Right as usual. Mass shooting, economy tanking, UFOs… Anything to divert us from the most dangerous, totalitarian, depopulation WHO treaty on the table. If the treaty is signed nothing short of a war within will be able to save America and Americans from dictatorship. What is being experienced in China is a glimpse into our future. The CDC had “Shielding” plans in place for years awaiting the opportunity. Even though they changed wording in 2020 to make it seem less dystopian, it is nothing more than a repeat of Nazi times and concentration camps.

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I can hardly wait for the first petition to sign against this treaty . . . and the accompanying solicitation for funds that we will never know who gets or what it is used for.

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The RNC will be first to set it up.

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We'd be far better off and safer with total anarchy than enslaved by these psychopaths. And that's not hyperbole. ONLY psychopaths would even WANT this kind of global  power, never mind insidiously orchestrating its enforcement.  This is sheer evil.

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This is true, there has been constant breaking news, no calm at all. It certainly takes away any room for there to be any kind of discussion to put light on this WHO treaty. No one is talking about it, even the alternate media isn't as loud on the subject. Just you, Lionel Media, Steve Bannon and Alex Jones talked about it here and there.

This is THE ISSUE. Nothing else will matter if our sovereignty is signed away.

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There is no official "treaty" which is why Trump dropped the WHO like he dropped the Iran "treaty" deal.

2/3 of the Senate NEVER voted for any WHO "treaty," just as 2/3 of the Senate NEVER voted for Obama's Iran "treaty" deal.

That is not to say the neo-communists and globalists won't *try* to make the case that the WHO has sovereignty over US health and huff-and-puff saying "the WHO said Digital Vaxxx ID's to travel, so we have no choice."

This is all mental mind s#!tf@ckery.

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Correct, there is no treaty until the President submits it to the Senate where it is then ratified by a vote of 2/3 of the Senate.

These proposed regs provide one more reason to reinstate Trump's withdrawal from the WHO.

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It's not just climate change, it is also the second amendment. There is a "pandemic" of gun violence according to all the talking points.

This is really going to destroy freedom worldwide. They can request and use UN forces to enforce any decree. I am sure Russia, China, Iran, N Korea would love to have troops inside USA with President pudding head's permission

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There is a bigger conspiracy theory which I believe after 21 years. Pres. Bush and Ms. Rice were informed by the FBI that an attack on us was pending and will happen and it was ignored. Then it happened and the Patriot Act appeared shortly, a document that size is written days after the deaths of thousands is incredible, unless it was written beforehand.

The hijackers were on a watch list so how did 7 banned terrorists gain entry and plan this act of war?

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Well there is zero doubt that 9/11 was a Deep State False Flag operation. WT7 is the solid gold proof of that. It is sheer lunacy to believe a modern steel frame building can collapse due to office fires and beyond lunacy to believe it can collapse at a freefall rate for 2-3 secs. There is overwhelming evidence that cutting charges were used to demolish the 3 towers. And planes can't fly into a hole in the ground and disappear. People who accept such crackpot explanations just open the door for more absurdities like this plandemic insanity.

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Hello JD,

Thanks for your excellent article.

I first knew of this about 10 days ago and have daily been very active in getting the word out. Especially important in your article is the section after Dr. Breggin's portion. You are exactly right that people need to not get tunnel vision and think this is just about "pandemics", rather to pay attention to the vagueness of the wording in the proposed amendments and that basically ANYTHING could be declared as a "health" issue/concern.

I caught on to that as well and have been warning people the same way. So a special thanks for your bringing much needed attention to those points. I will be sending out your article to many.

I DO HAVE ONE NOTE: (I'm not sure if you might want to update your article). I just bring to your attention that in the title and body of your article you refer to "Pandemic Treaty".... just want to clarify that the amendments proposed by the Biden admin that will be discussed and voted on by the W.H.O. World Health Assembly (May 22-28, 2022) are amendments to the World Health Regulations (vs. the Pandemic Treaty); Whereas the "Pandemic Treaty" is a separate agenda in the near future that was proposed by president of the European Council - Charles Michel.

I bring this point up simply so that people don't mistake that "regulation" and "treaty" are one and the same. It appears to be two separate and distinct items regarding W.H.O. topics.

I just want people to understand that, if by the grace of God, the upcoming World Health Assembly (May 22-28, 2022), the proposed amendments to the World Health Regulations do NOT get passed. That's not the end of it, and not get complacent. It's just the beginning.... there's still a whole separate Pandemic Treaty agenda in the near future (which I expect will be even more damning with authoritarian control than these current proposed amendments). We must all keep vigilant watch.

Thank you JD for all your exceptional work, information on non-covered topics and for being the Sentinal!! God Bless.

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The FBI spent innumerable hours tracking foreign threats and when the head of the FBI tried to warn Pres. Bush and Ms. Rice, he was ignored.

After 9/11, the Patriot Act popped up. How can a huge piece of legislature be constructed so soon after a national tragedy? The only means to legalize a law that is completely opposite of the Constitution is for 4,000 people to die.

The hijackers were on an international watch list, I have read that John Brennan had overrode that ban and the hijackers were permitted to carry out the carnage.

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Fully half the population seem to have the attention span of a three-year-old on a sugar high. It's good to get redirected back to the "right" direction.

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The Pandemic Treaty isn't even written yet and no draft has been released to the public so not sure how you know that what is in the treaty is bad. Of course it will be. The issue is the amendments to the IHR submitted by the US to be presented and possibly voted on during the next World Health Assembly May 22-28 (the amendments are scheduled for May 24) and these amendments nor the IHR is a treaty. So far all documentation indicate the IHR was agreed upon by the US many many decades ago via an International Executive Agreement which is legally binding but did not require any Congressional vote or approval. The IHR was not created in 2005 as many are stating. They started out in 1851 as Sanitary Regulations. In 1951 the WHO adopted them as the International Sanitary Regulations and were updated and renamed International Health Regulations in 1969 and then under went a massive change in 2005. There have been 2 minor upates to the IHR since 2005. And the alternative media is covering these new amendments. Brannon Howse, Steve Bannon, Stew Peters, Pete Santilli, Leo Hohman, Michele Bachman, Frank Gaffney, Maria Zee, Alex Jones and many more are talking about it, conducting interviews, writing articles. There are several international groups running campaigns. JBS, World Council for Health, Interest of Justice, Children's Health Defense to name a few. So the word is getting out. We now need to educate people and get them to call their US members of Congress. But if all else fails people need to be ready and prepared to resist. This power grab is not about health. They are using health to push forward the WEF Great Reset. If you look at the WHO Constitution it clearly states health is not just about disease. Think Climate Change, gun control, LGBTQ, transgender, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, racism, leaves falling from the trees all could be labeled a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern). They also have regions and they too could declare an emergency. An emergency can be called without any real proof an emergency exists. Believe me we didn't miss the Climate Change issue. We that have been spreading the word for months now know very well they are going to drag Climate Change into this because like I said earlier this is all about MONEY, Great Reset, One World Government, Depopulation.

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Excellent and thorough description of the steps for the Great Reset. You’re so right about the ‘bombshells’ that get media attention but no thoughtful response to hear the actual truth about anything. It’s all smoke and mirrors while Biden sends billions to Ukraine, Pelosi pushes every radical idea for a vote, and Schumer just yells about protecting democracy. All while our country is flooded with illegals and every portion of our nation’s strength is strangled to a dying breath. We need to pray earnestly for redemption and for strength to fight for our lives, our families and our country.

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This is a great time to be very selective about what news to consume. I stopped listening to almost all TV news, local and national, back in 2020, when every news report was regurgitating COVID fear mongering in some way. I couldn’t stand to listen another minute of it and get worked up over something I couldn’t really do anything about. For years, I’ve read a handful of conservative blogs and now I’ve found the authors on Substack and I can find out what the issues are without the accompanying sky-is-falling attitudes the MSM generates.

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And I would posit that for every distraction, people should start analyzing those stories for what they are: distractions, and keep their eyes on the big picture. We are all capable and smart enough to do this.

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I thought I read something here on Substack, either an article or in the comments, from a lawyer who said something to the effect that this Pandemic Treaty is flat-out unconstitutional and it cannot supersede any country’s constitution, no matter how much the WHO would like it to. As a result, he was not much worried about it, although it is good to shed as much light on it as possible.

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Well that lawyer is dead wrong. They can do it because the federal and state government will let them and obedient slaves have already proven they will not resist.

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Click in this link to contact your congressman to stop 🛑 The WHO!! https://mailchi.mp/aapsonline/remove-usa-from-who?e=82d03a6ce7

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