Many of us tried to warn people this will by pass our Senate. And WHY is everyone so concerned with the CA+ when they just spent 5 days (Feb. 20-24) discussing the proposed amendments to the IHR (International Health Regulations)? Many of us believe the treaty/accord is a diversion and it appears as if it worked because EVERYONE is talking about the treaty/accord and not a peep about the amendments to the IHR. These new amendments are every bit as dangerous. They do all the same things the treaty/accord will do. No matter which (or both) get agreed too our President is surely guilty of sedition and many others in this country. And everyone squeled like a pig when Trump started the process of getting the US out of the WHO. Shutting off the money does not get us out of the WHO. We must also send written withdrawal and the process takes 12 month. The House must refuse to pass any budget or debt ceiling package unless all funding to the WHO, UN, CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS are ended. None of these organizations are constitutional. That won't stop our membership but it will send an awfully strong signal and then we need to work on getting these corrupt, bought and paid for, unconstitutional agencies are shut down. No bill to do this will ever get passed or signed by the fraud occupying the White House. It must be an effort to close the purse strings by the House.

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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No sir. We need an overturning of Federal power. The laws of England did not envision 1776. Sunshine patriots are not the Maquis but as citizens of the several states they can form a Continental Congress.

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Great article Mr Rucker. I confess I'm still reading it. I paused for a moment to send a quick message. It was somewhere around the 5th "they've got a work around" I admit I was getting pissed! To be honest I'm still Pissed, in facted I've been Pissed since the plandemic started! You read that right, & I'm not just being a smart ass. They have a work around for genocide as well! As for legal recourse the 1st thing that comes to mind is the "suprimacy Claus"! Any treaty that goes against the supreme law of the land (constitution) is void! Lets face it, plenty of crap they pull on the American people spits on the constitution/bill of rights! So one has to ask what the men that wrote them would advise? The only benefit of the 2020 selection for me was further proof both so called parties are in lockstep. Trump had me fooled, basically because of how the MSM attacked him. Which was all by design. His "give me15days" speech sealed it for me. I could understand early on why so many of my fellow patriots were confused if not conflicted by this. By now though, its really hard to take anyone seriously that on the one hand hates the bio weapon they call a vaccine, yet continues to support the man who refers to himself as the father of that deadly Mrna! The man whos executive order in Sep of 2019 made the early funding of the gene therapy killer possible! I know tin foil hat right? Well, those that have committed crimes against humanity would want people who second guess their motives discredited. Thats why they invented the term conspiracy theorist in the first place. Its simple when you connect the dots. Ivanka is a young leaders (WEF) alumni 2015. Trump was selected to keep the 80million armed American patriots pacified by believing someone was on our side. I beleive there is more than enough to prove no one is on our side. No one is coming to the rescue! If you're thinking more republican reps would somehow makes a difference they won't. Unless you count the time wasted in handing yet more power to another side of the uniparty. Doesn't strike me as helpful. In the end they will likely pass their treaty against the American people. That paper wont mean much when the patriots of this country decide enough is enough. One might consider that paper yet more evidence for those charged with treason! No matter how it turns out in the end, you are a truly great writer! I enjoy your work. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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Wow, it's all happening so quickly right before our discerning eyes, this is clearly paving the way for the man of lawlessness. Undoubtedly, He is waiting Impatiently in the wings for his red carpet roll-out. Take note my Precious Dear Friends, we are witnessing Bible Prophecy come true in real time!

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Revelation 21:8 (KJV)

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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I don't care WHAT the courts say! If the courts cannot do their job and uphold the Constitution, then the States' Governors and AGs must immediately declare this "Accord" null and void in their states and bring a charge of treason against the POTUS by reason of dereliction of duties and failure under his oath of office by willfully and explicitly subverting the US Constitution.

If the courts will not defend the Constitution and the sovereignty of the USA and want to just kick the can down the road because the issue isn't "ripe for adjudication" until the tyranny is actually imposed, then the courts need to be bypassed. If we wait till this tyranny is initiated, it will be worse than the last 3 years. Just to get the issue through our geriatric court system would probably take at least 3 years. Right! Close the barn door AFTER the horse has escaped. Mark my words, if this WHO Accord is activated, they WILL employ the military against all Americans. There ARE soldiers in the military that will carry out those orders. Furthermore, the WHO would have access to "UN troops" which could be drawn from the CCP military to enforce the WHO's edicts on the American people.

I am hopping mad. If this is not stopped now, America will descend into civil war.

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That's my fear that courts won't act until too late, if ever. A big lesson of the 2020 election is that courts don't want to insert themselves in contenscious time-critical issues. They all washed their hands of doing anything before all the deadlines passed.

They did overturn Roe, but it took nearly 50 years.

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The Declaration was unanimously ratified and Jefferson outlined the proper spiritual order that is in the foundation of our deep bonds as We the People. We have Inalienable Rights from Our Creator and We stand with Him who is above all man made stratagems. If we serve the Owner of the Universe no matter what, then it gets simple. We see His Light in Our Foundation and we stand as brothers and sisters in the battle space. Death has always been faced down valiantly for our friends, our brothers and sisters, and those we love. We put on the Full Armor of God and remember the inspired word of Jefferson-- https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm

Have faith.

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Ephesians 6:12-17 (KJV) Stand, stand . God fights our battles for us, we are to stand!

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The last sentence misspells “parity” as “parody”. Even though these are different words with different meanings, there is an ironic truth in calling this a “parody”.

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You're awesome! This might interest everybody:

3 wake-up shocking ebooks for FREE!

until Monday Feb 27 (hopefully longer)

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2. The lies my government told me by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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At the same time Trump's publicized right hand stopped funding the WHO, his left hand was funneling much more than that to the Gates Foundation's GAVI behind his back.

He was groomed and selected to give the illusion there was a "plan" to trust. He drained the swamp right into the oval office, and is still following the globalist script to scare the sheep into asking for his jabbacco science Koolaid cult injections.

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UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Kick out the UN too. Stop funding NATO.

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Global health agenda been in the works for a while. Renewed in 2018 under trump. Look into global health agenda framework 2024

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"and bring the United States into parody with the rest of the world."

Freudian slip? Should be "parity".

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Biden was not allowed to authorize this... it is worth as much as his executive orders were pushing the injections of Pfizer "vaccines" under EUA over the past few years... DON'T TOLERATE SUCH BS... Biden needs congressional approval for such a stunt and even at that the SCOTUS may not deem it constitutional. LET'S GO BRANDON.

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Pagan herbalist says thanks.

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I’m praying it’s not too late. We need answers and we must lean hard on our constituents to get involved. We need their input and reports from other sources to get to planning the most important strategy in our very young. We need boots on the ground and any tech savvy who gets what the other side is doing to shore up our coordinated response when they are a planning our major threats of violence. We need people all across this great country and the people who are ready to fight for everyone’s rights and freedoms. God bless this

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Last paragraph: "parody" should be "parity." This piece is superb, so wanted to extend an English Major's helping hand in that one item; kudos to you, and to all your efforts!! Parody is already everywhere around us, and am sure you know well how I mean that!

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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