Excellent analysis JD Rucker! I believe like you. Cunning, evil people manipulating the the foolish.

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JD Rucker is correct, but Trump is also correct, in an indirect way. The truly diabolical people that JD Rucker identifies use stupid people to accomplish their purposes, so it is the stupid people, like Caitlan Collins, who are making it possible for the powers that be to destroy America. Trump's comments were directed directly at Collins and the rest of the useful idiots like her who pride themselves on being politically correct. I think Trump is doing exactly what is required to stir up the useful idiots and either turn them against their handlers or expose them for what they are, idiots. Either way, their usefulness to the powers that be gets diminished. Just calling out the cunning evil behind the scenes might not be as effective as what Trump is doing, because many people would just reject that, and the useful idiots would be able to sit back and gloat about how silly Trump is, seeing the devil in every shadow.

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I agree with you Mr. Rucker on most of what you say - however, I do not think our enemies are brilliant. Here's why:

1) I was a mental health therapist for many years and dealt with some psychopaths, also have some in my family as close members. Psychopaths tend to think they are the smartest people there are - the aren't, they only think that due to their immense ego. Psychopaths are actually much dumber than the general population. This is due in part to their utter focus on acquiring power and money and tending to their own desires, not on actually learning anything from anyone around them. Again, it's due to their own immense ego. As one example, I used to live near a high security prison and often prisoners would escape (so much for high security) They always got caught because they would go to the nearest fast food place before doing anything else. Their own appetite got the best of them so they never thought to get far away from the prison before doing anything else. People who deal with psychopaths on a regular basis understand that they are dumber than the average individual usually. Talk to prison guards they can tell you what I just told you. They ARE however, cunning and manipulative.

2) I've noticed that the deep state NEVER has anything new, they just continue operating from the same playbook again and again even when it doesn't work. We are witnessing that right now. They keep using the same excuses, same ploys but they aren't working any more. Because they don't have anything new and aren't creative, their moves not only do not work any more, they are now backfiring. Trump is taking advantage of that. Pay close attention and you will probably understand what I'm saying.

3) So far we've been talking about the major players here but what about the deep state minions? Those people really ARE stupid and I mean with a capital S. They are stooges and will fall for anything such as deep state telling them they will give them millions of $ if they play their game. The stooges fall for it, time and time again. Does anyone really think the deep state always keeps its promises? Of course not, crooks are notoriously, guess what, CROOKED!

4) Trump says they are stupid and doesn't say they are evil. That's because he can't tell us everything he knows, he has to hold back so as to play stupid so the deep state will underestimate him and trip up in their own game. This is exactly what is happening, they think Trump is stupid and that they can outsmart him. That will never happen, Trump is brilliant. I've watched him for 45 yrs, he is always the smartest guy in the room - which is probably why he's still alive for one thing. Also, he holds back because he wants us to start thinking for ourselves again. He wants us to do our own research, convince ourselves that the deep state is not only stupid but beyond evil. Truly, there is no end to their evil. If they're allowed to continue we will never see the limits of their evil, they will just keep coming up with more and more evil plans. We thought the pedophilia was bad, wait until you read this:


You may want to subscribe to this author's articles btw, I've followed him for quite awhile and he is highly intelligent, has done TONS of research, communicates with all kinds of people around the world who tell him their own experiences with deep state and his writing is inspiring. He speaks at least several languages and most of all, he has alot of integrity and his writing radiates his beautiful spirit. He has lots of info we can learn about from him.

5) Cunning and manipulative do not equal brilliant and/or highly intelligent.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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Trump knows that Stupid people are just the useful idiots for the Evil Cabal, hell bent on destroying America. Why he didn’t label the enemy accurately and publicly, is a great question.

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The people destroying our country are not stupid, they are wicked... democrat voters are the stupid ones...

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It would be comforting if our enemies were stupid, but stupid and incompetent people occasionally and most of the time, accidentally get things right. It takes a frightening brand of intelligence to consistently get things so wrong as to be disastrous and still convince the majority of the American people you're doing it, because you're dumber than a dirt clod. It's disconcerting to watch to say the least.

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Yes, it's true that the Biden admin as a whole is very stupid, but they are being puppeted by cunningly evil people for their own ends.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

God tells us we will be governed by children. (This nation isn't being destroyed by stupid people. It's being destroyed by extremely cunning, manipulative, and possibly even demonic individuals.) =Stupid

A great lack of intelligence and common sense. If they do not love America, mankind, our resources. Clearly with utmost certainty they do not love God. That is Evil and Stupid.

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I seldomly read a sentence I evaluate as superb. You're written one today. "Joe Biden is in charge of nothing and somehow Kamala Harris is in charge of even less."

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Most of the leadership in Washington are useful idiots to people like Bill "Reduce the global population by 90%" Gates, George "Replace all judges and prosecutors with far-left, Constitution-ignoring sycophants" Soros and Karl "He really did call it The Great Reset" Schwab that actually call the shots.

Those 3 are not dumb by any means. Trump is pointing at the wrong people in charge.

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Trump is speaking as a simpleton, to simple minded audience. That is misleading, because he should know about the conspiracy against this country.

Soros runs the socialist activist groups, the district attorneys, charity foundations.

Henry Kissinger and friends (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg), they run the state offices, foreign services, diplomats, national security policy...for their masters big bank cartels.

Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet etc...run big investments that control all industries including big pharma, big defense, big media, big tech, big ag, big insurance, big medical...which serve their masters, the big bank cartels.

UN, EU, WHO, NATO, IMF, World Bank, Fed Reserve, BIS...are creations of the Rothschild dynasty. They are not stupid, the tax payers are the stupid ones that pay for their own destruction while these rulers of evil laugh as they get richer.

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I have to disagree. Stewpid people ARE destroying this country because to me, if you are stewpid enough to put stewpid people in office (I agree at this point) then you must be as stewpid as them!

I see no cleverness here but just plain stewpidity because of hatred that is making them insane.

Perhaps they are not stewpid but insane? But that's another story.

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"This nation isn't being destroyed by stupid people. It's being destroyed by extremely cunning, manipulative, and possibly even demonic individuals."

Spot on. Idiots controlled from "behind the curtain" by clever, powerful, evil people with demonic objectives. They have been working their "Great Reset" for half a century, and now have China ("unrestricted war"), the Biden Presidency, Fake News, and most of Congress on board.


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Hopefully Trump is going with this pronouncement as a headfake tact to needle the enemies of God and man.Surely he and those close to him have your understanding.

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Excellent point. "Stupid" they are not. Evil, yes.

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Spot on analysis. Evil people are intentionally destroying society, economies, national sovereignty and all in the name of their idolization of their green (commie red, watermelon) religion.

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