100% agree. The United States Constitution says that elections will be held on one day. That State legislature’s control the elections. This country does not follow the Constitution on anything anymore. Both Parties are at fault. The Democrats are worse, but the Republicans are not much better. President Trump kept saying that you can’t go forward until you fix 2020. He was 100% right. There is no point in analyzing what the Republicans did wrong to lose this election. It was out & out, in your face corruption & theft. Anyone who can’t see it is either brainwashed or part of it. The million dollar question is what do we do about it?

Florida is the model of what the rest of the country should have looked like.

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I used to feel that way about DeSantis. But I found out recently DeSantis signed a bill in 2021 that allows the state to force vaccinate and isolate people who refuse vaccination, I'm not sure DeSantis is on our side any more. He and his wife were fully vaxxed true believers. Still allowing children to be vaxxed with a death/clot/heart damage shot.

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I know about the bill that was signed. I believe that was before he became enlightened. But that’s not what I was referring to. I was referring to the election results. I guess you haven’t been paying attention to the Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo, that DeSantis has placed in office, he is very much against the shots for children & Florida recently came out & said the shots are NOT recommended for children, adolescents or people 18-39. Because of myocarditis and other deadly side effects. So, I believe DeSantis has evolved on the subject of the shots. I don’t believe he would force Vax anyone under any circumstances, no matter what that Bill says.

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Question: I checked the Bill then and it was about forced quarantine, not vaccination. Do you know anything more accurate? Thanks.

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Thank you for saying this!! I see exactly what you are seeing and it makes me sick to listen to all the excuses WHY the red wave did not happen. I will never watch Fox again. What’s up with Charlie Kirk. He was all over it when the Election Day voting was ending and the machines were failing in AZ. Like you said. Everyone has just accepted it! Feels like covid and clot shot scams all over again. Everyone should just put their masks on. Roll up their sleeves. Send the kiddies off for their transgender surgeries. Own nothing and like it!! Seems like that’s what everyone in this country wants. A bunch of weak sheep who want to be told what to do and think!!! Oh government!!! Please take care of me and tell me what to think!!!! Sickening!!

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I worked as a poll worker in Maricopa County. The tabulators worked during the setup on 11/7 but began failing immediately on 11/8 at 6 AM. Then, they worked again for a while before completely failing for hours until the lines were out the back door. Wait times were 3-4 hours and lots of people opted for Door #3 rather than just walking away. I personally emptied out the late mail-in ballot bin and these filled 1.5 tote boxes. The whole process was a disgrace. I ended the night by volunteering to transport the ballots (that filled my large trunk) to the intermediary drop-off point. I received a receipt from the people there but was never asked to show this receipt to anybody back at the polling station when I returned. Chain of custody? WTF?

The people running this travesty should be tarred and feathered.

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Even if we have people working the polls who see this fraud no one listens and just discounts it. There were so many poll workers coming forward after 2020 who testified and it was all discounted. Media claimed no proof at all!! Those peoples testimonies meant nothing. Most people never even heard about it because it was blocked on MSM.

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2000+ sworn affidavits. Can you imagine if 2000 people testified they entered the Capitol at the urging of Donald Trump? Think they’d have been ignored?

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Hell no

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Exactly what will happen again. No point in voting again

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again, I didn't bother voting this time. I knew there was no point when the Supreme Court refused to hear cases of fraud with irrefutable proof claiming the state bring the suit didn't have standing. I even worked at the polling station on election day. The woman sitting next to me cracked up when I whispered into her ear that the irony was I didn't vote myself.

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Makes me sad, and mad, to know.

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Yea. That’s how I’m feeling too😢

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Sad, devastating.

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That's because many of them were proven to be false. Like the people who said the video showed ballots being pulled out from under a table. Anyone with objectivity knows that those ballots were put under that table legitimately hours before. It was on video. Just because people say it, doesn't make it so. The only proof we have is ones and twos. No proof of widespread fraud. Are they tahat much smarter than us? I don't think so...

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Proven by whom to be false. I call BS.

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How do they explain sending all those people home only to then pull out those boxes and suitcases to then put them in the machine with no one watching Poll watchers go home. Now we can finish. Also it was very clear on the video they ran the same stack of ballots through the machine again. And again. And that’s only one video.

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These Traitors need to be-"Put to Sleep!" They'll reoffend if only "Tarred & Feathered!" Just look at Hitlary & Obummer!

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I actually think the Republic GOP is much worse than the Democrats. They withheld funding from MAGA Candidates! They are two faced TRAITORS trying to ride on President Trump's Coattails! Both parties are HORRIBLE! We really need a new Party, then all of the MAGA People who love America and care about it's people can get behind ONE CLEAN NEW Party lead by President Trump. Enough of the RINOS and the DEMOCRATS.

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Yes! I sent a message to President Trump after 2020. He ignored it. Other messages were taken into consideration, so it was a disappointment for me, especially after he was betrayed by the GOP elite.

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What's so frightening is that the fraudsters aren't even trying to hide the fraud this time and yet the squishes in the GOP not only refuse to do anything about it but vilify anyone who does try to do something.

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because there were no repercussions for the steal in 2020.

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We could always ask for European style elections. Pick a few countries that do it right.

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AMEN. The silence on this issue is deafening. The Rs are just as guilty for the theft. I do not believe they wanted an R majority. They are just as happy to whine and cry how the Ds are destroying the country and no blame falls on them.

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I agree with you. Florida had the result we had because we have spent several elections clearing up potential areas of fraud and incompetence. Florida's result is what happens where there is a free and fair election.

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I am in #WA03 in Washington state, where the Democrat operatives are in the process of stealing the seat against Joe Kent for an Antifa supporter Marie Gluesenkamp Perez.

Since Wednesday, 11/9, and each day thereafter, Clark County WA (largest county in WA03), Greg Kimsey (auditor) has been processing ballots and giving exactly 50% to each candidate - Republican and Democrat in #WA03. Joe Kent continues to be behind by 5,000 votes each and every day since 11/9.

There are 6,500 'challenged' ballots in WA03 that need to be cured within one week. WA STATE is still counting votes, yet the mainstream fake news media has already called these races.

Makes me want to vomit.

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Thank you for expressing what many of us know to be true. This is in your face fraud---they put a senile, compromised traitor in the White House, and a brain damaged and never too bright man in the Senate, and get away with it. The pattern is that they don't campaign because they know they'll steal the election, and we conservatives just think wow, why aren't they campaigning? I guess Americans are that stupid. That might be one of the most painful realizations about all of this. We have become a pathetic, stupid people, that really doesn't deserve the blessings of freedom. We are experiencing the fruits of sin. God help us. Patriots---don't give up. Keep fighting and keep praying!

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The implications for the future are truly horrifying.

Policy is being set by those reeking of corruption.

This corruption influences every aspect of government. From policy setting, to taxation, to crime, to education, every aspect.


Remember this from January 2022?


"..the president of the United States of America stated, “It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all."

Which mirrors the statement of a communist dictator in the 1950's “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin

The stench of "In your face" corruption and criminality that can only lead to poverty and violence.

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Prohibition is known to be a government support for criminals. We learned that from Alcohol Prohibition - Republicans love Prohibition.

Republicans lost the 1932 election by hanging on to Alcohol Prohibition.

I'm not buying Republican honesty.

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Every one of the comments I made this morning about my disbelief that our election was stolen again, you have corroborated with this piece !

Neither do I believe the Nevada election outcome was legitimate. Catherine Cortez Masto did not deserve that election either, as well as what happened in Colorado.

Every one of the critical states ballots need to recounted by hand with a non-partisan examiner on hand to verify the count. If the GOP cannot get those states to do that then we'll continue to believe that the DemonRats have stolen another one, and when our economy collapse those DemonRats will become targets regardless of whether they are politicians, Media outlets or just plain stupid DemonRat voters.

I wonder just how much the DemonRat expect us to take before we explode into angry retribution ??

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... angry retribution is exactly what they want from us ... we are the Jan 6th "Insurrectionists.'

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No, what they want from us is to be so discouraged that we will not vote. They want us to be serfs. Many online have expressed that they will not vote anymore because of the cheating. Well, that will fix everything, right? No, what is needed is for us all to stand up and say NO MORE! They do not fear us, because we are silent and we comply. They saw how we complied with the mask and the vaccines. They saw how we acted regarding the fraud in 2020. They saw how we are NOT supporting the Jan 6 people in the DC Gulag. They saw that we accepted their version of the Jan 6 rally being a riot. They have cowed us. We keep waiting for someone else to come to our rescue, ie God, President Trump, the Republicans, Somebody, as long as it's not us. We really need to figure out what to do because things now will get serious. Will we stand? Will we do a Brazil? Those people don't even have guns, yet there are millions taking to the streets, every day. We only have ourselves. WE need to be the solution. I am not calling for violence. But, will we be willing to count the cost like our patriots were willing to do to oust the King Tyrant of England?!

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Unfortunately, I think that what they want. Then they can lock us all up in those empty metal buildings you see all along the freeways! That’ll confirm what they have been saying all along about our populist white nationalist, 🇺🇸 First movement we are the home grown terrorists and the rest of the world will nod their heads in union. I can just see the headlines now. Former election denier president Trump has started a civil war with his radical rhetoric about how the elections in America are stolen from him and his patriots! If they come, I’ll defend myself, however, I think we need to take a collective deep breath, pray for His will and wait for the next move. Hopefully they can stop McConnell from pushing a vote until after the run off in Georgia. Warnock must not win.

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"The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament." Vladimir Lenin

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Ok. Well here’s my question. What can we do about it?

Laura Ingram had a very frank idea. Have President Trump, Ron DeSantis, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and all the other populist or so called populists show up in Georgia and do a campaign rally together for Hershel. I think it’s brilliant. Do you know why? Because it shows we are a United and that’s what the demonicdems do best. No one steps out of line. Ever. So, why wouldn’t that work? Why can’t they all show up in Arizona? Or Washington state, Oregon, Nevada and hell yeah even Alaska.

If we don’t show the American people they can trust the republicans to hold the line with big heavy hitters then we have lost it.

Then we fire Ronna! We get a new game plan and we clean up our voter roles and prepare for 2024 right now! Or we can kiss the Republican Party goodbye for good.

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Well, her idea is a good one. Let's email Laura and ask her to get in touch with these people and suggest it. Then WE need to email, or call them also and suggest it to them. THEN WE NEED to commit to show up at the rally.

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I’m all for it. Who was it that stopped the protesters in Arizona yesterday and why?

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Sounds wonderful, and should happen for Herschel! Absolutely! But until we do something to stop the steal in counties run by Democrats and RINOs, it won't make a shred of difference.

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So, lets just sit down then and be quiet.

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Any suggestions beyond what's already been noted above? ~ All great ideas many of which are already in the works. The problem remains that if the culprits out to steal Georgia's run-off AND their enablers aren't caught red handed and exposed for their crimes, whatever happens behind closed doors will continue to happen and no measure of funding, campaigning, rallying behind the candidate, protesting, suing, appealing to the courts, etc. will prevail,... but no, it's not time to sit down and be quiet.

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The GOP did nothing to stop it the last 2 years!!!!!

Why didn’t red state governors get rid of all electronics and mail in ballots from the voting process!!!!!! Why didn’t DeSantis lead the way!!!!!

RNC head, and gop leaders in house and senate all need to resign!!!!! They are playing games to get rid of trump!!!!

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I walked in our town office to vote early and was asked my name and street address. The lady checked me off and gave me a ballot. I said don’t you want to. See my I.d.? She responded, no. You told me who you are and where you live. WTF!

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So, we can't win on the soapbox (corporate media monopoly), we can't win at the ballot box (cheating/stealing), so what do we do next? History shows only one way to stop this kind of tyranny. We all know what it is but are afraid to admit it out loud. I'm sick of sniveling soothsayers and pacifiers. Where are you, Patrick Henry? Where are you, George Washington?

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Start demanding that American elections be done like European elections. (pick a few honest European countries) . How can Democrats refuse?

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Maybe, it's YOU, Winston.

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One Janus has two faces. The Chinese Globalist face has RINO and Democrat. Electoral fraud wins elections. JFK won with Chicago vote theft and Texas vote theft. Voters are there to provide a fig leaf for the theft of the USA by China. The problem is voters evidently accept disenfranchisement as a joke and think government is a joke and laugh out loud to think these authorities who hold power over their life do. The laughter is on a ship of fools.

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I'm sad to say that I've been saying this was coming for the past two years. During that time I was endlessly attacked by conservatives but telling them that relying on the election to turn things around. What part of the last election steal at the Presidential level that went unchecked did these people not grasp. Do they think the democrats once they get their hooks in are going to spontaneously going to go back to fair and honest elections. They had two years to smooth out some of the wrinkles.

Don't forget they have no fear of stealing the election because they already know they can file all the lawsuits they want because when it eventually lands in the Supreme Court it get's squashed dead. Do people really delude themselves into believing the Supreme Court isn't compromised by globalists. You have John Roberts who for some unknown reason gets elected to the court and immediately made Chief Justice? What is that about? Then you have his name appearing on a plane manifest to Jeffrey Epsteins "pedophile Island" and that shady adoption that didn't follow all of the proper channels. Someone has dirt on him. Don't forget he is the one who overstepped his position and helped Democrats save Obamacare. (separations of power?). Then he worked overtime to try to salvage Roe Vs Wade. He was also the leaker. Why do you think they never found the culprit. They know exactly who it is.

So why wouldn't the democrats cheat. They just have to avoid as best as possible not being caught literally in the act but they will bend and break the rules however it suits them because they know there will be accountability. And for those in denial that believe the few people getting caught and prosecuted is a sign they are cracking down. I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you. This is nothing but orchestrated theater. The Durham investigation, all of it. It's simply because they don't people getting so pissed they start to pay attention so they throw us bones.

It's not the democrats either. It's most of the republicans in collusion with the democrats. Yet we continue to fight between Trump and DeSantis while they are turning over sovereignty over to the WHO. C'mon people it's over. We sat back for the past 20 years and let the democrats put this Country right to the edge. There is no putting it back unfortunately.

We now have the Country we deserve and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

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I don’t believe it. You need to find your faith because God is powerful. Anything is possible when you have him in your corner. Or should I say when we are in his corner. I’m not a quitter. I will die defending my country if I have to. I mean it.

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City vs country. No one yet has figured out how to mollify the antagonism. And no one even seems to be trying. Maybe we can find a way to leave each other alone?

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