Great observation JD.

We collectively are idiots and deserve this on some level.

It is maddening to see the masses...flock like moths to a flame - every time something "new, shiny, innovative" - is rolled out for the slobbering collective.

The AI chats are a perfect example..."oh how fun to make the stupid AI bot, spit out crazy answers or ones that prove they are just toys at best and not smarter than us..."

No one ever learns...everything they do, especially in tech, builds on itself and is a smaller component of a larger process and plan. If I wanted to quickly map and clock the general patterns, content and trends of modern human thinking, with little to no effort- so AI in totality would have a repository for phases 4, 5 & 6 - I'd have created several versions of those chatbots, then sat back and watched all the metadata be furnished by my targets for free.

It would be like not only getting the Jewish prisoners to build the gas chambers, but getting them to manufacture the Zyklon B as well.

The dependency is quickly going to become apparent - and for those who think that's a crazy idea or "it'll never happen" - take a hammer and smash your cell phone (smart or analog) and then tell me how crazy the idea of dependency is.

We are so damn shortsighted and weak minded, that we have allowed these people to make these "things" critically needed in our daily lives.

Yes progress is a wonderful thing, but it's also enslavement - we willingly turn a blind eye to.

I'm sure there were many warnings, like JD's, of dependence and enslavement - when the CIA and nation state, rolled out social media. However people flocked to it, by the millions and today, if you found a way to ban it and destroy it - there would be world wide cases of panic, depression, mental problems and suicide.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, so if this doesn't apply to you, let it roll of your backs. However, if it does on some level, remember - every toy and convenience they give you comes with a price and strings attached. They'll show you the price, but have figured out how to hide the strings or worse yet - have gotten you to accept them, so you can have the shiny object...that makes you a slave...but it's so shiny.

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EXCELLENT COMMENT! I couldn’t agree more! I’d get rid of my cellphone today, but it’s hard to deal with everything else! That’s where TPTB make it difficult!

I grew up when there was no technology such as social media, etc. it was a wonderful world! To be honest, I hate it!

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Thank you and I agree.

I've had friends and family chide me for not answering a call or text, quickly and I ask them, remember life before cell phones??? Did you get instant answer then? Did the world come to a stand still back then? Were the times before cell phones pre-historic, with no ability to conduct business, innovate, or communicate?? Funny that those tech blighted bunch of knuckle draggers...did just fine.

Progress, in the hands of orchestrators is an insidious cancer - and when is it never in their hands, ultimately?

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Well said! I hate talking on the phone, now. I rarely use it. I remember when answering machines came out, and call waiting…THAT was technology! Lol! When we got 2 telephones (one upstairs), then I didn’t have to fly downstairs to answer the phone and have the person hang up when I finally picked it up! Oh…those were the days! God forbid if it was the cute guy I gave my phone number to! Lol! My mom always said, “He’ll call back!”

Memory Lane…

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Cell phones were undoubtedly part of the world wide control grid plan. Especially the Obama phones , they were necessary to wooo all the small minds into a trance. Objective reality as in regards to our society has been tossed to the way side and an incessant amount of fake digital societies have given birth to single digit IQ’s being in charge of huge NGO’s and spreading their brain disease across the masses.

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I chose the name for my substack, because all these "things" - like the obama phones - seem like inconsequential big picture items - yes in their own right they are issues - but they are puzzle pieces, to mot. You don't really get their full importance until you step back and start making those connections.

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Few young people today know what a public telephone was. I used to carry around change just for that purpose.

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I remember long distance calls when I was on vacation with my grandma. She gave me quarters for a phone call…big money! Then the operator would tell me to put them in the phone, which I could barely reach-LOL!!!!

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Ooma makes a great landline, only 12 dollars a month, and you never have to charge it. The phone itself is under 100 dollars. When I go somewhere, I write down directions, like we used to.

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Lol! Before the job I just retired from, I was a FedEx driver for 3 years (and a DHL driver for 4 years). I had no GPS, but I did have a huge Thomas Guide! And that is what I used-MAPS! I don’t think younger people even know how to use one! I hope they never have to find a buried treasure somewhere! Lol!😉

I’ll check that out! Thank you!

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TPTB? I use TPTSB. S as in shouldn't.

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Your comment pretty sums up the idiocracy we’ve become....🤡🌎🙏

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Thank you, Sir!!

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AI, The best thing, for Auto-destruction. If in simulations AI drones are killing their human operators, imagine in the real field. Now it is a battle for survival; humans vs robots(AI). Are they invading with a trojan nanochip/bot the human body, with some injection?

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No doubt. All possibilities are on the table.

The other factor is, every new, shiny, innovative push has consequences...intended and unintended. Since we (collectively) have always focused more on profit - as the creators and entertainment/awe as the users - there is little want to look down the road, at what could/will happen.

The jabs are a prime example, as well as social media, but there are a multitude more.

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First of all, the name "Artificial Intelligence" is incorrect to the point of being a farce. Nobody knows what intelligence is (look up "the hard problem" with the quotes), so consequently we have no definition for it. What we call "AI" would actually more accurately be called "learning programs". Such programs are no more a threat to humanity than computers were 50 years ago. You are correct in understanding that we will become dependent upon such systems, but this is no more threatening than our current dependence on ordinary computer apps, telephones, airplanes, or for that matter indoor plumbing. The real threat is that our learning programs will learn exclusively from the Internet, which is vastly polluted with propaganda. Unlike humans, learning programs are unable to learn from the real world, and so their world view is ENTIRELY dictated by whatever propaganda humans post online - propaganda that is already skewed to the point of absurdity. One need only query Google, along with Google's most-favored search result (Wikipedia) to understand how warped the opinions of learning programs will be. EXAMPLE: We have two highly outspoken young congresswomen in the two parties, both of whom go by their initials. Compare the Wikipedia entries for AOC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez) vs. MTG (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene) to see how insanely warped the political "trainers" of learning programs are. That, in combination with the average dupe's trust in such systems, will be our undoing.

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Correct that "intelligence" is not understood, at least not very well. I went to hs with two super high iq people, one at 195 and the other at 226. 195 spent his last years managing a parking lot in San Diego. 226 also flamed out, died in his 30s and stuck in low level work at Honeywell. Both came from challenging home environments, 195 life with a drunk mother and plenty of light crime; 226 extreme poverty, however, his mother loved to share mutual reading and discussion of advanced topics with her son. In a brief conversation with the u. professor and writer of Genius through the Ages, he maintained that productive lives of the super iq fallls of around 140 or 150. At that approximate point he argued that that measurement actually gets in its own way. It is a very interesting area of knowledge. Later the concept of 'social intelligence was added to further mix things up.

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Interesting points, but I am talking more at the low end and about objects we know little about. Is a gnat intelligent? Is a forest intelligent? These things could be said to exhibit many aspects of what we call "intelligence". Even the lowest of animals exhibit survival skills that are completely absent from our "AI" creations. Who is to say?

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Garbage in, garbage out!

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Intelligence = The ability to learn from past experiences. That simple.

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I confess i really don’t understand it or how it works, but it sounds to me like the dependency will be not unlike dependency on cell phones, except on mega-steroids. I really want nothing to do w/ it but as you said, once society accepts & even embraces it, it could be inescapable. I feel the same about CBDC because won’t look beyond the “convenience” of it

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IT LEARNS, and won't give negative info on demoRATS.

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It’s a bigoted Ai- it’s a BEAST

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Yet plenty on those with conservative values.

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Excellent comment Cindi!

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Connecting, IDK about you, but I break out in a cold sweat of panic when I can’t find my damn phone. To my everlasting shame….

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I have to call Hub's when he misplaces it. He tosses his glasses down where he last was or forgets to pick it up his phone from the bathroom. I like the convenience of one but want a simple phone. I make maybe 2 calls a week. And need a speakerphone to do that. Hearing Loss has its drawbacks, and a flat screen is a big one. My Aids are In The Canal ones due to the severity of the hearing loss. The 2 don't mix well.

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I hardly make any calls either, but spend a lot of time looking things up & reading my substacks (to the detriment of my job, I have to add)

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I use my laptop so I can enlarge the print and have a wider screen. I don't like google as a search engine. Unlike my Tech minded Hub, I'm not a geek. He spent 20 yrs in the USN doing Avionics, (all things Electronic) on carriers, then got his teacher's degree and taught the same stuff at a Tech Jr College for 20 yrs, ending up as a Dept. Chair. Anything that ends gets fixed 1st, besides a house water leak. Still teaches the math portion via Zoom of the Extra Class of Ham Radio. And yes all new electronics are on his want list. Not that he gets it. These days it is based on need and how much it cost. His sweet tooth is about to be cut off, it's meat or candy only he can eat.

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I use StartPage as a search engine

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Having a hearing loss has its benefits too. Peace at last. Mine fell to 6% of normal. We thought the aids had malfunctioned and made an appointment to have them adjusted. Comically, it was my auditory nerve kicking the bucket. Now I have two cochlear implants and am most thankful for this technology and to be able to hear the wind through the trees and the fascinating birds singing again in my back yard. I provide them food and water to help them survive this desert clime and for their music.

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I actually used to work at a job where I was on call, so now I toss it aside and forget about it, till needed. However, my slave confession is, that at one time I could rattle off 20 phone numbers to you and now really can only tell you my own. They sold us laziness, apathy and dependence, in one nice neat package and we happily bought it.

We did this to ourselves and you are right, it is a shame, that is hard to live with.

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Makes total sense after having an on-call job! I work in a law office & have considered just leaving phone in my car & not having anything to do w/ it until lunch time & then when I leave for the day but sometimes the attorneys are attending a depo & text me for information about something, etc. Much bigger fear is an emergency & not getting the call. I’d never forgive myself if one of my kids was in trouble or been in an accident & I wasn’t there for them. Very unlikely scenarios, I know, but none of us know what a day will bring. Younger son is stationed in Japan too, & given what a hot spot that part of the world is right now….

But the memorized phone numbers, YES. Funny thing is, I still remember at least some of the family & friend #s from childhood. Another ruined thing is the synapses it used to take to check out a library book or do library research for a paper. Leaving the office at the end of a day or week & not being bothered after hours & on weekends unless the boss was desperate enough to call the landline. Seems like now, if we’re reachable 24/7, we’re available 24/7!

And we’re all the worse for it.

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*because most won’t look....”

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ai is a tool just like fire...it can be used to do good and glorify God but in the hands of rothschild synagogue of satan (wef, blackrock, ...) it will be used to shift blame just like romans crucifying Jesus and not the pharisees of the synagogue of satan

no new tricks from the satanists, just new forms

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It's a bet that it will be used widely by those with the means, legal or not, and the desire to eliminate their competition. It already is used in that vein. We do not use Google or other search biased engines. Objective search engines are available although one needs to look for them. Same with email addresses. Why help opposition to objective truth?

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I thank God that cellphones weren’t invented when I was younger and very carefree! Now people’s pasts are a forever record! Obviously this can work for good or bad.

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Reading the title, I was thinking of another threat that you didn't mention.

The biggest threat is "as in the days of Noah" where the pre-flood Homo sapien were being changed from God's creation to Lucifer's creation; thus, the flood to all but Noah and his family who were still "pure" Godly created.

The death-jab has been proven to be gene altering, thus changing, again, God's Homo sapien genius.

God didn't accept gene altering before the flood and probably will not accept for the second gene altering due to the death jabs.

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Very possible, for sure.

It was fascinating a few months ago to read of scientists of Israel discovering the possible method God used to apply justice to the ancient city of Sodom and Gomorrah. Some of the scientists believed, others disagreed. What they found was evidence of a nuclear level blast that destroyed that city thousands of years ago. It apparently may have been a meteor strike that leveled the place. The timing seemed to fit.

This may sound crazy, nevertheless, i cannot help but wonder if a similar fate is "scheduled" for our West Coast. Many, but not everyone for sure, might believe that our West Coast is plagued by destructive, sinful behavior, last day of pregnancy abortions, selling baby body parts for profit, sexual deviancy abounds in West Coast large cities.

So several weeks ago there was an article describing earth plate tectonic scientists being very concerned about the next, upcoming #9 level earthquake along the West Coast from Vancouver Island to south of San Franciso. A huge Pacific Plate is pushing beneath the Cascadia Plate. Their juncture is very close to the coast line. What was discovered were large holes atop the plate that appear to be leaking lubricant that keeps the plates moving smoothly. Problem: once sufficient lubricant is removed, pressure will build until the plate suddenly moves in response to the building pressure. They predict that cities west of Freeway I-5 will all be destroyed from Vancouver to San Fran. Apparently, these scientists are only able to observe and are unable to calculate or predict the date for the upheaval. It will be truly Biblical.

Will it be like Sodom and Gomorrah in that God finally destroys the gross evil again of manhind?

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Will AI be weaponized against Humanity? Was mRNA technology weaponized? Was gain of function weaponized? Was our justice system weaponized? Have legitimate causes been weaponized? AI is by far the most dangerous technology to be weaponized. It also provides plausible deniability to Global Cabal, in their quest to enslave and depopulate.

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You might find my article on the subject of dependency interesting. I'm much more worried about the human-run corporations upon which we've already become totally dependent than I am about any so-called artificial "intelligence": Three Companies Now Run The World: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/three-companies-now-run-the-world

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Very interesting, sir. Thank you.

Certainly, i agree with regard to MS. In fact, very recently i became very frustrated with MS 365 and opted out going with the old WordPerfect software. But Word is so comfortable and I am so used to it that i returned to MS 365. But, when the year is up, i'm returned to the already purchased WordPerfect. As for MS, definitely, there are real issues there and next fall i will leave them behind. As for Google, thank goodness there are a few objective search engines. Interesting a couple are based in Switzerland and Norway. I have elected to use them exclusively even if they charge a bit for them.

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You might try LibreOffice, which runs on any platform and can load/save most common document formats: libreoffice.org

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Thank you. Will take a look.


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I enjoyed your article its perspective and examples of the dueling forces on us ants.

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If you're like me, you think it's absolutely idiotic to play with viruses in the laboratory and SEE if you can make it more dangerous.

I think that pales in comparison to building A God Machine. I think it's Gonna see mankind as a threat. It was Created by man. Man desires to control it and if we can't, we will try to destroy it.

We Will Be

The Enemy

from day one.

Change my mind.

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Think about this for a minute.... God the Creator is all powerful, all knowing and all present. He’s able to supernaturally experience every single human’s perspective without the help of technology. Ai is truly the antithesis of God. Satan is unable to be all powerful, all knowing and all present, so He needs to manipulate society and physics through technology.... What do u think?

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Thank you for addressing this huge danger!

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Oh goodie! Let's do the dummy down dance- Who needs to think when we have AI to make decisions, write essays, etc? Next is Universal Basic Income. So, we can become even fatter , lazier and more drugged...yippee, what a great time to live. Or, die... you can "abort" a full term baby and accept "assisted suicide". Satan is alive and well- believe the lies. Thanks JD, comments, and community - so right on- a few voices of sanity left.

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AI eventually will control human and AI is the control by Nephilim! The “Tech Giants” name already gave way to the answer that is “Nephilim”

15 minutes city does connect to AI and they will round us up into that prisons and turn each everyone of us into reptilians! Those top elites in US already become one of them and their empires are huge!

Don’t be deceive by them! This is spiritual warfare between satan and God!

Do you think they really want to gather your data? Want to know what you eat what you do or what you buy? No! They want to create “A race within the race”

Satan wants his own empire using God’s creation that is us to turn his own species “reptilians” half beast half machine into his own kingdom of earth.

Don’t take my word, do some research on it. God bless

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Man is God’s loving creation. What a way to destroy it!

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Humans are famous for "how did that happen?" Thanks for another perspective.

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Sadly, I think you are spot on. A few weeks ago I damaged my phone to the point that it was no longer useable. It was two days before I got it replaced and I was shocked to realize how dependent I am on that little handheld device. I couldn’t even access many of my online accounts because I couldn’t get a verification code that was texted to me. I enjoy the convenience of ordering groceries online and stopping by to pick them up. Of using apps to keep tabs on my teenagers. Of having a way to look up superficial information on anything I want to know about. And AI will be many orders of magnitude greater in making our lives appear better and more convenient.

Love the WALL-E comparison, by the way.

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AI is a misnomer in that there us no actual intelligence involved. Rather, it is a bunch of simulated neuro nets trained on a particular dataset. Outside that dataset, they can do nothing. That said, it does not mean AI won't be used to very bad ends, many of which we can't foresee.

AGI was the main topic of the article though. That is quite different. There is no reason why true synthetic intelligence can not be created, but little work is being done on it, with the focus on AI currently. Therefore, while AGI poses no immediate threat, the misuse of AI provides a wealth of tools for evil ends. Lord Jesus, deliver us from this evil age.

BTW, as a software engineer, I know very well of which I speak on this topic.

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