No, what they want from us is to be so discouraged that we will not vote. They want us to be serfs. Many online have expressed that they will not vote anymore because of the cheating. Well, that will fix everything, right? No, what is needed is for us all to stand up and say NO MORE! They do not fear us, because we are silent and we…
No, what they want from us is to be so discouraged that we will not vote. They want us to be serfs. Many online have expressed that they will not vote anymore because of the cheating. Well, that will fix everything, right? No, what is needed is for us all to stand up and say NO MORE! They do not fear us, because we are silent and we comply. They saw how we complied with the mask and the vaccines. They saw how we acted regarding the fraud in 2020. They saw how we are NOT supporting the Jan 6 people in the DC Gulag. They saw that we accepted their version of the Jan 6 rally being a riot. They have cowed us. We keep waiting for someone else to come to our rescue, ie God, President Trump, the Republicans, Somebody, as long as it's not us. We really need to figure out what to do because things now will get serious. Will we stand? Will we do a Brazil? Those people don't even have guns, yet there are millions taking to the streets, every day. We only have ourselves. WE need to be the solution. I am not calling for violence. But, will we be willing to count the cost like our patriots were willing to do to oust the King Tyrant of England?!
No, what they want from us is to be so discouraged that we will not vote. They want us to be serfs. Many online have expressed that they will not vote anymore because of the cheating. Well, that will fix everything, right? No, what is needed is for us all to stand up and say NO MORE! They do not fear us, because we are silent and we comply. They saw how we complied with the mask and the vaccines. They saw how we acted regarding the fraud in 2020. They saw how we are NOT supporting the Jan 6 people in the DC Gulag. They saw that we accepted their version of the Jan 6 rally being a riot. They have cowed us. We keep waiting for someone else to come to our rescue, ie God, President Trump, the Republicans, Somebody, as long as it's not us. We really need to figure out what to do because things now will get serious. Will we stand? Will we do a Brazil? Those people don't even have guns, yet there are millions taking to the streets, every day. We only have ourselves. WE need to be the solution. I am not calling for violence. But, will we be willing to count the cost like our patriots were willing to do to oust the King Tyrant of England?!