Watching the demise of your once great nation is frightening, l live in Liverpool 🇬🇧 and here is why I believe America will fall this year? America has forsaken its judao/christian heritage,and so: thus says the Lord of hosts “ because you have forsaken my laws, my statute’s,and my commandments I shall give you over into the hands of your enemies,America is the bastion that stands between Israel and its enemies,conclusion???? Pray Pray Pray ,then pray some more,sending prayers and blessings from Liverpool 🇬🇧

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The Democrats are in the process of trying to steal the 2024 election right now while Mike Johnson and the Republicans play checkers and take their usual long naps.

Chief Islamic terrorist leader of Hezbollah Nasrallah told his fighters to ditch their phones because Israel could use the phones to track them and instead to use pagers.

The pain and suffering that the followers of the false prophet intend to bring to Israel visited the. In Syria, Iran and Lebanon today.

Iran that supposedly supplied the new and improved pagers will need to disappear, lose their loyal and stupid jihad crew suppliers to the sword of Islam they served so loyally

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We have had "(S)tolen elections, primarily since 2008. Stolen elections are satanic rituals to display satan's "control" over this country. The international cabal, aka the deep state, mocks our so-called democratic-republic's freedoms from God. However, God and through his beloved Son, Jesus, is in control. Satan lies through his demonic "weaponized" insecure minions in the fake media, the fake congress, fake hollywood, fake sports, fake military (because of corrupt politicos), fake intelligence services, etc. The sad parts of this evil planned production are that most people drink the "koolaid" (lies, like "racism" - on a White problem - and never black et. al.), and fair and trustworthy "elections", etc.) and society chooses (and craves like wanting pot to smoke, piercings, tattoos, welfare ebt cards, and other "entitlements" by claiming perpetual "victimhood" and blaming White society for their bad choices and problems) the devil over Jesus. Confess, repent, pray, forgive, and accept Jesus into your heart before the "obamaination" cabal starts WW3 and the final American Civil War - the battle for your soul.

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"The only role corporate media is supposed to play in all of this is to suspend disbelief in a Harris victory. If they can convince enough people that she's not going to lose in a landslide, then whatever cheating is necessary will be applied and fewer people will question the results." Why did you say this?

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I'm not sharing this. Even in jest, or sarcasm, calling Trump by the names the leftards call him is neither clever nor cute. Describing him in the same manner as the leftards is not only annoying but a cheap way to get my attention. In fact, I get most of the info dirt on the left from the right. And I don't like it. I do research so I know what the leftards or doing and saying, but to every day read about on the good sites, like this one, is a disappointment, because knowing what they're saying and doing is one thing, reading about it over and over is another thing. The same problems exists with the stories about Israel. We never hear about what the Jews are saying or doing about something, but we hear more than enough about their enemies, what they did, how they feel (who gives a dam), what they said. I like to read a headline "Israelis accuse soandso of doing whatsit and have taken them to task" Instead, I get a history of islam's gripes, complaints, and threats. Stop giving the wrong side (and yes there's always a wrong side) the exposure they want. Give it to those who deserve it. Leftards should get short notice, while the good guys are given the attention. Sorry I love this site and don't want to anger anyone, but I've pretty much said the thing on most of the sites I love because...I just can't take "no more"

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Winning is not involved in these elections anymore. It's steal or lose, and democrats would rather steal than breathe.

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Even if it was 65-35% in favor of Trump or some other retardican, the media would and will declare the leftist democrat, whoever that may be, the winner. Voting is 100% compromised and no longer valid. This will be the last election in the US. But it will not be an true election. No fricking way.

Even if a miracle of gargantuan proportions occurs and Trump is allowed back into the DC Swamp, what happens in 2028-29? I no longer trust any and all politicians to be true to the voter, the country and the constitution. They are all out for themselves and take their marching orders from gates and his terrorist gang of thugs.

Do you see any of them fighting the UN and WHO? Maybe a few here and there but both of these illegal and unconstitutional organizations have vowed to take over the world. I don't see all 535 congress electees standing in unison against gates's terrorism. And for sure, we should.

Harris is a dimbleton borg-a-tron...in other words a slave to the globalists. Trump? He is far to hung up on himself and after more than 8 years in the political scene is still a dunderhead and out of touch.

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A true Democratic voter!

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