Thanks for not putting Kamala's face in your article. I've taken to avoid reading those that do. She's the worst thing that's happened to this country. I don't need to see her fake face.

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I totally agree- she’s evil and I don’t want to look at her nor hear her voice.

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kamala is the old men’s bitch. once a whore, always a whore.

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We're living in a clown world right now, but you already knew that. They say evil is good. Light is dark. Up is down. In is out. The only thing consistent is that left is invariably wrong and get away with their evil agenda with the help of the do nothing, useless, Dead on Arrival Republicans who did nothing when Comrade Obama in 8 years, and his Dementia puppet, high crimes Manchurian Joe destroyed America after stealing the election.

The cities are overrun after four years of talk and do nothing Republicans on the border. It's over.

This is what the in progress judgment of God on the empire lthat expelled God and went Sodom and Gommorah on steroids looks like. It's about to get much worse.

The Eagle and the Bear


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Thanks for the link - and the reminder

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says the fool on the other side of the coin....zionism and communism are both cults of the synagogue of satan leading to satan's nwo. Jesus Christ is the answer, not worship of the murder cult that killed Him.

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I looks like God is not going to spare you and is going to drop you in hell, ignorant, blind fool.

“If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.

Roman’s 11

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How do you know what God/Creator is going to do? A human being can never know the Mind of God.

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He reveals it in His Word. That's how we learned about the Creation up to Revelation.

No doubt you watch too much TV , cartoons and been brainwashed by Satan's imps & haven't a clue what's in the Bible

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Surely you jest! I threw my television away over 20 years ago. The Bible isn’t the only written account of the power of God/Love. I love the words of my Bible, but I’m also not close minded to all Truth.

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You left your mind open to garbage because you failed to heed Proverbs 3.

Repent and shut the door to the lies that deceived you, do it today.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight.[a]

7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;

fear the Lord and shun evil.

8 This will bring health to your body

and nourishment to your bones.”

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why couldn't you be marcel marceau and be a quiet clown ? your mind virus only works on weak christians and those who don't have Jesus truly in their heart and mind

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Yeah, the devil always wa to to quiet the truth. He works in darkness with crafty lies and liars like you Allah boy.

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you are saul before he saw Jesus and became Paul.

your gaslighting only works on weak christians....go to hell along with it...a stone has a better chance at being in heaven than you do at this point

Matthew 3:9

But when John saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his place of baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 8Produce fruit, then, in keeping with repentance. 9And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 10The axe lies ready at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

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I became a Christian before you were born “wolf in sheepskin” You’ve been outed allah boy.

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you have already been outed as a talmudist pharisee of satan...so you will be going to the same place pedo moe went to with his koran weak forgery of the talmud which you worship. it is sad that weak ignorant christians fall for obvious liars like you...but my savior Jesus taught the way to destruction is wide and of course, He was right. You will face Him soon enough

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Wolf woof said the WOLF !

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Of course! Who implemented the “Red Terror”? WHO are the Bolsheviks? It’s “funny” how people seem to forget that violent, extremely disturbing time in history. You think the Holocaust was horrible (and evil, is evil)?! Read your history!

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yup...synagogue of satan does a decent job of hiding their history, but seek truth like Jesus commanded and the truth will set you free

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Jesus IS the answer. But you don't understand Zionism.

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Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through Him. christians who worship the synagogue of satan which crucified Him have been seriously misled. I believe i know WAY more about zionism than you, but please inform me how i should worship them instead of Jesus.

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Woof woof This demonic has trouble deceiving those who know the Word of God. I wouldn't be surprised if he works for Israel's enemies like Hamas and Hezbollah. They hate Zion as much as the does.

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i hear you barking mad dog !

btw, i gave you too much credit...you are not a tool of synagogue of satan, you are just one of their useful idiots who has gone mad taking their lies for truth... Jesus is your only hope

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Top Six with Taylor Swift joining in. She's a globalist and highly involved in transhumanism.

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Snakes wrapped around her???? She’s evil

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We are living in a world where Christian influence over politics is waning....in other words "clown world"...but while satan is a clown he is more like a clown cutting the heads off of babies type clown. The only humor is where they or their cult pretend they are serious....like the wife of the president presiding over cabinet meetings and signing on official potus documents or voodoo citizens eating cats and dogs striking a nerve since murder, rape, and crime no longer even get a response.

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I actually believe Putin WAS joking because not only did he say he would, OF COURSE, follow LGB-FJB’s recommendation to support Harris, but he also mentioned (w/ a smirk) something about her delightful laugh. In any event, it will be hard for DemoncRATs to screech Russia!-Russia!-Russia! w/ this “endorsement” even if it was a joke. And I think even dictators prefer to respect someone. They’re not jonesing for a nuclear WWIII & the lunatics running the US are egging that on

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Illegal alien kills guy on motorcycle in Pittsburgh...he flees...does not have drivers license.


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WAKE UP People!!

I’m so frustrated…..

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700 ??? I wonder if they’re on the list of 250k indictments yet to be opened . . .

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They should be in prison

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I hope you’ll take my “stealing” as a compliment.

I’ve copied segments of yours & posted on social media hoping to better inform some who aren’t paying attention.

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Sounds like the deep state is all in for Kamala!

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The blob has derailed us for decades and it’s crumbling they’re desperate to keep destroying us completely

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It is no surprise the big banks endorse Comrade Kamala. Per the Financial Times, her team just gave them $1 trillion, yes TRILLION. "Fed’s high-rates era handed $1tn windfall to US banks"


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