, who wants to go deeper?


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