It's truly nightmarish. It's beyond dispute that countless people are being killed by these experimental medical injections, and the psychopaths responsible carry on as if clueless and blameless. God help us all.

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Lorne had cancer and he would have thought people like you were clueless😂

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People with pre-existing conditions are also suffering and dying from these experimental injections. That's documented fact, not cluelessness.

It's certainly not something for people like you to laugh about. ("Lorne had cancer... 😂"). But how handy for you that Lorne's cancer gave you the opportunity to attempt to ridicule people, and yuck it up.

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Agreed-----100%! In my case-----from personal experience-----4 years visiting the "doctor" for uterine pain. Was sent for those 4 years to the ultra sound and found out by another source I had a fibroid. Dr. "Jerkoff" did not do his job. Next-----had an anal tear for 2 years-----screamed bloody for those 2 years. Visited emerge nearly every day. Went to another hospital that would have done some surgery, refused because of the horribly rotten bad taste in my mouth. A bunch of "Dr. Do Nothings" and "Dr. Do Littles" failed me. Found someone knowing iridology and Sho Tai and had the tear "HEALED" within "2 MONTHS" from 2 years of suffering. Next-----botched bladder surgery. Had that properly repaired a year and a half later. Next-----legs, could "BARELY" walk for 5 years. "Doctors" would not remove any of the fat lumps in my legs causing the pain. All this in a span of 24 years. Now-----Sasha-----what is your comment to this? Nisuna-----backing you up with this. Excellent comment on your part.

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I am so sorry you endured such an ordeal for so many years, Lorraine! There is a reason the third leading cause of death in the U.S. is iatrogenic causes... doctor and hospital error, which is too often due to carelessness and ineptitude.

And I believe another big reason is the arrogant resistance of the medical establishment to even consider holistic and traditional healing methods. Millions of people suffer needlessly for prolonged periods, if not for life, trapped in the vicious cycle of a medical industry that seems hellbent on making everyone a perpetual "patient" from cradle to grave, taking ever more drugs to address problems created by other drugs. It's less of a "healthcare industry", than a "sickness management industry". It's tragic, because it doesn't have to be that way. Thank God, there are a few maverick doctors who are truly dedicated to health and healing.

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Thanks, Ninsuna! With the uterine problem, I was getting sicker every month to the point of having demoral every month. It got to the point where hubby and I raised the roof off the medical building to get our point across and quite literally "DEMAND" surgery. Never saw that "doctor" again. Apologies for mispelling your name. This "doctor" knew I had the fibroid but refused to tell me. Just make me go through hell.

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Good for you, standing up for yourself! I pray your health remains much improved from now on. God bless.

No worries about the name... it's just my username on most websites. It's Sumerian for "Lady of the Wild Cows." (I love cows and have a little collection of unusual cow figurines.)

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Sep 12, 2023
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Bless you. It's very depressing to see what has happened to once-noble medical professions, even for me as a layperson. I'm 72, and it used to be we could look to nurses for wisdom doctors often seemed to lack. Now, there's pretty much no one to trust in establishment medicine anymore.

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Everyone knows that cancer is accelerated by an injured immune system. Troll.

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What is the cancer connection to COVID?

A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.


Geez, who would've thought that these brave doctors injected themselves with a poison, and they developed cancers a year later..

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The Vax is a Goyim genocide agenda pushed by JEW, Bill Gates and made by Big Pharma Jews.

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Russia, climate change. Move along, nothing to see here.

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It must hurt being this stupid. Unfortunately (for us) the pain has not yet killed you‼️

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Do you not recognize sarcasm or did you really think I was serious?

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Doctors need to unite and speak up against these jabs, especially the boosters that increase chances of injuries and death.

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Hospitals and can’t afford to fire them if enough would band together.

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We speak up against people like you, believe me 🤣

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Like me? WTH does that mean? Speak up against me, ha. You and your complicit cronies are why no one trusts medical professionals anymore. They’re either bought by big pharma, or not smart enough to research covid jab injuries and know/realize more are dying from this vax than covid and still parrot CDC’s talking points.

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Exactly as well.

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Are you against those of us who are truly educating ourselves? If so, why? I have had so many "doctors" fail me it wasn`t funny. You want me to ever trust the medical profession again? I do "NOT" think so. My own doctor told me that if I ever got the jab and came down with blood clots, seizures, heart problems etc., nothing could ever be done for me. I believed my doctor who knew my history of how I was jerked around for 24 years. Wake up yourself, do some research, get the truth. Mercola.com, Health Impact News, Global Research has excellent articles.

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"We" as in trolls and shills for pharma - out there fighting to fight to protect profits? Yeah, we know you are out there doing everything you can to protect this vile industry. But you are failing. And threatening people who know and speak the truth only accelerates the down fall of pharma.

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If they can't kill you with 2 jabs, try 3. If they can't kill you with 3 jabs, just keep going until everyone is dead. Amazing how many people continue voluntarily lining up for their extermination injections. Truly amazing.

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Truly amazing how someone like you, who probably has a grade 6 education , thinks she knows anything about science 🤣

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Great argument for how perfectly safe vaccines are.

No data.

No facts.

Just an unsubstantiated personal insult.

How informed and intelligent.

Go shill for pharma somewhere else. This is the wrong feed for the pitch.

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Well I've had 4 "extermination injections" and am not only alive, but haven't had my usual colds and flu for the past 2 years (might be connected to the fact that I wear a mask in public settings? Haven't had CO2 poisoning either BTW) In fact almost all my friends have had the "extermination injection" too (or are u going to pretend it kills slowly, except in the case of the 3 doctors?) But wait, they didn't receive the injection recently anyway BECAUSE DOCTORS ARE ON THE PRIORITY LIST AND GOT THEIR 4th JAB MONTHS AGO! Wake up!

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Maybe you need FIVE jabs before YOU expire;-) Not all of the lots are the same. Not all of them are equally dangerous. But keep going. Sooner or later.....

The fact you do not find it even lightly suspicious that 3 doctors at the same hospital died shortly after the 4th boosters were forced on all of the staff there, says it all.

Your logic is that; if it does not injure or kill most people who take it, this is evidence that it is perfectly 100% safe. This is irrational. When there is evidence that many who engage in this activity ARE harmed by it, the smarter move is to assume those who were not harmed by it, might just have a stronger system than those who were harmed, or maybe they just skated and have YET to be injected with one of the 5% most lethal lots - which have now been identified.

Two of my young nieces were not so lucky. Both of them got their 1st dose from lots that were identified as the 5% of the lots that were given to over 90% of those who were reported dead shortly after injection. One of my nieces ended up in the hospital immediately after the first jab, and now has serious heart damage. The other one has been largely bed-ridden ever since the 1st jab. Both of them, obviously, refused to take anymore jabs.

And you are part of the fringe who demands everyone be mandated to take an ENDLESS number of injections. If you had it your way, both of my nieces would have been forced to take more jabs, and would now be DEAD. And you would say these deaths (immediately after the boosters) could not possibly be cause by the jabs, because there are many people who are not injured by them.

It is an irrational argument, but you are free to keep making it. Again, evidence that something does not injure or kill everyone exposed to it, is not evidence that it is safe for everyone, or that every batch of it on the market, is perfectly safe.

People are free to follow your logic and blindly line up for an endless stream of boosters with no questions asked. Nobody is trying to pass a law that takes away your freedom to get as many jabs as YOU want to take. In fact, since it is working out so well for you, go get another dozen jabs. Sounds like a good plan for YOU.


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You ask why I'm not suspicious that "3 doctors at the same hospital died shortly after the 4th booster was forced on all the staff there." I guess you haven't read my earlier post where I explain that one of the dead doctors was my friend and I spent many days with him in the hospital as he was dying of cancer. Hospital staff being boosted around that time is irrelevant - he had already had the 4th shot long before. I also know that another of the dead doctors had battled cancer for a year. So they were not active staff, they were PATIENTS. There is ZERO connection between the staff being vaccinated and these 2 patients dying around that time. That's why I'm not suspicious. I am very sorry to hear about your nieces and understand why you feel as you do about the vaccines. I also understand why many people have jumped to the conclusion that there's a connection between the 3 dead doctors and the staff vaccinations, because only people who know that hospital are aware of the fact that 2 of the 3 were NOT staff being vaccinated. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that the 3rd was part of the staff vaccination either, since virtually all Ontario doctors got their 4th jab long ago.

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Okay. So there is no way these jabs have any dangers or side effects. So go get the next 14 jabs, and leave others who do not want to go along with the pharma program alone. None of us are trying to tell you that you cannot have literally every new drug injection they are selling.

Other people are witnessing something different that what you are reporting. We do not believe pharma loves us, or that they would not lie to us.

Good luck with the rest of the jabs. Do know that they will never stop.

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Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said there is no way there are dangers or side effects. I never said people should be forced to take the vaccine. I am only telling you that my friend definitely did not die because of the vaccine, as you seem to believe, and that much else in this America First Report is false. Dr. McKenzie was not "young and healthy" (he was 68 yrs old and had terminal cancer) plus I was told by a friend in a position to know that a 2nd doctor also died of cancer - neither had just been vaccinated as you believed. Or do you not want to hear anything from a witness to what actually happened at this hospital?

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MOST of the time, the jabs work like a delayed incendiary device, and it takes time for the damage to become serious enough to know you have a problem.

You feel a lack of evidence of ANY long-term safety means that they do not cause delayed onset injuries. Others do not agree with your ideas.

I am okay with you believing whatever makes you happy. If trusting pharma seems like a good plan to you, go with it. I am in no way attempting to talk you out of getting as many jabs as you wish. But there is ZERO chance you can talk me into trusting pharma.

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Have you heard about the survivor's bias logical fallacy?

Look it up..

In a nutshell, just because you survived these shots, that doesn't mean they're safe, nor effective.

There are massive reports of people getting injured by these shots.

I recently saw one study which claimed 30-40% of the young people who got these shots, developed heart damage, to certain degree. And over 80% have abnormal blood tests.

But hey, you keep injecting, maybe you hit the jackpot, a Bell's Palsy, neurological damage, a heart failure, cancer, or who knows, maybe the grand prize, sudden adult death syndrome.

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If any of these doctors were alive, wouldn't they simply come forward and proclaim that "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"?

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They are indeed dead. One was my friend. He died after an 8 month battle with cancer. I visited him in that hospital many times as he got weaker and weaker. Another of the dead doctors had been diagnosed with cancer a year earlier. I just learned that from a source very familiar with that hospital. This has no connection with the vaccination of other staff (NOT these doctors) while these doctors were PATIENTS at the hospital. You are wasting your time speculating about something you know nothing about.

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What is the cancer connection to COVID?

A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.


Geez, who would've thought that these brave doctors injected themselves with a poison, and they developed cancers a year later..

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They would wonder why losers go online and lie about the vaccine causing death when they had cancer. Move out of your basement , for real, you’re no truth warrior 😂😂

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What is the cancer connection to COVID?

A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.


Geez, who would've thought that these brave doctors injected themselves with a poison, and they developed cancers a year later..

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It's serial murder!

They prosecute nurses that inject old or otherwise infirm patients to end their lives.... the only differences here are the ages of the victims and the perpetrator.

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Do you know how to read? Maybe I shouldn’t bother typing a reply but Lorne had cancer. Get a life and get your vaccine

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Injuring the immune system is KNOWN to both cause cancer AND accelerate it.

I guess you had no idea that the ONLY thing that protects us from cancer is a functional immune system.

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Right on, Joy!!

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Yeah-----I know how to read. I have a life withOUT the vaxx. Thank you.

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Right ON! Our study (nationwide Control Group study) proved that it is a mathematical impossibility vaccines are NOT the cause of over 90% of the deadly and disabling conditions suffered by Americans today. SEE all HERE: https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/ Unvaccinated people are over 1,000% healthier then vaccinated.

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Dr Hannam’s death was in Toronto News. There was also an investigation of the hospital by some of the doctors for abusive treatment or something, saw it on Twitter and can’t exactly remember the exact verbiage...trying to find it.

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Doctors, really? And these are the people to diagnose incoming patients!

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I have an idea, go to one of your pals in the comment section the next time you feel a lump or a bump…good luck with that Einstein 😂😂😂

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You are obviously a pharma shill. It was not just me you were trolling. Disgusting.

I have to assume that you are fully in support of the CDC directive that orders hospitals to falsely classify people as "unvaccinated" if they have yet to get a 2nd jab, or if they only recently (within the past 14 days) got their 2nd jab. And you are ignorant enough to believe this is NOT intended to HIDE the vaccine injuries. Or maybe you just didn't know that this is HOW they "scientifically" gather their vaccine "safety" data.

Either way, your ignorance is OBVIOUS to just about everyone on this feed. Wrong feed to be on for the BS you are trying to sell. Most of the people on this feed already KNOW the truth.

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Andrew, I'm really sorry to break the news to you, but doctors who "diagnose incoming patients" are mortal, flesh and blood human beings. They get diseases like cancer (two of the 3 Trillium doctors who died)

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Only morons do not know that injuring immune function can both cause cancer, and accelerate an existing cancer. Go on trusting Pharma. They love you and would never lie to you.

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What is the cancer connection to COVID?

A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.


Geez, who would've thought that these brave doctors injected themselves with a poison, and they developed cancers a year later..

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The Vax turns off cancer fighting genes. This is Fauci funded gain of function thru ecohealth alliance to usher in the Globalist agenda. The U.N., WEF, NIH, FDA, CDC, GATES FOUNDATION, ET AL ARE THE VIRUS. ERADICATE THE VIRUS.

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As will all the Military, and athletes, musicians. We may have to add older people who were given VEKLURY® (Remdesivir), an FDA approved antiviral treatment for COVID-19.

Strange those triple vaxxed are the super spreaders. 4 times vaxxed Fauci on Placoid twice and FJB GOT COVID. Lot in Hollyweird, and congress.

NO VAX, NO COVID, and I at 74 next month fit the hard age hit, that VEKLURY® (Remdesivir), would kill.

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This is very sad indeed. Condolences to the families of these doctors. Hopefully others will take the hint and not get vaxxed.

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Hope you get the hint that most people think you’re a moron.

Do something with your life, please, you're sad and pathetic

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Really-----then explain to me how many people are winding with thrombosis, heart attacks rising like crazy. It is "doctors" like you that turn me off and research the truth. Where is the truth behind the vaxxes? And besides, I "AM" doing something with my life and that is educating myself. Who is sad and pathetic now and it ain`t me. I have no further use for the medical profession after being jerked around by Dr. Jerkoff, Dr. Do Little and Dr. Do Nothing for 24 years.

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"Sasha Fierce" has no facts, no data. All she does is troll through the comments and hurl personal insults at everyone who doesn't support the pharma lie that vaccines are all perfectly safe. In so doing, she (it?) is fully exposed as either a paid pharma troll, a bot, or else the dumbest person alive.

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Yeah-----like really. Any comments, Sasha? Like to hear them. You have read my story, Sasha. Joy-----love your comments-----all you have put out.

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It acts like a bot. Humans are usually not quite THAT obtuse, no matter who they work for.

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No. Most people on this feed instantly see you for the pharm shill LIAR that you are. Disgusting.

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As far as i am concerned they should kill all the doctors who have not stood up against this poisoning. DOCTORS = COWARDS

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Then don’t go to the hospital! Next time something is wrong ask someone in the comment section to help you. Good luck, it was nice knowing you ☠️

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More people die from hospitals and pharma drugs each year then ANY natural causes.

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I know, my husband worked in a hospital for 43 years and personally saw how "doctors worked".

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Live by the needles, (injecting OTHERS) then die by it!

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Well, Nic, since only about 1 in 1,000 doctors have " stood up against the vaccines", if we take your advice and kill all the others, you have lost the right to complain about emergency room wait times. Please advise how you have found your own family doctor, since clearly 999 in 1000 can't be trusted. By the way, pharmacists give covid boosters too and almost none of them have objected. How can you trust them to give you any medicine of any kind? They are clearly in league with Big Pharma and Bill Gates.

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Too bad there are about 1,000,000 doctors in the U.S. who are NOTT speaking out because they are too afraid of losing money.

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Former athlete dead in vehicle crash. No other cars involved. He had just graduated with his medical degree. Did he have a heart attack? Should people who got the covid shot not be allowed to drive for the next year? At this point they are putting all our lives at risk when they get behind the wheel.


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I wonder how far this news has traveled outside of Trillium Health Partners memos, Substack, and alt news outlets....Have any of the network news or media mentioned it? I'll bet not.

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They checked facts…did you? I’ll bet not 👋. Please, in the memory of an amazing man, Dr Segall, do something worthwhile in your life.

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We are, Sasha!! Now that 2 more doctors have died-----where is your reasoning now? I have my facts. mercola.com, health impact news, health ranger, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. John Bergman. Where indeed are your facts now. I will never see another Dr. Jerkoff, Dr. Do Little or Dr. Do Nothing again after 24 years of being jerked around by "doctors" who would not do their job. Imagine this-----going to the doctor for 4 years for a fibroid in my uterus that I had to have ultra sounds done in that time frame and not get diagnosed until I found out from another source and demanded surgery, an anal tear for 2 years that no "doctor" would touch until I went somewhere else. By then I had a horribly bad taste and went to Sho Tai and iridology and had the tear healed in 2 months. Nearly commited suicide over it. A botched bladder surgery, I could go on. What is your reply to this-----"doctor".

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Sasha Fierce is a TROLL, nothing more. Instead of facts or data, it (AI bot?) simply insults anyone and everyone who deviates from the narrative required to be maintained for the extermination agenda. Which would make sense.

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