But they are succeeding, JD. They are WASTING TIME and giving the guilty a chance to destroy evidence. And one branch of government cannot enjoin another branch.
And CONGRESS created the subordinate courts (only the Supreme Court was created by the Constitution). So Congress can and must trim their jurisdiction. District and Appeals Courts should be forbidden to enjoin the executive or legislative branches from ANYTHING.
I would agree with the rationale of this article--and its predictions of victory are almost certainly going to manifest in the short term--but I disagree because We the People have a rare opportunity to expose and humiliate publicly our corrupt Judiciary. This so-called constructuonist SCOTUS made trannies a protected class. It gave Injuns 2/3 of Oklahoma in order to let a murderer go free. It refused standing for (just about everone) suing over a rigged Presidential election! It and its minion Lesser Courts have issued wholly unconstitutional injunctive relief over the Executive for decades. And regarding the Lesser Courts, none have original jurisdiction over federal cases brought by States anyway, so they have no authority whatsoever to issue actual rulings (not just injunctions), over the Executive. Only SCOTUS does, and it cannot delegate that! There has been no better time in 200 years to put a fork in this turkey of Judicial Tyranny! Trump must take on the Judiciary via Constitutional standoff and smack it upside each of its hydra heads with its own precious rulebook! Then dare Congress to impeach him...sigh...again!
It's not as if the Dems/leftists did not tell us months ago about their plan to thwart Trump should he win the election. They spoke last year of their scheme to use the courts against his agenda. Well, now we are here. It should be taken to the SCOTUS asap. It will be very interesting to witness. I cannot wait to see how the 9 vote.
The lower appellate courts are "weaponized" by the uniparty swamp against the American taxpayer. In theory if the President can pardon family members and racketering felons et al. (e.g. fauci, hunter biden, hilarity, etc.) and they cannot be prosecuted in any court, then why should federal lower court judges be allowed to suspend presidential powers?
Thanks, JD and Kurt, for clearing up simple facts. There are 15 articles on Gateway Pundit this morning, all about these hapless attacks on the MAGA agenda under siege. One would think after endless negative news for the last 8 years, our conservative press could take "one" article and put all these scare-mongering stories in one place and tell their readers the absolute truth.
This is a note to all of us wore-out supporters of our Constitutional Republic: Stop reading this stuff. Enjoy your coffee, and know this. For every liberal screaming fire in the theater, there are hundreds of extraordinary changes about our ravaged country happening at the same time. These are changes with teeth, changes that matter to you and me. It is a glorious time to be an American. Go re-heat your coffee.
We can easily stop this bullcrap: J6 these judges. First, charge them with a crime, any crime you like. Secondly, send them to the DC Gulag for 4 or 5 years awaiting trial with no bail or habeas corpus. Third, while they are locked up, file as many frivolous civil suits against them as it takes to bankrupt them. Lastly, disbar them. The ones that haven't been arrested won't be so quick to stick their necks out.
It has been clearly communicated in the US Senate Debate of 1866 (2 years before the 14th was "ratified"....there is strong argument that the 14th was never legally ratified) While discussing in depth the 14th the US Senate Debate of 1866 clearly define "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" and what it means to be a citizen. The 13th, 14th,15th were the slave amendments and the 14th was mainly to grant citizenship to the recently freed slaves under the 13th Amendment. But in the debate they clearly stated if born on US soil you are a citizen EXCEPT if born to foreign parents or children of ambassadors. Children born to foreign citizens are under the full jurisdiction of the country of their parents and they are under a limited jurisdiction US protections. People including lawyers and our elected need to do some research. PRECEDENCE DOES NOT OVERRIDE THE ORIGINAL INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. And because it was ratified so long ago people cannot understand the original intent unless they do their research. Readings of our founders, the Federalist papers not left leaning Universities or even most right leaning Universities. By ignoring the original intent is how those with an agenda get to ignore the Constitution and the American people have been so dumbed down and complacent they believe the lies they are told. IE Separation of church and state.....there is nothing in the Constitution that says there is a separation of church and state. What it does mean is our government cannot create a national religion forced on the people of our country like you see in many Middle Eastern countries. The 14th DOES NOT hand citizenship to EVERY person born on US soil.. This article also explains the lies we have been told about natural born citizenship. Once you know the truth about NBC you will see why Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Dr. Shiva ARE NOT NBCs and are not eligible to be President or VP. https://thenewamerican.com/us/trump-ends-birthright-citizenship/
I preface my comment with this; I voted for Trump twice. And No, I'm not left leaning or on board with the craziness. But as strange and appalling as it may sound, I'm glad that these judges have stepped in. Why? Because our govt was formed with three branches who if serving the citizenry would serve as checks and balances so that none ruled as lone authority. I've watched in recent years the acceleration of the signing of EO,s by both political parties. Did "we the people" agree to this with our votes? And who is going to stop this should one decide to use it to their advantage rather than the peoples' advantage? Things are moving far too rapidly since this administration began. Coming at us so fast that one can hardly think through before the next thing is fired at us. Many seem so starstruck with Trump that little consideration is given to the things I've mentioned. Go ahead and fire the bullets at me; it's expected.
You might want to read SteChatte's comment and re-think your position. A cusory review of history will show you that Wilson and FDR hold the records for EO actions. I encourage you to keep up...this pace isn't likely to slow and it shouldn't. We sent our mandate and it's being fulfilled.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not one of those of the "we sent our mandate." I follow a different mandate. I'm observing the demolition of the current govt structure and the phoenix rising from the flames to bring forth as Trump dubbed it; "the Golden Age," and the New World Order that Musk declared not long after the election, also known as the beast system of Holy Scripture.
One, just one, reason why this Admin is moving so fast is they understand that actually they have approximately two years, possibly a little less than two years, to reverse some of the damage Biden and even Obama did to the nation. The use of EOs is no great matter. Once this Admin starts having the House and Senate codify these EOs, they will not have to worry about the next crazy leftie over using EOs.
Your reply just proved my point about being starstruck and unable to think through about what happens if this continues. I noted that you're only concerned about the "crazy leftie over using EOs, but no mention of it from this president. When did "we the people" agree to this loose free reign signing of EOs. Just like we didn't agree to the USA PATRIOT ACT which is now used against the citizenry. "Bye, bye miss America Pie." It seems the people love to have it so as long as their team is in the lead. Count me out.
You clearly do not recognize anything except your own bubble. It would help you to try reading a bit of history including the history of leftists in other nations, nations conquered by leftists like Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, China.
If you cannot help with saving this nation, at least get the hell out of our way!
Be my guest. Good luck with that one. I'm not in a bubble because I'm outside of the left/right or right/left thinking, whichever of those two placements is preferable. I'm merely trying to get people to think outside of their biased thinking mode. As I said, fire your bullets. It doesn't harm me. I thought you were a believer in free speech, guess not.
I thank you for doing the same for me. It's not easy to go against the stream, but sometimes you must. I'm thankful that Jesus Christ keeps us and I pray for the safety of others even though some don't yet understand.
Who first wrote the EOs this Admin is responding to? It was Obama and then Biden. But you were okay with them doing it. It's ONLY when a decent Prez attempts to correct past errors of lefties that your panties get wadded up.
Please try to think ahead and then think of how we got in this situation. IF you are honest, which i kinda doubt, you will recognize the cause of the decline of this nation and maybe even give credit where credit is due. You are stuck on "starstruck" and fail to recognize the whole picture. It would be a helpful idea to try reading a little of history and consider how the leftists have brought their damage here, dear.
Have we met that you presume to know me and what I'm about and how ignorant I am of history and that I'm dishonest? Sadly, I recognize more than you know and am looking far ahead of the current state. Which is why I posted my original comment which you took as an insult. Sorry you see it that way, but I've learned that we humans can be set in our ways and thinking. No thought provoking comments allowed. I guess that's just our way as human beings.
Thank you I'm encouraged by your comment in knowing that there are some free thinkers who aren't bound by what we're only allowed to think and speak.I stand fast as I was instructed to do, not in defiance of people, though some may see it that way, but in defense of being born a free creation by our Creator. He paid a HIGH COST for it and I'll not trample on it. I saw this time in 2021before it became a visible reality. With the two men who now run things doing so, but not for our benefit. I try to warn gently but it's not received.
No ma'am I was not okay with Obama, Biden, Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr, etc..signing EOs except on RARE occasions. Go back and read my original post and you will see that. But nope, you read into it what you chose to read. How dare me think outside of the new majority.
Hello JD. Great post! I've been calling for years that Trump and others involved in legal actions ignore the unconstitutional orders issued by podunk district judges. I've spent the last two shows explaining why such actions by the federal judiciary are unconstitutional. Love to have you as a guest on my show to talk more about this.
Yes, resistance from the left wing nuts was expected. The resolution will not come quickly or easily. The appeals will come, then the counter suits. The Supreme Court is usually in no hurry to hear cases. So, it's not likely there will be a win until late in year, or next year. The problem? The Deep State digs further in and devises more roadblocks to reforming our government. Meanwhile, make plenty of noise. Remember that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
The Republicans need to put forth bills that limit the jurisdiction of the lower courts. They could say limit all cases for nationwide judgments to only be filed in a certain court, limit all cases involving executive action to only being able to be filed as original actions in the Supreme Court, etc. The Constitution only requires a Supreme Court and only requires they hear certain types of cases. The rest of the lower courts can be deprived of the right to hear these types of cases by statute.
While I agree with you in practice, I am so tired of the lack of accountability for the political crimes and lawfare we have witnessed seemingly with no end. How many congressional investigations have there been over the years; can you name anyone subject to one who has faced jailtime or any other consequences? I can't, and I'm sick of it. I want to see heads roll. Enforce the law and constitution to the fullest extent. Like one of their heroes said, "show me the man, and I'll find you a crime". We have been mercilessly bullied, and silence/ inaction only aids the bully, never the victim.
These judges think they are omnipotent and untouchable. I hope they find out otherwise in the most devastating way possible. They desperately need a taste of their own medicine.
But they are succeeding, JD. They are WASTING TIME and giving the guilty a chance to destroy evidence. And one branch of government cannot enjoin another branch.
And CONGRESS created the subordinate courts (only the Supreme Court was created by the Constitution). So Congress can and must trim their jurisdiction. District and Appeals Courts should be forbidden to enjoin the executive or legislative branches from ANYTHING.
That is also my concern. Is this giving bad actors time to hide/destroy evidence and/or push more illicit money out the door?
I would agree with the rationale of this article--and its predictions of victory are almost certainly going to manifest in the short term--but I disagree because We the People have a rare opportunity to expose and humiliate publicly our corrupt Judiciary. This so-called constructuonist SCOTUS made trannies a protected class. It gave Injuns 2/3 of Oklahoma in order to let a murderer go free. It refused standing for (just about everone) suing over a rigged Presidential election! It and its minion Lesser Courts have issued wholly unconstitutional injunctive relief over the Executive for decades. And regarding the Lesser Courts, none have original jurisdiction over federal cases brought by States anyway, so they have no authority whatsoever to issue actual rulings (not just injunctions), over the Executive. Only SCOTUS does, and it cannot delegate that! There has been no better time in 200 years to put a fork in this turkey of Judicial Tyranny! Trump must take on the Judiciary via Constitutional standoff and smack it upside each of its hydra heads with its own precious rulebook! Then dare Congress to impeach him...sigh...again!
Very well said. Thank you! 10,000,000,000 up-votes!
It's not as if the Dems/leftists did not tell us months ago about their plan to thwart Trump should he win the election. They spoke last year of their scheme to use the courts against his agenda. Well, now we are here. It should be taken to the SCOTUS asap. It will be very interesting to witness. I cannot wait to see how the 9 vote.
The lower appellate courts are "weaponized" by the uniparty swamp against the American taxpayer. In theory if the President can pardon family members and racketering felons et al. (e.g. fauci, hunter biden, hilarity, etc.) and they cannot be prosecuted in any court, then why should federal lower court judges be allowed to suspend presidential powers?
I think Trump wants this to go all the way to the Supreme Court and be settled once and for all. Then it's game over.
Thanks, JD and Kurt, for clearing up simple facts. There are 15 articles on Gateway Pundit this morning, all about these hapless attacks on the MAGA agenda under siege. One would think after endless negative news for the last 8 years, our conservative press could take "one" article and put all these scare-mongering stories in one place and tell their readers the absolute truth.
This is a note to all of us wore-out supporters of our Constitutional Republic: Stop reading this stuff. Enjoy your coffee, and know this. For every liberal screaming fire in the theater, there are hundreds of extraordinary changes about our ravaged country happening at the same time. These are changes with teeth, changes that matter to you and me. It is a glorious time to be an American. Go re-heat your coffee.
We can easily stop this bullcrap: J6 these judges. First, charge them with a crime, any crime you like. Secondly, send them to the DC Gulag for 4 or 5 years awaiting trial with no bail or habeas corpus. Third, while they are locked up, file as many frivolous civil suits against them as it takes to bankrupt them. Lastly, disbar them. The ones that haven't been arrested won't be so quick to stick their necks out.
The easy way is not always the good way. I'd rather this procedure not become a staple in our politics.
We are fighting a war against American grown communism and it needs to be taken out root and branch.
Well put.
It has been clearly communicated in the US Senate Debate of 1866 (2 years before the 14th was "ratified"....there is strong argument that the 14th was never legally ratified) While discussing in depth the 14th the US Senate Debate of 1866 clearly define "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" and what it means to be a citizen. The 13th, 14th,15th were the slave amendments and the 14th was mainly to grant citizenship to the recently freed slaves under the 13th Amendment. But in the debate they clearly stated if born on US soil you are a citizen EXCEPT if born to foreign parents or children of ambassadors. Children born to foreign citizens are under the full jurisdiction of the country of their parents and they are under a limited jurisdiction US protections. People including lawyers and our elected need to do some research. PRECEDENCE DOES NOT OVERRIDE THE ORIGINAL INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. And because it was ratified so long ago people cannot understand the original intent unless they do their research. Readings of our founders, the Federalist papers not left leaning Universities or even most right leaning Universities. By ignoring the original intent is how those with an agenda get to ignore the Constitution and the American people have been so dumbed down and complacent they believe the lies they are told. IE Separation of church and state.....there is nothing in the Constitution that says there is a separation of church and state. What it does mean is our government cannot create a national religion forced on the people of our country like you see in many Middle Eastern countries. The 14th DOES NOT hand citizenship to EVERY person born on US soil.. This article also explains the lies we have been told about natural born citizenship. Once you know the truth about NBC you will see why Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Dr. Shiva ARE NOT NBCs and are not eligible to be President or VP. https://thenewamerican.com/us/trump-ends-birthright-citizenship/
I preface my comment with this; I voted for Trump twice. And No, I'm not left leaning or on board with the craziness. But as strange and appalling as it may sound, I'm glad that these judges have stepped in. Why? Because our govt was formed with three branches who if serving the citizenry would serve as checks and balances so that none ruled as lone authority. I've watched in recent years the acceleration of the signing of EO,s by both political parties. Did "we the people" agree to this with our votes? And who is going to stop this should one decide to use it to their advantage rather than the peoples' advantage? Things are moving far too rapidly since this administration began. Coming at us so fast that one can hardly think through before the next thing is fired at us. Many seem so starstruck with Trump that little consideration is given to the things I've mentioned. Go ahead and fire the bullets at me; it's expected.
You might want to read SteChatte's comment and re-think your position. A cusory review of history will show you that Wilson and FDR hold the records for EO actions. I encourage you to keep up...this pace isn't likely to slow and it shouldn't. We sent our mandate and it's being fulfilled.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not one of those of the "we sent our mandate." I follow a different mandate. I'm observing the demolition of the current govt structure and the phoenix rising from the flames to bring forth as Trump dubbed it; "the Golden Age," and the New World Order that Musk declared not long after the election, also known as the beast system of Holy Scripture.
The deception I’m witnessing is off the charts! It’s as if people are in a trance. No critical analysis whatsoever. Mind blowing…
One, just one, reason why this Admin is moving so fast is they understand that actually they have approximately two years, possibly a little less than two years, to reverse some of the damage Biden and even Obama did to the nation. The use of EOs is no great matter. Once this Admin starts having the House and Senate codify these EOs, they will not have to worry about the next crazy leftie over using EOs.
Your reply just proved my point about being starstruck and unable to think through about what happens if this continues. I noted that you're only concerned about the "crazy leftie over using EOs, but no mention of it from this president. When did "we the people" agree to this loose free reign signing of EOs. Just like we didn't agree to the USA PATRIOT ACT which is now used against the citizenry. "Bye, bye miss America Pie." It seems the people love to have it so as long as their team is in the lead. Count me out.
You clearly do not recognize anything except your own bubble. It would help you to try reading a bit of history including the history of leftists in other nations, nations conquered by leftists like Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, China.
If you cannot help with saving this nation, at least get the hell out of our way!
Be my guest. Good luck with that one. I'm not in a bubble because I'm outside of the left/right or right/left thinking, whichever of those two placements is preferable. I'm merely trying to get people to think outside of their biased thinking mode. As I said, fire your bullets. It doesn't harm me. I thought you were a believer in free speech, guess not.
Thank you for giving me faith in God’s Humanity Kathy. God and His angels be with you.
I thank you for doing the same for me. It's not easy to go against the stream, but sometimes you must. I'm thankful that Jesus Christ keeps us and I pray for the safety of others even though some don't yet understand.
The “nation” was finished a LONG time ago. It’s only the USA in name.
I’ve dropped out-done.
I am on the side of God/Creator, Humanity only. I support only goodness.
Trump/Musk and company are NOT who you think they are. It’s frightening, to be honest.
Who first wrote the EOs this Admin is responding to? It was Obama and then Biden. But you were okay with them doing it. It's ONLY when a decent Prez attempts to correct past errors of lefties that your panties get wadded up.
Please try to think ahead and then think of how we got in this situation. IF you are honest, which i kinda doubt, you will recognize the cause of the decline of this nation and maybe even give credit where credit is due. You are stuck on "starstruck" and fail to recognize the whole picture. It would be a helpful idea to try reading a little of history and consider how the leftists have brought their damage here, dear.
Have we met that you presume to know me and what I'm about and how ignorant I am of history and that I'm dishonest? Sadly, I recognize more than you know and am looking far ahead of the current state. Which is why I posted my original comment which you took as an insult. Sorry you see it that way, but I've learned that we humans can be set in our ways and thinking. No thought provoking comments allowed. I guess that's just our way as human beings.
Not all Kathy! Never give in, never give up! We’re here for a reason at this time in the world.
I live for Truth. You do as well.🕊️
Thank you I'm encouraged by your comment in knowing that there are some free thinkers who aren't bound by what we're only allowed to think and speak.I stand fast as I was instructed to do, not in defiance of people, though some may see it that way, but in defense of being born a free creation by our Creator. He paid a HIGH COST for it and I'll not trample on it. I saw this time in 2021before it became a visible reality. With the two men who now run things doing so, but not for our benefit. I try to warn gently but it's not received.
No ma'am I was not okay with Obama, Biden, Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr, etc..signing EOs except on RARE occasions. Go back and read my original post and you will see that. But nope, you read into it what you chose to read. How dare me think outside of the new majority.
Someone needs to kill these communist judges; we need Joe McCarthy back.
Hello JD. Great post! I've been calling for years that Trump and others involved in legal actions ignore the unconstitutional orders issued by podunk district judges. I've spent the last two shows explaining why such actions by the federal judiciary are unconstitutional. Love to have you as a guest on my show to talk more about this.
Here is yesterday's show.
This is from today.
Hope to hear from you soon about being a guest! Thank you!
Greg Penglis
Creator, Host and CEO
Action Radio Citizen Legislature!
Yes, resistance from the left wing nuts was expected. The resolution will not come quickly or easily. The appeals will come, then the counter suits. The Supreme Court is usually in no hurry to hear cases. So, it's not likely there will be a win until late in year, or next year. The problem? The Deep State digs further in and devises more roadblocks to reforming our government. Meanwhile, make plenty of noise. Remember that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
The Republicans need to put forth bills that limit the jurisdiction of the lower courts. They could say limit all cases for nationwide judgments to only be filed in a certain court, limit all cases involving executive action to only being able to be filed as original actions in the Supreme Court, etc. The Constitution only requires a Supreme Court and only requires they hear certain types of cases. The rest of the lower courts can be deprived of the right to hear these types of cases by statute.
While I agree with you in practice, I am so tired of the lack of accountability for the political crimes and lawfare we have witnessed seemingly with no end. How many congressional investigations have there been over the years; can you name anyone subject to one who has faced jailtime or any other consequences? I can't, and I'm sick of it. I want to see heads roll. Enforce the law and constitution to the fullest extent. Like one of their heroes said, "show me the man, and I'll find you a crime". We have been mercilessly bullied, and silence/ inaction only aids the bully, never the victim.
These judges think they are omnipotent and untouchable. I hope they find out otherwise in the most devastating way possible. They desperately need a taste of their own medicine.