I never considered myself either a Democrat or Republican. I naively thought that I should vote for "the best, most qualified man". So I didn't have hatred of either Party. But I did hate the mafia and their control over the unions who voted Dem. But I also wasn't fully aware of many things when I was young.

I loved Reagan, and one of my favorite Aunts was aghast at that. I couldn't understand why.

Over the last couple decades I learned that there was only one party, the UniParty. None of our representatives worked for us, they worked for special interests that paid them. Looking back now I do have hatred for evil marxist puppets like Obama, who was groomed and installed by the CIA with the goal of destroying America. And I hate the entire Bush family. GHW Bush had a hand in both the JFK murder and attempted murder of Reagan. And was one of the forces behind the 9/11 inside job. He, and W were BOTH traitors to America.

So when I saw that Trump was focused on returning America and the government back to the people, I supported him. It is clear the deep state has been at war against him and the people of America since 2015. They knew their malicious lawfare had failed. They knew they couldn't steal another election by voter and ballot fraud and make people believe it.

So it came to killing him. They have tried before, but not as publicly. Thankfully they failed. ( of course I do not buy the "lone gunman" BS )

They are not finished. Expect worse to come. The evil cabal knows it is finished when Trump returns.

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I see the same ridiculous comments about Trump, the vaccines, Israel, etc. Some people do not understand the depth of the evil of the global cabal, and what they are willing to do to maintain their control. We have literally been at war since 2016. That is when the deep state declared war on Trump and any Americans who supported him. They blatantly committed treason in 2020 with a stolen election, covered up by the propaganda media which is an enemy of the people, and the sham J6 committee, which was just as illegally constituted as Jack Smith.

Trump became an actual wartime President with the violent insurrection of 2020. He never conceded because he knew he had won, and the people needed him to fight for them.

Who is responsible for millions of deaths from the bioweapon called a vaccine? Not Trump. It goes far deeper than that, and it includes Bill Gates, the UN, the W.H.O., and Big Pharma.

You think Israel controls everything? Big Pharma and Big Ag control more and have for decades.

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It kind of reminds me of the movie, "Unbreakable" by M. Night Shyamalan with Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson, representing good and evil. No matter what the (evil) leftists do to T, he comes out without a scratch and is destined to serve good. T's miraculous escape, including both via the timing and the distance, from death last Saturday was either an Act of the Divine or sourced the same as the Miracle of Fatima.

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You are right. I'm afraid the cabal will try to assassinate him again. They will STOP at nothing to accomplish their agenda=TO OVERTHROW AMERICA!!

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They are stealing so much money, they might consider carpet bombing Mar A Lago

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They are stealing so much money, they might consider carpet bombing Mar A Lago

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DEMONcrats are the one's who pushed the Plandemic. They had control of Congress & Fauci was their face.

TRUMP is FOR American's health, not kill us via a virus. To believe otherwise is beyond ludicrous.

AS FOR the other reason Democrats want & push for America to fail. I believe the Dems will be the Congress in the New World Gov.. It's possibly the highest position of world control just short of its prime dictatoring leader.

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"I'm hopeful that he recognizes the true extent of evil that we face and that he's willing to act to stop it even if it means potentially harming his legacy."

To me, this the most important thng we need in our leaders at this moment. A clear and high level view of the evil confronting us. Secndly, we need leaders with the courage to fight the evil, and to do so not merely with words.

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But Trump was instrumental in the Plandemic. He is still lauding it.

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Nunca, mierda.

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En Ingles por favor!

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That is was this easy for the democrats/liberals/Marxists/communists/globalists/RINOs to take out Trump is spooky. The way the murder attempt went down, it was beyond amateurish and the simplest of security measures would have foiled it.

Gates's goal numero-uno is to never have Trump in any office with any power of any kind ever again. We will unfortunately see how far these cretins will go, but I think it is all the way to hell if the last 5 years is any sample. These murderers were willing to take down over half of the world's population.

And never blinked an eye.

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Interesting points.

There are also some highly compelling arguments clearly implying a certain gov agency as behind JFK's assassination, that of his brother, that of MLK, others. Usually, the adage of 'practice makes perfect' applies except now probably the wokeism they pushed has affected their own meritocracy as well as that of the "pueblo".

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Of course I will still be voting Trump as I believe he is still the better candidate.

Trump did a lot of great things while President but drain the swamp wasn't one of them and I question his repeated endorsement of his warp speed death shots even after many, and I do mean many people stepped forward with their injuries.

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True and good points. But frankly Fauci was instrumental in opening the door to the leftists that dominated even during T's last months. He has admitted his wrong ways. Kash Patel has described measures that have been taken to avoid many of the gross mistakes of T's first term. IF Patel's claim is valid, and IF the Heritage Foundation truly has vetted over 20K for a pool of staff/advisor selection, and IF we can get a good, decent, and super strong AG, then the Nation will have an opportunity to right its course.

One thing everyone should understand is the leftists will NOT give up. Look at how long Biden restrained himself from lying about the GOP candidates destroying democracy (when truthfully, it is the Dems/leftists who are the destroyers of democracy and are the true fascists). They have already a few months ago announced their plans to fight T's plans for policy changes, etc., in courts. In fact, that is why Obama and Biden have loaded the court system with leftist judges (in case they lose power temporarily).

Go Trump/Vance/Patel, others!

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It is not Trump of course but the full gospel of Yeshua (Jesus, who is the Christ) which is the "power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes": www.Christ-is-King.org.nz

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Just a quick edit you need to make. George W. Bush was 2000, Biden and Trump were 2020.

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I live in the UK and went to a London meeting of a freedom supporting group I belong to called togetherdeclaration.org One of the speakers was a British MP called Andrew Bridgen. He is a maverick in the British parliament calling out injustice and asking questions they don't want asked. We've just had an election and sadly he just lost his seat which is surprising as his constituency voters loved him well. Anyway from what he told us I fear deeply Trump will not the chance to be elected in November and I am one who believes the world would be a safer place if he was. He explained we in the UK are already at war with Russia but they just haven't told us yet. British made rockets are being fired right now from Ukraine into Russian soil, not onto Russian troops in Ukraine but into Russia. The anti is hugely being ramped up and it's only a matter of time before Putin will respond. He went on to tell us that the US will declare direct war with Russia as we get to Autumn so they can cancel the election and stay in power. The evil powers really running the show are that bent on world control they'll start a world war to ensure it and care nothing for the millions that will die. I truly hope his prediction doesn't come true but it sends shivers down my spine. We've never needed Trump more than we need him now.

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J.D. have you ever considered the possibility that Trump belongs to the bankers who run the world? That he is their man to whip up the patriots to "fight, fight, fight."?

I posted about this today.


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He knows and the world military alliance that Trump put in place in 2017 when he did his world tour. Nations of the world are working together. It what you don't see is what's happening. Sound like BS. This entire crime revolves around the children. Sex trade, slavery, harvesting of body parts, cannibalism, Adrenochrome,. This is a cult that reaches back over 2000 years, Then you have the money end being the Federal reserve. & the ICB. there are over 500 K people that will be rounded up and put on trail. There are more rabbit holes but this is the biggest. The reason the Democrats are running scared. Look up Pizza gate

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"If he loses, they will continue to demonize us." A gazillion percent.

And all those group thinkers will just take it on the chin. It boggles the mind.

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The Don just cheated assassination. He knows the evil we face.

Good article, on target (no pun intended).

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We had a thing in the 80's , the savings and loans were looted. They destroyed the records after making loans.

After decades the republicans took control of the house of representatives, the lame ducks engaged in wholesale destruction of records.

If Trump is elected the evidence will be destroyed.

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Hard to comment on here after reading all of the slop comments. The same group that were benefiting from the financial gains in poison vaccine stock are the ones pushing poison. Trump didn’t push poison. Fauci, CDC, FDA and that strange scarf woman pushed poison.

His only blame would be for not understanding how unhinged the deep state is. He almost paid the ultimate price by trusting the Secret Service with the inept DEI agents. Those were put on at last minute so they could assassinate him. God had other plans. So sick of the pediophiles on the radical left. The lewd behavior of people with horrible mental illnesses. Be glad when you go somewhere that you are happier. Can I recommend Gaza?

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