God Bless you Mr. Rucker, and thank you for giving us truth and hopeful msgs

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I agree. We need to hit the globalists where it hurts most. If we can solve that issue, the rest can be dealt with after they are behind bars. As a follower of Jesus Christ, my prayers focus on God's will and His protection of the children and others who are vulnerable to the tyranny they are imposing on us. Thank you for all you do. Once the truth is revealed to the masses, we will need to be ready to help them cope with the cognitive dissonance they will experience. Be prepared to be kind to all. Even those who know some of the truth may be shocked by the extent of it. Time to don our armor.

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There are SO many lies being forced down the open throats of those with closed minds, but the "White Supremacy" hoax being pushed by the FBI ... just boils my blood.

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My garage needs emptying of rubbish. I’ve heard that the FBI offers the fastest cleaning service, is the free offer still on?

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Depends on the political viewpoints of your "rubbish." To the FBI, all Conservatives are trash ... and they'll be happy to take you out.

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We know about the lies. We know about the corruption. We know about the vaccines. BUT, what we DON'T know is how to deal with them. Sure, electing conservatives should be the solution. But, my greatest fear is that come January and aside from the rhetoric, NOTHING CHANGES. The same mandates, the same green bullshit, the same lies, the same tyranny..... And then we will know what the uniparty is in control and where does that leave us? Waiting another 2 years for true conservatives to be elected? And another 4 years after that, while elections are corrupt and meaningless?

At what point does this all become a 2nd Amendment moment with 100 million armed people DEMANDING a return to Constitutionality? When do we stop playing Mr. & Mrs. Nice Guy and take back our country?

I hope and pray that the newly elected politicians clean up the corruption PRONTO. But, we need to be realistic and consider what we must do if the polls no longer work due to corruption..... kinda like in 1776.....

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Keep it up JD.


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I heard and interview from a young woman who converted to the right and she made a statement that 9/11 was the beginning of the great reset, that the tragedy set the stage for that take-over of America. I believe so. The FBI warned Pres. Bush several times about an impending attack and he refused to enact any precautions and the Patriot Act was ready for a vote soon after 9/11. The hijackers were on a terror watch list and somehow entered the US. The person who supplied them with fake IDs was murdered and her car set on fire. The Bush family is friendly with the Saudi ruling family. I believe the reason Pres. Bush did not prevent 9/11 was to pass the Patriot Act and that anti-Constitutional piece of legislation was probably prepared before 9/11. The most effective method to pass a law that is in direct contradiction to our Constitution is for 4,000 people to die.

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You’re doing God’s work, J.D.

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We definitely must focus on exposing the totalitarian monsters 's diabolical lies & schemes.

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The 10 biggest lies stated clearly for all to understand and recognize. I applaud and appreciate your hard work in spreading the truth about each one. Lie #10 shows the utter disrespect those that push the LGBTQ+ agenda have towards God our Father.

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Re; #10, one of the little Maoists high school students at our school board meeting the other night insutructed all of us that our words are violence and that LGBTQIA+ is not about "equality". We were wrong. It's about "equity". This is in Lancaster, Pa. Yes. Amish country.

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bring on the illegals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJqGpbCAxCc

LINKS: Martha's Vineyard Millionaires Launch GoFundMe Over illegal 'Humanitarian Crisis'



Canada https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/a-new-report-prepared-for-liberal?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Former CDC Director Outs Fauci, Says He Knows He Funded COVID Research


COVID-19: One in three infected, unvaccinated people no longer have detectable antibodies one year after infection https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-09-covid-infected-unvaccinated-people-longer.html

7 Big Corporations That Rewarded Wealthy Investors While Gouging Consumers


FAUCI https://www.theepochtimes.com/fauci-clearly-misled-congress-over-covid-19-origins-former-cdc-director_4736252.html?utm_campaign=roundup


CDC Reports 5,300 Errors in Vaccine Doses Given to Kids, as Latest VAERS Data Show 155 Reports of Deaths in Children 6 Months to 17 Years Old

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,407,409 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 30,935 deaths and 257,227 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022.



CANADA WOKE https://conservativefighters.co/news/woke-trans-high-school-teacher-wears-massive-set-of-fake-boobs-to-school-in-front-of-students/

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When China executes its prisoners to fuel organ trafficking




With the increase of diseases the demand for organs is increasing.

What we know scientifically is that the donor is still alive and is therefore killed.

When Montaigner said that the unvaccinated would save the world he implicitly meant the donors, because an organ of a vaccinated has no value, no use.

The market prices and the growing demand suggest that deaths from watchful waiting, etc., may be worth so much in organs and for this reason the autopsies were prohibited and cremation is adopted?

The state of things leads to these conscientious reflections, on the other hand if the pandemic is a farce but an announced genocide, the dissidents are eyewitnesses of inhuman crimes.


This is the end described in Matthew 24 and Daniel 12 where the abomination of desolation starts with covid19 and ends in November 2023.

Revelation 3; Matthew 24; Daniel 12;


Leviticus 18; Leviticus 19

In conclusion,

Articles from the Italian Criminal Code,

Art. 270

Subversive associations

Art. 270-bis.

Associations with the purpose of terrorism, including international ones, or subversion of the democratic order

Immigration promoted, where more rapes, crimes, fears, destabilizing even the private life.

Art. 270-quater.

Enlistment for terrorist purposes, including international ones.

Art. 270-ter.

Assistance to associates.

Do not take any more doses, seek and sustain the true truth.




Injustice dominates, Petition for a real comparison of risks and benefits given by the pan


Each of my social network accounts closed, including LinkedIn which is a tool for the job.

I consider this a subtlety of a serious act of DISCRIMINATION.

I was a Designer here my website: https://italianyachtdesign.wordpress.com/

Dossier covid19, the homepage of my blog closed


Form groups and denounce, and form new judges but in the name of GOD.




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Common Sense vs Big Pharma. 1) Kill viruses. 2) Kill injected nanotechnology?

"Basically" there are only 2 ways that we can get an external infection:

A) Virus B) Bite - like a mosquito for example. C) If you inherited Genes from a relative, then you have whatever/however they impact on your body and that is par for the course and bad luck.

1) So, why wait for a virus, to infect your nasal passages in your head and cause an illness in your body, which was completely avoidable from the outset, by "wasting" 3 minutes of your time to get the job done?

2) Don't tell me, you want to try out Pfizer's and other vaccine makers undisclosed Genetic Therapies, to see if they work, or do nothing, or do something else completely different to your body, which you cannot stop from occurring!! like Duh!!

If vaccinated Richard Noakes estimates a probable baseline of 2.22% per second for life, of you getting a 5G signal to the vaccinated injected nanotechnology in your body which orders your brain to have a heart attack which kills you or injures you, until the next time you get the signal - which then kills you.

1) 3 minutes from preparation to job done!!

Everything else you have read, or heard, is totally irrelevant - how simple is that?

Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any soreness at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.

My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure - that is, after you have been out shopping, or mixing with people with potentially, Omicron or Delta viruses, or any other unrelated virus.

It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and down the back of your throat, when sore.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 29 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either. I have never had a vaccine, I never had the yearly Flu shots (8%) effective.

Sure I get viruses, I had one a couple of days ago - a quick salt water sniffle/snort, killed it off really quickly.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, or you sneeze more often than usual, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible and monitor the results, to see if further salt water sniffles are necessary, but a couple of hours later - so far - I remain immune from potential Covid infections, by doing just this.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure. Obviously if you are allergic to salt, don't do it.

Richard Noakes

If mRNA Vaccinated:

2) Richard has also "suggested a possible one second cure" for those mRNA vaccinated, who now have a 10 digit number when holding an iPhone to the arm, in Bluetooth, that the way to kill the nanotechnology which was injected at the time of getting the vaccine, "might be" to touch a strand of an electric cattle fence with both hands and get the electric jolt (2 or 3 times?) - this might short out the nanotechnology and parasites which rely on the bodies electricity to function, restoring your body to it's original state? prior to mRNA vaccination???

If you don't have a 10 digit number after the jolt or jolts, then theoretically you have shorted out the nanotachnology and a way to monitor that is with your iPhone in Bluetooth - no number, no problem - right?

An alarming number of vaccine recipients suffered from severe and debilitating complications. Growing increasingly concerned, the physician decided to study messenger RNA (mRNA) and its effects on DNA. After speaking with colleagues and conducting numerous experiments, she made a startling discovery. When the Bluetooth setting was activated near immunized individuals, a "unique identification code" appeared on her smartphone’s screen. Each person seemingly contained an internal technological device. During an interview transcribed by Orwell City, Dr. Brandolino shared her startling findings: Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie? Dr. Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Dr. Kalcker. It’s clearly seen in the magnification: a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology-responsive devices. That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit, is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G. All that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor— in a device which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst and, as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna and the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain.

There is an element of risk in everything and you must understand that, however, don't try it if you have a Pacemaker and DO NOT short your body out on household electricity as THAT will kill you, bearing in mind the Police Taser is much more powerful than an electric cattle fence, as a possible final resort

Nothing ventured, nothing gained?

From Richard Noakes - posted by me - Christine

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When it comes to vaccines, none are safe, effective or necessary, so instead of focusing solely on the CV jabs, that topic should encompass all of them. The government and Pharma have gotten away with poisoning the people for profit for 3+ decades. We are nearly decimated in terms of health as it is. The entire program needs to end immediately.

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Sep 16, 2022
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Then I think you mean Heaven yeah!!

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