Depending on who's doing the dying in Chicago, I could be totally cool with it.

Regarding Ukraine, it's the leftist/globalist big money grab before they retire. It also has the extra benefit of depleting our munitions while driving the US economy into a depression where we are unable to replenish them. As far as evil plans go, it's a pretty good one.

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About hose billions in tax dollars sent to Ukraine:

'CBS News Exposes Ukraine Weapons Scam: “30% Maybe Reaches Its Final Destination"'


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You left out the Recidivism aspect in the Big Blue Cities. Even Red states have them, and governors don't want to build new prisons, or execute those who have been on Death Row 30+ years, with DNA PROOF of their crime. Get sent to prison, serve 30%. Go and commit more crimes. Memphis, TN Penal Farm is a 11 month 29 day facility, they serve 90 days, DUI's on the weekends no matter how many were racked up, with no DL's. 'your Honor, my client is not in your court today, he's in another judge's court' BAIL when they still had it was not revoked, the other judge not notified. Recidivism rate 90%.

Robert James Biddinto wrote riveting crime exposes for Readers Digest, think back to Dukakis v Bush 1, Willie Horton, you won't find those articles online. They were before the Net. I have a picture frame of Author signed articles in the attic. They made me want to puke they were that horrendos. I'm the mother of a murdered child. I used those to begin fighting the 6 parole hearing I endured, to eke out 8.5 years out of a 20 year plea bargain. M1 down to M2. A Sociopath beat my learning disabled 16 year old to death with a 2 ft section of 4x4 fence post to get his thrills to see what it was like to kill. So all you It's a gun issue shut your mouths up. It is an evil person's issue. Lack of punishment, to few prisons.

When the DOJ does the reports they study 30% of those early released, who then within 2 years commit over 1 million new crimes. Try extending it to 100%? The new system is harder to read than the old one. The Feds had a 75% serve rate 'good behavior built in' there is no such thing as 'good behavior in criminals' it's grab a program to look good to the Parole Board or we found Jesus. Those on probation or parole are about on par with new crimes. Billions are spent yearly trying to 'reform, the unreformable.'

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I’m so sorry to read about the death of your child by the actions of an evil psychopath. I applaud your efforts to fight his parole, but a plea bargain from M1 to M2 is just more pain on top of your grief and loss. I cannot fathom such a tragic loss. I pray you have found comfort. 🥲

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The Homie's in Chicago who seek to join a gang are mandated to kill someone. Then they wear a blue tear drop tattoo just below their eye for killing one. Or two or three tear drops depending upon how many they kill. It is the Chicago Culture. Moreover, the political machine in Chicago could care less. Latino gangs and black hoodie gangs abound. No effort has been made to clean it up. Even China knows how. One bullet for execution and the bill for that bullet is sent to the parents. There was a time that Eliot Ness and the Untouchables gained fame for their efforts during the Dirty Thirties . Most politically incorrect however, according to Demoncrats today. Meantime Demoncrats want to remove second amendment rights to medical marijuana users calling them dangerous criminals.

What? Demoncrats have a raging crime problem across this nation all of which is of their making, while at the same time weaponizing the FBI to serve their agenda. And now the so called quasi Attorney General who is a milk toast politician with a mean streak plays The Game of Thrones with President Trump.

People, you need to know your American history and the legacy left you filled with the penetrating oil of Demoncrat collusion, corruption within the rank and file of their Crime Syndicate. There are no rules when the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been abrogated. Here is the legacy I refer to, Titled the BATTLE OF ATHENS about he GIs who came home to find that a Demoncrat political machine had taken over their Tennessee county. What they did about it astounded the nation. Your history should astound you to wake up. Here in is the Democrat playbook , they know it well and America, you have been played again even the last election and what is going on today.

THIS IS YOUR AMERICAN HERITAGE . Does this nation have the moral courage to stand up?

They did on April 19th, 1775 and again in Athens, Tenn. in 1946


DON"T MISS this 16 minute read.

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A very good point JD! The US must stop bleeding cash to the Ukraine now and instead, use the money to help its own citizens doing it tough back home.

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Clever comparison, well done. Hits 'em square between the lies. Need moar people searching for things like this to help melt their corrupt narrative.

Here's one:

The same idiots who screeched incessantly about needing to defund the Police just DOUBLED the size of the Tax Police.

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Aug 8, 2022
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Wow. Please email your name - jdrucker@substack.com - and I will report the rep immediately. That's completely unacceptable. It's the first complaint I've had about them so I assume it's just a bad rep. I apologize that this happened.

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