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I'm sad to say that I've been saying this was coming for the past two years. During that time I was endlessly attacked by conservatives but telling them that relying on the election to turn things around. What part of the last election steal at the Presidential level that went unchecked did these people not grasp. Do they think the democrats once they get their hooks in are going to spontaneously going to go back to fair and honest elections. They had two years to smooth out some of the wrinkles.

Don't forget they have no fear of stealing the election because they already know they can file all the lawsuits they want because when it eventually lands in the Supreme Court it get's squashed dead. Do people really delude themselves into believing the Supreme Court isn't compromised by globalists. You have John Roberts who for some unknown reason gets elected to the court and immediately made Chief Justice? What is that about? Then you have his name appearing on a plane manifest to Jeffrey Epsteins "pedophile Island" and that shady adoption that didn't follow all of the proper channels. Someone has dirt on him. Don't forget he is the one who overstepped his position and helped Democrats save Obamacare. (separations of power?). Then he worked overtime to try to salvage Roe Vs Wade. He was also the leaker. Why do you think they never found the culprit. They know exactly who it is.

So why wouldn't the democrats cheat. They just have to avoid as best as possible not being caught literally in the act but they will bend and break the rules however it suits them because they know there will be accountability. And for those in denial that believe the few people getting caught and prosecuted is a sign they are cracking down. I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you. This is nothing but orchestrated theater. The Durham investigation, all of it. It's simply because they don't people getting so pissed they start to pay attention so they throw us bones.

It's not the democrats either. It's most of the republicans in collusion with the democrats. Yet we continue to fight between Trump and DeSantis while they are turning over sovereignty over to the WHO. C'mon people it's over. We sat back for the past 20 years and let the democrats put this Country right to the edge. There is no putting it back unfortunately.

We now have the Country we deserve and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

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I don’t believe it. You need to find your faith because God is powerful. Anything is possible when you have him in your corner. Or should I say when we are in his corner. I’m not a quitter. I will die defending my country if I have to. I mean it.

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City vs country. No one yet has figured out how to mollify the antagonism. And no one even seems to be trying. Maybe we can find a way to leave each other alone?

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