As I keep saying, it doesn't matter if an R or a D wins, they're all on the same globalist team. Nothing changes. Worse, no single candidate will be allowed to run, certainly not allowed to win, unless he/she agrees to serve TPTB, who "select" all our politicians. We are wasting our time worrying about D - v - R; they're all the same, and they're all corrupt to the core.

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So true! A politician is akin to a rapist it's all about power and control - you've a better chance of changing the weather by farting then changing government by voting - the government you have today is the direct result of choosing the lesser of two evils for generations!!

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Burst my bubble. Just yesterday I was farting into the wind, hoping to make cooler weather. :)

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That's right

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As long as people continue to use dialogue like this - you will also continue to be your own worst enemy and thoroughly deserving of the ridicule and contempt!! "They will cheat The 2020 election was stolen." I can think of fewer words more juvenile than saying the other side cheated! Rather you should use the terminology that exemplifies what actually transpired:

This was without doubt the most corrupt election in the history of this Country! It's akin to calling the Covid shots vaccines when in actually they are injections (and lethal).

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The saying is that "Republicans can grab defeat from the jaws of victory". There is, unfortunately, much truth to this saying. Nearly every week, weak spined RINOs vote with the demorats. Just today 17 of these spineless traitors voted with the socialists for a massive welfare appropriations bill for the country's chip makers.

It is absolutely correct that these pieces of manure must be voted out of office. But, the question is how can the damage they do be suppressed running up to the election? Also, social media, the MSM and the majority of the polling firms are in lockstep with the socialist/commie left which is willing and able to affect the integrity of elections. To add insult to injury, a large percentage of the population is under the influence of Mass Formation (Psychosis). How can we expect these brainwashed fools to vote for candidates in their own and the country's best interests, when they cannot accept the con job of the bioweapon "vaccines" even though the truth is out there for them to see.

We must, as patriots, inform and educate others about the issues and the candidates wherever, whenever and however we can. In other words, we must campaign as though each and every one of us were candidates. The results of 2022 elections lies directly with us.

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If you actually believe that there’s been an honest election in the last 15 years, congratulations‼️ Your ability for living in fantasyland is epic🤣

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This is very important. To a great extent, it was my generation's complacency that facilitated the deterioration of our societal values and political institutions. The enemy never sleeps and takes nothing for granted. We must do likewise, if we are to have any hope of saving our republic.

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Jul 29, 2022
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I have no doubt all you say is true. I still feel, though, that there has been a dramatic increase in the Marxists influence, facilitated by my generation's apathy.

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Hey JD, check out this old 30 second Pfauci video:

Dr. Anthony Fauci "12 Years after vaccine all hell breaks loose" (1999)

In a 1999 episode of NOVA "Surviving AIDS", Anthony Fauci warned that the potential harms of a new vaccine may only become apparent after more than a decade.


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I'm old enough to have voted for Ronald Reagan for Governor (I lived in that godforsaken state at that time) so I've seen a lot of back and forth in national governing parties from then until now. I have observed that economics improve, racism declines, our military is stronger and people seem to have greater patriotism under the leadership of Republicans. Under Democrat leadership the opposite occurs. Most recently, just a quick look at gas prices under Trump versus under Biden should resonate with people. What I have never understood is why ordinary American people would vote against their own well-being? Yet, that's exactly what appears to happen with clockwork regularity. There seems to be a mental reset that allows "This time it will be better" thinking to take place. We all know that socialism produced the Nazi party and the murders of millions, Stalin's murderous Russia, Pol Pot's killing fields, Mao's extermination of millions and re-education camps for millions more, and the list goes on. But for some on the left the attitude seems to be, "They did it wrong but we'll get it right this time." It's like trying to pick up dog poo from the clean end. It can't be done. So, once again, I find I am glad I'm old.

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Spot on. We cannot take anything for granted. Dems cheat, lie, steal, manipulate, and then cheat some more.

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Adam Schiff Convicted of Treason Michael Baxter - July 4, 20213392 On Thursday, July 1, a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay convicted Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff on charges of treason and... Military Arrests Adam Schiff - search results

Adam Schiff Convicted of Treason Michael Baxter - July 4, 20213392 On Thursday, July 1, a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay convicted Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff on charges of treason and... Military Arrests Adam Schiff


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Agreed. But don't "peak" too early.

Wait until after Labor day to pull out the Big Guns.

Right now only the politically astute are paying attention. Make them the Paul Revere's.

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Spot on.

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Adam Schiff Convicted of Treason

Michael Baxter - July 4, 20213392

On Thursday, July 1, a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay convicted Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff on charges of treason and...

Military Arrests Adam Schiff

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WTF. So where’s the proof❓ The Left throw any kind of shit at us and we’re supposed to investigate everything, but then you come and put this on with absolutely no proof and we’re supposed to believe you‼️ Provide proof or fuck off‼️

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